The Mirror Yoosung x Reader (part 2)

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You and Yoosung had been talking for months now, and you realized how much you really needed a friend who you can talk to about anything. He listened to everything you had to say, little or big, secret or not, you told everything. Yoosung did the same, he talked about his life on the other side of the mirror, you found his life a lot more interesting than yours and he thought the same about your life. One day however, things got a little more complicated between the two of you. All of a sudden, when you approached Yoosung, you got a little nervous and self conscious when that never had happened before, you even began looking at yourself in your other mirror before seeing him to make sure you looked decent, which has also never happened before. When the two of you talked, you would fidget a lot and blush every time he smiled and you couldn't help but notice how handsome Yoosung really is, which you had never noticed before. As you were laying in bed, you thought about what could be wrong and came to a reasonable conclusion, you had fallen for Yoosung Kim, the boy on the other side of the mirror. 

Falling for Yoosung was a horrible punishment for you, not only was it impossible for the two of you to even touch, but you realized you were slowly losing your friends by neglecting them. Every second of the day you would be thinking about Yoosung and looking forward to meeting him was the highlight of your ordinary days, which was becoming an unhealthy desire. You began ignoring your friends and they noticed how you started acting strange but when they would try to help you, you would push them away. Slowly you began spending your break times alone but you didn't mind at all. One of your friends decided it was time to figure out what exactly was going on, so she cornered you, making sure no one escapes. "What are you doing?" you asked her with a puzzled face. "Why are you being this way? Why are you pushing us, no, me away from you? Is something going on at home? Tell me!" She demanded. "Why do you care all of a sudden? Never did you even have fun with me let alone notice my real feelings, is this a joke? Leave me alone!" You tried to push past her, but she wouldn't budge. "I noticed (y/n), I knew something was always wrong, but this is just weird. Please, tell me what's going on outside of school... Just tell me whatever is going on and I'm going to help you." You started feeling complicated and sentimental debating whether to trust this person or not, is she going to think you're insane? Talking to a mirror? Instead you stood quiet, refusing to talk. "(y/n)... Come on, you can trust me. i'm just trying to help you." Silence. "(y/n)-" "If you were really trying to help me, I  would have told you by now. So leave." You decided on pushing her away too. She had a broken look on her face and her arms loosened. You took this as the opportunity to leave, breaking through her barriers and running straight for the bathroom. 

That day you came back from school and your eyes were puffy and red from crying your heart out in the bathroom stalls. The confrontation from your friend had brought you back to your senses and you finally realised how crazy you must have seemed to everyone. The guilt from treating your innocent friend in such a cruel way had gotten to you so badly your chest hurt. "Yoosung...What on earth are you doing to me?" You said to no one in particular. You were so dazed you didn't see your mother come running to you with the most worried face you've seen in years. Now you're worrying everyone around you, 'I'm so pathetic'. Your mum couldn't get a single word out of you, you just wanted to go to your room and talk to Yoosung. "Mum, I need time alone." She let you off but that wasn't going to be the end of it for sure. "Yoosung..." You placed your hands gently on the mirror's cold surface. The thought oh him not being able to embrace you made that feeling of sadness grow more painful by the second. He didn't show up, but a note did. "Hi (y/n), I'm sorry I couldn't say this to you in person but... Things are getting too complicated between us, I think... You should break the mirror. I would have done it but i'm too much of a coward to do such a thing. Please, I think it's best for us to be apart because... I love you too much to even look at you right now. X Yoosung." 

"I love you too, Yoosung." And the mirror shattered to pieces as the sharp shards flew into different directions ending up injuring you, but nothing really mattered anymore, after all you couldn't get the one thing you wanted in life, right?

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