Chapter 8 ~ The Staircase!

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(Emma's Point Of View)

We got to the mansion and found out that Thaddeus was friends with Dylan's father Lionel Shrike and that he was on our side.

As Dylan and Thaddeus were talking, the rest of the horsemen were looking through a bunch of photos.

"Ooh, looky here." Jack showed me a picture of me in high school with a cheerleader outfit on. I groaned and continued looking through the photos.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I smirked, showing Jack a picture of him in high school. The picture was him with glasses and he was reading a textbook. Jack playfully glared at me.

"Aww don't be mad. Honestly, i think you looked adorable with glasses." I grinned at him and he took me by surprise by kissing me.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you more." I smile back.

"That's not possible." He replied.

"Well, you make me do impossible things." I smirked making him chuckle.

Soon, Dylan finished talking to Thaddeus.

"We have so many questions." Danny informed.

"Well, good luck." Thaddeus replied walking away.

"Oh and by the way, don't mind the curtain over there." He finished as he left.

Right when he left, i sprinted over to the curtain and ripped it off. Behind it stood a metal door. Jack came over to help me open it.

When we did, all of the horsemen walked through. When we got through, we saw a spiraled staircase. We looked down and were amazed. We all walked down the staircase.

I wouldn't think of this as an ending, but a new beginning. A new beginning with my lovely fiancé and my sweet daughter. This definitely wouldn't be so bad after all!

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