On my Own//Jaehee x Reader

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Jaehee's p.o.v

We had a great time together, but did it not mean as much to you as it did with her? I loved you, I still love you, you used to love me, but I see I was just another person to you. She gives you more love than I ever did, it pains me, but what can I do?

I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her and I'm right over here, why can't you see me?

I still don't wish I had never met you, because now I have beautiful memories to hang onto, even if it's going to pain me more. Even if I know you've moved on, and I mean nothing to you, I will not let go of you. 

And I'm giving it my all, but I'm not the girl you're taking home

My life has resumed to what it used to be, before I met you. Before I started meeting you regularly at the small cafe down the street, before we realised our feelings for each other. Now I consume so much coffee I think I'm overdosing on caffeine, I work all day all night without a decent break. For how much longer will I be this way?

I keep dancing on my own

Even Zen's musicals won't ease the pain growing in my chest, he himself came to visit me, but I was numb to his presence. I tried to imagine you were standing in his place, and it got so bad I broke down on the spot. Zen held me as I cried and poured my heart out, his warmth reminded me of your cuddles, but it just wasn't the same. 

And I'm so messed up, I'm outta my line

Why won't you leave my mind? It's torturing me, I can't focus on work anymore, all I think of is your pretty face and your bright eyes that lit up at the sight of me. How can you move on so easily and I can't? Is it because I really meant nothing to you? Was I just a pawn in your eyes after all? All these questions, and they can't be answered. 

Does she love you better than I can?

It was time to move on, after countless hours of staring at the ceiling with my thoughts consumed by you, I realised this isn't right. You would want me to move on wouldn't you? I would do whatever it takes to make you happy. Remember the time you said we should open up  a cafe together? Even if you're not there with me, I can still do it.

So far away, but still so near

Mr Han went berserk, he let me go, but now he needs to look for another assistant, I almost feel sorry for him. I began my business and for the first time since you left me, I was happy. Everything was fine and I was finally moving on, until you showed up in the flesh, looking as beautiful as always right in front of me. It was shocking, I thought I was dreaming, but when your melodious voice reached my ears, I knew I was wrong. You smiled, but something was off, where's the usual gleam in your eye?

Stilettos on broken bottles

"I see you did what I suggested Jaehee... That's great. You look happy." You talked with a smile, but your voice was sad, why? Aren't you happy? You broke down, and tears fell down your fair face, making me rush to your aid. "I'm pathetic. I thought I moved on, but it turns out I miss you Jaehee, I really miss you... I need you... I understand if you don't want to." It was painful seeing you in such despair, I missed you just as much and I still needed you in my life, despite anything else. 

I just came, to say goodbye

Goodbye to my misery, hello to my future, you're back in my arms.

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