Chapter 7- The Truth

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Once she found Party Poison, they swiftly escaped the skull. They didn't want to be seen so that Party Poison's reputation isn't ruined. They ran to Griffin's house. It was dark by the time they got there, so they rang the doorbell.

"GERAR-" Shouted Griffin's mother but he quickly covered her mouth before she could continue her sentence, which was very smart as her mother does tend to be a bit loud. After he shushed her, he pulled her into a hug.

"I thought you were meant to be hiding? Why was Griffin with you?", Griffin's mother asked while she talked with Party Poison while drinking some coffee. You could tell he loved coffee. Griffin eavesdropped from the stairs, obviously. Party Poison did glance at her a good few times, but didn't say a word.

"Well, I did find your pretty little thing nearly getting shot by one of those mother- ", he stopped himself when he saw the girl on the stairs. Griffin's mother then popped out of nowhere and closed the door.

Griffin couldn't believe it. She had pinched herself about fifty times already, just to assure herself that she wasn't dreaming. Party Poison was in her kitchen drinking coffee with her mum. If she told anyone, they would think she was gone as mad as a mad hatter. The only mistake she made, was telling Lemon.

Gee: Hey Lem, Party Poison is just casually drinking coffee in my kitchen x

5 minutes later, there still was no reply. She had seen it alright, Griffin knew she did. That was slightly strange because usually Lemon replies before you even get to send the text.

*Ding Ding* the doorbell rings.

Griffin could hear her mother scream. She quickly ran down the stairs and saw her mother being held at gunpoint.

"LEAVE MY MOTHER ALONE", Griffin screamed and they did, except they pointed the gun at her this time. Griffin assumed that Party Poison was hiding in the kitchen. She felt confused, why wasn't he helping her mother? Then out of the blue, the draculoid fell down to the ground. There was a hole the size of a bullet on his forehead. It was Fun Ghoul. The other 3 draculoids all got their guns out. Suddenly, Griffin felt strong arms wrap around her and carry her outside. She screamed and kicked, before noticing it was actually Kobra Kid! She just stared in amazement. All she needed to see now was Jet Star and she would officially be dead. Is that what Party Poison was doing in the kitchen? Ringing the gang to come help? But there was one thing that didn't match up. How did Bl/Ind know Party Poison was here?

Then it hit her. She sent that text to Lemon. Someone probably has her phone and called Bl/Ind.

Luckily, the Killjoys were wining the fight. As the last Draculoid fell to the ground, the Killjoys and Griffin's mother all got together.

"We can't stay here any longer. We have to get moving, Go!", Party Poison demanded. We had to leave everything behind. Griffin felt really guilty. It was a her fault that they had to flee. She ended up being carried by Fun Ghoul, until they got to an old shop.

"This is where Dr.Death and Cherri were last seen...", Griffin's mother announced with a miserable tone. You could tell it was very hard for her. Her mother would often tell Griffin about Cherri Cola and Dr. Death. She never mentioned that the Killjoys were still alive though! Griffin wondered what else she left out or lied about. No wonder that she didn't want them to look for Party Poison. Funnily enough, Party Poison found her before she could find him.

The group stayed there for a good few days. They were pretty much on the run and go. The land was pretty self sufficient. The shop had a secret annex behind the till. That's where they his if they saw anyone coming. Griffin was amazed. She would've never found that. It was in the middle of nowehere but the fridges were stocked up. There was a camera room, where they had a peak at most corners of Battery City, there was a bedroom with 6 beds and a sitting room, with a plasma tv, probably for this exact occasion. There was nothing to do there.

Nothing, except for waiting.

Griffin hated waiting. But she was the one who dug the hole for herself. As the Killjoys were having another 'meeting', Griffin decided to interfere.

"I know who works with Bl/Ind.", She announced loudly and clearly.

"Griffin, no time for jokes, we're wo-"

"I mean it, I may have lead them to us because I didn't know."

The looked quite surprised. Their mouths slightly open.

"Griffin! Why wo-!" Her mother sttted, but someone cut her off.

Party Poison stood up and walked up to her. He then very gently lifted her chin up and looked her straight in the eyes.

"How did you 'tell' them?, he whispered very softly. Griffin started to feel quite uncomfortable. But she didn't answer. She didn't want to get punished.

"I won't be mad, please just tell me, I won't even tell the others, it's gonna be our little secret", He whispered in her ear. His voice was calming, but the words he was saying weren't what she would associate with calming.

Party Poison pulled out his big pale hand and offered to take Griffin to the other room. Then he knelt, and asked her the question again, once they were alone. She still refused to say.

"Maybe I you give me your secret, you might hear a bit of mine?", he said, it was a very leading voice, soft but demanding. He was desperate for the answers and wasn't going to stop unless he had them.

"It's my friend, Lemon. Well, her mother, kinda. I texted her that....", she blushed. She didn't want to tell some stranger her private conversations, even if they were one-sided.

"I told her you were having coffee in my kitchen and that I couldn't believe it", she shortened it and let out a giant sigh.

Party Poison stood up. He looked like he was very deep in thought, as he wandered around the room. They were in the camera room, so Griffin wasn't exactly bored. After about 5 minutes, he stopped and looked at Griffin.

"Do you still have your phone with you?", he demanded an answer, and she gave it to him. She just nodded.

"That means they could be here any m!-", Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Everyone was hiding under tables and chairs as Griffin was about to ask what was going on, he covered Griffin's mouth. His hands were big enough to cover half of her face but chose not to. Party Poison took Griffin's phone out of her pocket, threw it on the ground and smashed it with his foot.

They were being followed, and that wasn't exactly good.

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