Chapter 5

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Demi's P.O.V.
I have no idea on how long I've been here. I've lost hope of people looking for me. Whenever my parents would come on the news hoping for tips,leads, or whatever they could get he would record and make me watch. Over, over and over. Telling me that they're never going to find me... At least alive that is... The first few days he was nice... Now.. Now it's beyond what anyone could imagine. I've lost weight.. He feeds me everyday a few times a day but it's not much... I get beaten everyday now. Even when I don't do anything... I haven't seen the light if day in so long... I've just been stuck in this small concert hell hole. I don't get to go up stairs anymore. I accidentally broke another plate when I was washing them Tristan grabbed my waist scaring the hell out of me while kissing my neck. Then it resulted into me dropping that stupid plate. It's just a stupid plate a fucking plate. No big damn deal! You can fucking buy more! I he slapped me. But it wasn't like before...
-----Flash Back-----
I was washing the dishes as usual after lunch. To be honest it was a good lunch. It was home made pizza with salad and bread sticks. It was the best things I've eaten in a long while since I was here... I really really hate to admit it but this past week with Tristan was.... Great... Besides being forced here against my will.. It's was nice. We talked about life and just things about our lives. I learned that Tristan is actually a great guy... With a heart... He hasn't hit me, raped or threatened me at all.... I feel like I might be kind of getting a feeling for Tristan... It's COMPLETELY wrong. I'm so desperate for comfort from someone I might be getting feelings for my kidnapper... I'm insane. THIS is insane. I have to stop this non sense. Me and Tristan can't be doing this. It's so wrong. But feels so right. What the hell?! Why am I thinking this?! I've gone off the deep end. I have to stop showing "affection" or whatever the hell you want to call it towards him. He obviously hasn't noticed it... Thank god! And he doesn't have feelings for me. Wait.. Feelings..? For me..? I'm crazy. I'm am fucking crazy! But before I completely stop this I want to see what happens if.... I make a move first. I finish washing the dishes and putting then away. I go into the living room then sit next to Tristan to were our entire sides are touching. He moves his arm over my shoulder instantly. I shyly smile without knowing it until he softly holds my chin in his hand and looks into my eyes. Then he kisses me softly with so much passion. I've never been kissed like that before... Ever... And it gave me butterflies. Wait no. Screw butterflies, I got the whole zoo in my stomach.. WHY IN GODS NAME AM I FEELING THIS?!?!
I need mental help big time. To stop myself from containing this madness I'll go to sleep.
I get up and put head on the other side of the couch, AWAY from Tristan. I closed my eyes and fell asleep within minutes...
-----!!!Tristan's p.o.v.!!!-----
(Still in the flash back)
Demi's washing the dishes like she always does. I can see that she's in deep thought about something because she's making face. It's so cute. I don't know what's happened to me... I just.. I just can't hurt her... I have to, I can't get attached. It's like against kidnapping code...? Kind like guy code. You CAN'T get feelings for your victim or whatever you call him/her. But I seem to be bending that rule... A lot. I like having her around, it's nice to have someone talk to and to not feel so alone in this big house. I have really close bros but they're all doing there own thing right now. Oh yea! I forgot that Demi's birthday is tomorrow... I'll have to go get her something.
---*Skips to dinner time*---
I didn't know Demi was a great cook. She made this amazing bow- tie pasta with broccoli and chicken. I could really get used to her cooing, she's a natural. Better then my mom actually.
Yet again she's washing the dishes. I get up and quietly walk behind her. I put my hands on her hips and kiss her neck, then before I can continue she drops another plate. Without realizing it I spin her around and slap her. She grabs her left cheek with watery eyes. All of the sudden guilt engulfs me. I can't see her cry.... I can't look at her.. I grab her arm and hurry down to the basement and locked the door without another word. I.. I.. Can't believe I hit Demi.. I say to my self as I sit in front of the basement door with tears in my eyes..
-----End of Flash back-----
(Present time, Demi's p.o.v )
I'm going to die down here. I can just feel it. My life is just wasting away... I know I'm 17 now but I don't have much teenage years left.. I want to get married and have kids with the love if my life. I'm never going to see my mom again, my best friend again, the sun, the stars, the smell of the holiday times, the smell of freshly cut grass in the spring... I'll miss prom, my best friends wedding.. I'll miss everything.. I miss my life so much. I've cried every day and night. I cry myself to sleep.. That's all I can's my stupid dads fault here. If he wasn't such a mother fucking prick! THIS. IS. ALL. HIS. FAULT.
Wait. What if he kills my mom while I'm stuck here... Oh god... Oh.. My... Oh my god... I can't stay here. I have to help my mom is she's hurt. I can't let her be with him alone.
And with that in my head I shot up. I bolted to the door and starting pounding the door so hard I thought I was going to break it. Fuck it. I'll break the shit down. I will stop at NOTHING keeping me from my mom. I'm getting the fuck out of this place. Fuck Tristan. He's a sadistic bi-polar raping fucker who needs to rot in hell for this. "TRISTAN! TRISTAN!! OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT FUCKING NOW! DONT MAKE ME FUCKING BREAK IT THE FUCK DOWN!!!" I screamed at the top if my lungs with anger, determination and a small bit of terror. But I don't give a fuck! I have to be with my mom! I don't know what time it is or what day it is. If he isn't awake I'll wake him the hell up. If he's gone oh damn well! I'm getting out.
It's been 2 hours. "Tristan must not be home" I say with a devilish grin of opportunity. I basically busted down the door. Just one good ram and it'd be down. So I'll just ram the thin door the fuck down!
I stand up and move to the middle of the wall at the opposite end did the door. I run at the door with full force. I bust it door but I go down with the door as well, it didn't hurt though. I have a few scrapes in my right shoulder but it's fine. That's the least of my worries. I make my way up the stairs slowly, to the door that leads to the living room. I suck in my breath at how excited and nervous I am.
I was about to open the door when I heard voices... Deep voices... What the fuck..?
-----!!!Tristan's p.o.v.!!!-----
*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
I wake up and my phone says it's 7 a.m. I've made plans for my close bro's to come hat at with me for a few days. I have 3 guest bedrooms. 2 up stairs and 1 in the.... Basement. Trey, Dana, and Zac are staying, Drew couldn't make it. His girlfriend wanted him to "bond" with her parents. HAHAHAHAHA! Unlucky bastard he is. "Damn! Your house looks great man!" Dana said slapping my back. Me and Dana go way back, we've known each other for years. Since we were born.
"Bro imma take my stuff up stairs and take a nap" Trey said making his was up the stairs. "WHATS UP?! HOW'VE YOU BEEN?!?!" Zac screamed with excitement. He's the little brother I've never had. "I've been doin' the same old same old, how've you been? I heard you have special lady in your life?" I say elbowing him. I don't mean like marriage or engagements. He's only 17, almost 18. If you count 5 months as almost. "Shut up man" Zac says blushing. He's the softie of the group. Me and Dana are the oldest, well I'm the oldest. Dana is 7 months younger than me. But we're still considered the same age. "I CALL THE LAST ROOM UP STAIRS!!" Zac yells randomly, "DAMN IT!" Dana says with pissed voice but recovers instantly. "Fine I'll take the basement room" he says grabbing his bag and heading to the basement.
Shit. I totally forgot about Demi's. And no Dana isn't staying in her room. There's a tricked out master sized bedroom down there. Demi's room is just a closet. He has no reason to open her door so no problem with this. I'll go down and talk to her later.
!----*Dana's p.o.v*-----!
(Something new(; )
I grab my suitcase and head towards the basement door, I love hanging out with Tristan he's been there for me my whole life. When my dad was put in prison, when I was in a bad car accident, and when my little sister passed away....
-----Demi's p.o.v.-----
I've been sitting here listening to Tristan and these other guys talk for about 20 minutes now. I heard one voices leave then someone say "WHAT'S UP?! HOW'VE YOU BEEN?" And some other things but I was just paying attention to see if someone was coming.
All of the sudden someone opened the door. SHIT.
"Who's are you?" this drop dead gorgeous guy said towering over me. He has piercing green eyes, with strong features, medium length hair that's kinda curly but straight at the same time. He look 6'3" and has a really deep voice. Omg. HELL-O! Talk about my kinda guy! I'm snapped out of my thoughts, and gawking as I hear him say "Tristan who's this?" Then Tristan looks at me wide eyed.
I'm so dead.
Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed! What do you think about Dana, Trey and Zach?
Will Tristan be mad at Demi? Or play it out that he's surprised she's there? Or another possibly?

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