Chapter 6

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~Chapter 6~

Demi's P.O.V.
Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuckkk! I'm so dead. This is the end. Tristan is going to kill me. But hey, at least I saw this drop dead gorgeous guy before I go. He kept his word, I'm not leaving here alive. I guess I've enjoyed my life up until now. HAHAHA BULLSHIT! I've hated a lot of my life but it does have it's great moments. That's in the past now. Now... Now I'm in really deep shit. I regret breaking down the door and waiting here. Wait. NO I DON'T!! I'm trying to leave here from being forced here against my will! So I DON'T regret this! I can't believe I just felt regret for trying to escape for a second... What the fuck? What the fuck has he done to me? I need to get out of here. Pronto. I'll have to find another way out of here. If I can.... I'm snapped out of my ridiculous thoughts as Tristan yells "BABE?! Why are you in the basement? I told you that the guys were coming over later? I thought you were asleep?" In a tone that only I would understand. It was a tone of 'go along with it or serious shit will happen'. So I had to go along with it. "Oh... Hun I was just going to check and see if the... CAT was down here but I guess not" I said trying my best to sound convincing. I guess I did because the Two guys nodded in agreement or understanding. "Oh babe I let the cat out for a bit." Tristan said going along with my excuse of that what you want to call it. "I didn't know you had a cat" said the gorgeous guy (aka Dana) said helping me up. "I didn't either" Tristan said under his breath as he walked over putting his arm around my waist making it look like we actually were "together". "I also didn't know you had a girlfriend either, good job bro! She's beautiful" Dana said with a breath taking smile looking directly into my eyes. Omg. "Thank you" I say with the hugest grin on my face as I look into his amazing eyes. "What's your name?" I ask with extreme curiosity in my voice but trying to play it off cool. I'm sure I failed. "It's Dana, and yours is?" He said moving closer as I was leaning against the door. I hadn't realized it but Tristan wasn't by my side anymore. I looked over Dana's shoulder and saw Tristan with another guy outside talking. "It's Demi" I say with a flirtatious tone and smile. This hottie will be mine! "That's a nice name 'Demi'" Dana said inches from me with his right arm over my left shoulder staring into my eyes. "How old are you?" He asks flirting back. Oh. Hell. Yes. "I'm 17, what about you?" I say obviously flirting back! "I'm 19, I didn't know you and Tristan were dating. How come he didn't tell me he had a beautiful girl?" He said. With that my heart was beating a mile a minute. "We're not exactly 'together', we're together but we're not."I say. Wow nice excuse Demi. Good one, 'We're together but we're not' What in the hell was that? "Oh.. So your single basically?" Dana asked. I think I'm about to die. In a good way. "Yeah, I guess you could say I am." I say biting my bottom lip slowly leaning in closer to him. Ooo he smells AMAZING. I know I just met this guy but it's like we just click. It's kinda weird....
"You wanna take a seat on the couch and talk?" He asks motioning me to the large L-shaped black leather couch. "Sure" I say with a smile.
*-----Dana's p.o.v.-----*
Damn... She's beautiful! But how could Tristan get such a beautiful girl? He isn't the nicest guy... But he's still a ladies man.. After seeing Tristan and her conversation you can tell they're together. As her and Tristan lean against the basement door I just stare right into her blue-green/aqua eyes. I've never seen anything like them. "What's your name" she asks me, after Tristan leaves to go talk to Zac outside. Alone time with her, I know she's Tristan's girlfriend... But still... I wanna talk to her. "It's Dana, and yours?" I ask moving closer to her. "It's Demi" she says with a flirty cute smile. I know it's not to flirt with your best friends girlfriend but hey he's done it to me before. How could it hurt? "How old are you?" I ask "I'm 17, what about you?" she flirts back. I'm really going to like this visit. For sure. "I'm 19, I didn't know you and Tristan were dating. How come he didn't tell me he had a beautiful girl?" I say trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.. "We're not exactly 'together', we're together but we're not." She says kinda fast. Aww, I think she's nervous! Why would she be nervous...? Oh well I guess! She didn't say she was taken but didn't say she was single. I need to know for sure to be able to put on the Dana charm. "Oh.. So your single basically?" I ask with great curiosity. "Yeah, I guess you could say I am." She says biting her bottom lip staring directly into my eyes. "
"You wanna take a seat on the couch and talk?" I ask really wanting to talk more. I want to know more about her. She seems to have a great personality. We walk over to the couch, sit and start to talk..
-----!!!Tristan's p.o.v!!!-----
Oh my fucking god. She got out of the room. How. HOW?!? At least our lies were believe able.. I think as I lean against the basement door holding Demi right next to me to my left. Her and Dana seem to click as I listen to there conversation. Looks like it's time to talk to Zac, outside. "Hey Zac come talk with me for a sec" I say motioning him to the back porch. "Sure, what's up Tristan?" Zac asks. "So who's the lucky ladyy??" I wonder. "She's this beautiful girl who...." Zac says. He's talking but I'm not paying attention because I keep looking over at Demi and Dana... They're laughing and having a great time it looks like... Wait. Are they flirting with each other? She's my 'girlfriend', she's a cheater even when we aren't even together. She's trying to make me jealous or something. Or! She's talking and staying near Dana so I can't tell her how much shit she's in. Clever girl. I must give her props for clinging next to my best friend for protection. Wait... He's sweet talking her to just sleep with her. That's just fucking fan-damn-fucking-tastic. He's going to try and sleep with MY victim. But I know Dana wouldn't do that to me. Since he thinks we're together.
***11 hours later***
(11:46 pm)
Demi's p.o.v.
Me and Dana have been hanging out all day. Talking about everything ranging from embarrassing moments to secrets to childhood memories. I haven't done this since I was with Josie... I really miss her... I miss her all the time... I wonder how she's doing... I hope she's okay... To get off that sad topic..
Me and Dana have watched some movies like Avatar, Syfy movies and comedy. Since Tristan has a killer stereo system we danced to some awesome music. We also sang along to lots of songs. I haven't had this much fun in a lot time with a guy. It felt like a first date kinda.... I really enjoyed this time with Dana.. I'm so exhausted, Dana is too. "Hey can I show you show thing?" He randomly asks with a tired voice. "Sure" I say with a tired but happy smile. He stands up and holds out his hand to help me up. He holds my hand and leads me down stairs to the basement..
We enter a room that's cool a fuck. No joke. I wouldn't mind staying in this room. It's awesome as hell! There's a giant bed, 72" flat screen tv, mini kitchen, full bathroom, another awesome stereo system, big closet, and a couch. Tristan really knows how to trick shit out. I will give him that. "What did you want to show me?" I ask still gazing at the room. "This" he says motioning to the room. "Why though?" I ask with curiosity. Is he trying to get me to sleep with him...? Uhh how about no. He's a really great guy but um I just met him. I'm not that much of a slut... I don't go sleeping around with every nice guy I meet.
"I know you're secret" he says staring directly at me, inches from my face. Our bodies almost completely touching.
"You do....?" I ask gazing into his beautiful piercing green eyes. Wanting to connect our lips so bad.

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