Chapter 7

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~Chapter 7~

Demi's P.O.V.

"I know you're secret" he says staring directly at me, inches from my face. Our bodies almost completely touching. "You do....?" I ask gazing into his beautiful piercing green eyes. Wanting to connect our lips so bad. We both just stare into each other's eyes. We both keep glancing at each other's lips... Should I kiss him..? I just met him not even a day ago... But I know so much about him.. I know; he loves the color black, his number is 2 just like mine, he has a sister that passed away.., his dad went to prison, he had a horrible break up a few months ago, he was in a bad car accident. He's had a really tough life.... He knows so much about me too... He knows about my dad, the abuse, my best friend, my mom, how I've been diagnosed with depression.., My favorite color, number, my favorite music, favorite movie, my fears... He knows so much about me. Kissing him feels so right to do.. Yet so wrong at the same time... I think I like him.. He's Tristan's best friend... I also like him.. Ha. What a 'love' triangle. More of a 'like' triangle. You know what? Fuck it. I'm kissing him now. Just live in the moment I say! Going by that I cup my hands on his strong jaw and kiss him. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer since he's so tall. He puts his hands on my hips as we continue to kiss.

Our lips move so well together. He's an amazing kisser too, the best probably. He has such soft, full plump pink lips. I just want this magically moment to last forever. We continue to kiss for about 5 more minutes until there's a knock on Dana's door. "Hey Dana are you asleep?" I hear Tristan ask behind the door. Oh shit! What am I going to do?!?! HIDE. We stop kissing as he finishes his sentence. "Go hide in the bathroom, I'll come get you when he's gone." Dana says in a very low voice reading my mind. I quickly and quietly make my way into the bathroom closing the door. I'll hide in the shower! I quickly jump in the shower before Dana opens the door. "Have you seen Demi? I was going to take her out on a late night date." I hear Tristan say threw the bathroom door. "I haven't seen her man. If I see her around I'll text you." Dana says covering for me. I really like this kid but Tristan was going to take me on a late night date... AWW! I've wondered what it was like going on a date with him.. WAIT, that's such crap. He's probably looking for me so he can slap me around or something. Yet at the same time Tristan is a sweet guy.. call me crazy, which I probably am he sort of saved me in a way. Just imagine what t would be like if my dad did catch up to me..  Do I actually care for Tristan? Oh hell...

Oh shit.

*——-Dana's p.o.v——-*

Me and Demi are just staring into each other's eyes. I can't stop looking at her lips. I want to kiss them so much. I'm never like this with a girl.. Why am I nervous to kiss her? I haven't known her very long but I think I may like her.. she's just so amazing and understanding. She's been threw a lot. Her dad.. I would beat his ass any day if he laid another finger on her. She doesn't deserve that. No one does. I... really want to kiss her. I'll do it. If she kisses back that's awesome if not oh well I tried. Right before I was about to kiss her she cupped my jaw with her small hands and kisses me. I instantly kissed back. I grab her hips to hold her in place as we still kiss. Our lips are moving on there own. We don't break the kiss for a few minutes which is pretty great. Until some asshole knocks on my door. Great. "Hey Dana are you asleep?" I hear Tristan say. Ugh. We break the kiss and I tell Demi to hide in the bathroom and I'll get her when he's gone. I hope he leaves soon. Demi hurries to the bathroom and I open my door. "Have you seen Demi? I was going to take her out on a late night date." He says glancing over my shoulder t look around my room around my room. A date? I thought they weren't together.. Wait. What if he's trying or is going to ask her out? The way they were talking earlier was like they were in a relationship.. I need to figure out what's going on between them. "I haven't seen her man. If I see her around I'll text you." I say pondering my thoughts on why Demi would kiss me if she's basically with Tristan. I shut my door and wait a few seconds before telling her the coast is clear.

"It's all good to come out" I say as I open the door. "Finally" she says as she steps out of the shower with a smile on her face. Her smile is so breath taking. Wow... hold your self back Dana.. We walk over to my bed. Demi makes her self comfortable on my bed as I turn on the stereo on a low volume. I walk over to my bed wonder what I should say. I guess I'll start off with why would Tristan wants to take her on a date if they aren't together. I sit on my bed laying next to Demi, I put my arm around her and she leans into me side. "Are you and Tristan some sort of thing?" I ask really confused at the moment. "Well I'm not very sure.. I like him but I don't know if he likes me. But it seems like he does and doesn't. All I know is that I'm single." she says looking up at me. "Oh..." I say with a disappointed face and tone of voice. I really thought she liked me too.. I guess not... "But I like you too.." she says staring directly at me. What. Did she? Did she just say she liked me? Oh lord. "I like you too" I say milliseconds afterwards. We both just stare at each other and smile tiredly at each other. This was a great day. A really great day. Demi lays her head on my chest and closes her eyes. I watch her as she drifts off to sleep. She's cute when she sleeps. Oh lord what has she done to me. I lean my head back and slope off to sleep within minutes.

——-!!!Tristan's p.o.v!!!——-

It's been hours since I saw Demi last. I know she's with Dana in down stairs. I've been working out with Zac and Trey for hours. We've all been talking and catching up on each other's lives. I really missed my boys being around. Now that they're back I realized how much I missed them. "It's been a long day man Imma call it a night" Zac says getting up from the weight bench. "Night guys" Zac says waking out the door. "Night" me and Trey say in unison. "Want to catch a movie man? Then grab a bite afterwards like old times?" Trey asks punching my arm. Trey stands out in our group. He has blonde hair, blue gray eyes? tan skin, 6'2", has a bar wire tattoo on his left wrist. Long story... I'll explain later. "Sure, just like old times" I say with a laugh. We both get up and go to take a shower before we leave. Trey heads to his room and shuts the door. I go down stairs to see what Demi and Dana are doing. They aren't there.

I look out side, they're not on the back or front porch. I check the dining room, game room, and lounging area. They're not there. Dana's truck I still here. Where the hell are they? Wait. There's only one place left for them to be.

I hall ass down stairs to Dana's room in the basement. I don't hear anything. I knock on his door. "Hey Dana are you still awake?" I ask confused and frustrated as hell. He doesn't answer so I crack the door a little and take a peak inside. The lights are off so its pitch black, I guess she isn't in Dana's room. Now's time to panic, where is Demi and how did she get away?

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