Untitled Part 12

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Sans POV

She thanked me? It's sad that she feels the need to do that, I mean this should be things that everyone does. People should be nice to everyone.

"Your welcome," I said trying not to shake my head in disgust of some people.

She smiled sweetly and continued to eat. After we were done she tried to use her magic to move the dishes but I took over.

"Nice try sweetheart, your not nearly trained enough for me to trust you to move breakable things," I say as I set the dishes in the sink.

"Aww," she says giving me the puppy dog face.

"Mabey by the end of the week you can," I said.

She perks up a bit and then runs into the living room. I follow her and she's on a laptop.

"I've been looking at the undertale community recently and I've found something interesting," she says.

I sit next to her on the couch and look over her shoulder. She's on something called a multi-verse inbox.

"You remember the stuff about different timelines right?" she says. "What there are different universes? Similar to ours but not the same."

"So there would be different versions of.....us?"I asked.

"Yea, and since I'm so powerful, mabey I can make a portal of some type to get to these other universes," she said.

"If your theory is correct, then yea," I say.

"Hmm let's call them AUs for now," she says and stands up, putting the computer where she had been sitting.

"Whoa, kiddo your not gonna try to create a portal now are you?" I ask.

"Why not?"She asks.

"Well let's at least do it outside," I say.

"Right," she says and we go outside, behind the house.

"I think we should go back underground," she says.

"Huh?" I say. "Why?"

"Think about it,"She says. "Wouldn't it make more since to open the portal there? Besides in au's they might not make it to the surface."

"Yea that does make since," I say and I teleport us to Snowdin.

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