Chapter 2

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"Hey, Zoe, can you fetch us some more sticks for the fire?" Gloin asks and I nod in response. I walk around the camp looking for some twigs and branches they could use. After I found some I took them back to Oin and Gloin.

"This is all you found? This won't last us five minutes! Go find some logs!", Oin commanded. I didn't know these dwarves would have such high expectations. I did as they wanted and went looking for some logs. There weren't many logs around and it took me quite awhile to find the amount Oin and Gloin wanted. At least they were happy.

Soon the night came and I became very uncertain if this next event was going to happen like it did in the book or in the movie. There is a difference. "But what if it were to change completely because I'm here now?," I thought to myself, "What if it's to end horribly? What will happen then?"

I was suddenly interupted from my thoughts when Bilbo came up to me holding two bowls in his hands. "Would you like to help me bring this food to Fili and Kili?", he asked. I agreed politely and took one of the bowls and followed him to where Fili and Kili were. We found them looking a little worried, for reasons you may already know, and they searched frantically for what they knew was missing. Bilbo, completely unaware of what was going on, questioned them.

"We're supposed to be looking after the ponies," said Kili. "But we've encountered a slight problem. We had sixteen now there's...fourteen.", said Fili. Daisy and Bungo were the two ponies missing and they were soon to be accompanied by Myrtle and Minty. It didn't take long for the two dwarves and the hobbit to see the light coming from where we would all soon be joining William, Bert, and Tom. It didn't even take them long after that, obviously, to figure out it was the trolls who took the ponies.

"Mutton yesterday, mutton today, and blimey, if it don't look like mutton again tomorrer.", I could over here a troll say. Bilbo was already sent off by Fili and Kili, but I decided to stay behind the tree incase something unexpected happened. I watched Bilbo reach into William's pocket and take out a purse. I nearly screamed when it spoke, and I think it's safe to say everyone else was startled too. I had completely forgotten trolls items could be enchanted! As soon as William picked up Bilbo I went back to the camp to get help.

"Bilbo is in trouble! He's been captured by trolls! You have to help him quick!", I yelled at them. Almost immediately they got up, took there weapons, and ran into the woods from the direction I came. I stayed at the camp as they went to save Bilbo. I didn't want to interfere and change the story more than I already had. It was fortunate that I stayed back too because Gandalf had returned and he would have no idea where the dwarves and the hobbit had gone. I showed him the way and dawn was drawing near.

"Why did you not join the dwarves to save Bilbo?", Gandalf questioned as we got closer to the scene. "I knew you would return and someone has to tell you where everyone went. Besides I don't even have a weapon." I replied.

"That seems like the better decision now that I think about it. But you don't need a weapon to fight, Zoe. Distracting the trolls would have been enough on your part." said Gandalf. Before I could respond Gandalf had already left my side and I was stuck hiding behind the tree again. Within a few minutes the trolls were turned to stone. The dwarves were relieved that they weren't going to become breakfast.

"Where have you been?!" Thorin snapped at me. I don't understand why he even bothers to yell at me. I pretty much brought back with me the only person that could save his life for goodness sakes!

"Thorin we have no time for this! Trolls couldn't travel in daylight so there must be a cave nearby. We will check it out to see if anything useful is in it. Then we must get a move on! We have questions that need to been answered and my friend Lord Elrond of Rivendell is just the person to answer them." said Gandalf. Thorin looked as if he were to say something. Probably something insulting about elves. And with that we started to search for the troll's cave in hopes to find some valuable items.

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