Chapter 1 "The Adventure Begins"

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  • Dedicated to All My Friends who didnt believe me when i said i was writing a hobbit fanfictio

Zoe's POV

This all started around 2:00 a.m. in the morning, somewhere around the end of November. I couldn't sleep (again) and I had currently been obessing over the wonderful book ''The Hobbit''. I was searching things related to the book, completely oblivious to my surroundings. Just as I was scrolling down the page my computer was ripped from my lap and thrown on the ground.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Miss?!" a man yells at me with a worried tone. I look up and see two familiar faces. Bofur and Bilbo. I look around and I'm sitting in the middle of a forest. "Where am I?" I ask myself outloud.

"You're in the middle of a forest. We found you sitting here with a fire going. Luckily nothing hurt you and we got here before anything could find you. If that fire was still going and we weren't here, you probably would have been dead meat." replied Bilbo. He then whispered something into Bofur's ear and Bofur whispered something back. They continued to whisper to eack other for about a minute before Bofur sighed and nodded to Bilbo.

"Would you like to come with us to rest for the night? It will be much safer than staying here all alone." Bofur asks and I nod without hesitation. I believed it was just a dream then, so why the hell not go with them. They lead the way back to where they were camping for the night.

"Stay behind this bush for now." says Bilbo. I sit quietly behind the bush waiting for him to come back.

"Who have we here?" Crap. "Hi Fili." I say and he lifts a brow. "I don't believe we have met before, how do you know my name?" he asks. "Who doesn't?!" I shout unsure of how to really respond. Next thing I know, I'm being dragged through the resting area to his Uncle. Bofur and Bilbo were already talking to him and when they saw me they gave expressions of pure horror.

"I found this hiding behind a bush. She somehow already knew my name." Fili drops me and pushes me right into Thorin. He pushes me off him and makes an expression of disgust on his face. "Well hello to you to Prince Princey McBroodypants." I greet him unpleasantly. He glares at me with fury in his eyes. I know he wants to beat the crap out of me and Bilbo knows too. He stands in front of me blocking Thorin off. "I'm sure she didn't mean it. Just let her stay here for the night." Bilbo begs Thorin. Thorin sighs before replying, "She can stay, but she can't sleep near me." I roll my eyes and Bilbo shows me to where I should sleep.

"We don't really have any blankets so you should sleep here close to the fire, it will keep you warm." said Bilbo. The fire did keep me warm for awhile...until it went out. I was freezing cold and shivering uncontrollably. "What should we do?", I hear Fili ask Kili. "Should we do anything at all?" Kili asked.

"Well if we don't do anything she'll surely freeze to death."

"So? Uncle doesn't like her anyways..."

"Doesn't matter if Uncle likes her or not. Now give her your blanket."

"My blanket!? What about your blanket?"

"Kili quit arguing and give her your stinking blanket!" and that was the end of their argument. Kili put the blanket on me and neither of them knew I was awake. The blanket was so warm. I'll have to thank Fili again for forcing Kili to let me borrow it. I was able to sleep peacefully till the morning after that. When I woke the dwarves were already eating breakfast and Thorin was staring at me with an angry look on his face. Or is it always like that?

"What?' I ask him, getting extremely creeped out because of his stare. "What is your name?" he asks. I had completely forgotten that I hadn't introduced myself yet, "Zoe."

"That's a lovely name." Balin says. Balin is just so cute! Not like "cute cute" like "little old grandpa" cute. I look back at Thorin and he is already rolling his eyes.

"Do you guys know where Kili is? I have to return his blanket to him." I ask.

Balin points behind me. I turn around and sure enough Kili is there devouring his breakfast and giving me a questioning look.

"How did you know this was my blanket?" he asks and I shrug. I can tell he isn't very sure of my answer but it isn't that big of a deal anyway.

After awhile of waiting Bombur hands me my breakfast and, since I've been hungry for the longest time, I eat it all within about 37 seconds. I know I'm exaggerating but who cares? I was hungry.

"I think it's best we get moving now." said Gandalf, who hasn't really spoken at all since I have arrived.

"Where are you all heading to?" I ask even though I know the answer.

"That's none of your business." Thorin snapped. He really has quite the personality.

"I want to come with you. After all we are in the middle of nowhere and I'll have no protection if you leave me." I beg the company. They start to whisper and mumble into each other's ears.

"I guess you can come." said Fili. I leapt with joy and hugged him tightly while shouting out repeatedly, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

This of course only earned me a few more glares from Thorin. He is more moody in person than the book and movie make him look. I think it odd for them to agree on letting me join them on their adventure. Especially so quickly and easily.

All of the dwarves pack their things and get on their ponies and were just about ready to start moving again. Of course they had to discuss whom I was to sit with. It became an argument and it wasn't fighting over me in a good way. They were fighting over who had to deal with me. It made me quite angry and hurt as you can imagine. Gandalf finally settled the dispute and decided I was to ride with Thorin. I am sure as hell he did that on purpose. When I looked at Thorin though he had a smug smile on his face. I was a bit disturbed by that.

We traveled for hours and stopped two hours before sunset to get the camp for the night started. Now I knew what was to happen on this particular night for reasons you already know. Thorin sent Fili and Kili to look after the ponies, Oin and Gloin to start the fire, and Bombur to get the food. Thorin had pissed off Gandalf and made him leave for now. Oh yes. This is going to be good.

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