Female warrior

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Chapter 6

Electra POV

Watching Ariadne with Clint, I couldn't help but smile, they are perfect for each other. Michelle is as happy as I am about them been mate's. But I can't help but feel sad at the thought of Ariadne moving to Clint' s pack and been separated from Aaron. They have never really been apart. I just hope Aaron finds his mate soon, he has been waiting so long to find her, he has never dated any of the girl's in the pack, he just wants his mate. Ariadne did the same even though every one of the drooled over her, been a seducer didn't help her either. Poor Clint will be drove mad with other men looking at her. Clint' s pack haven't surfaced yet, they must be wrecked from the journey here. I can here more cars driving into the yard. It must be the rest of the pack. Aaron popped his head around the door,

"Is that the rest of the pack" Aaron asked with a hopeful look.

"I think so, do you want to come and meet them with me, Clint' s pack are still asleep" I asked.

"Yeah sure why not" Aaron replied.

We both walked outside and saw two more jeeps pull in. There is at least eight more. Four warrior's and four pack members. I was delighted to see one of the warrior's is a female. They all got out and grabbed their bags and walked towards us. The pack member's introduced themselves first and gave their apologies for been late. Next was the warrior's, the three men were first and then the female warrior. She is stunning with light natural blonde hair, blue eyes, small cute nose  and full lips. She has the perfect figure, toned but curvy.

"Hi I'm  Electra, welcome to our pack, I'm delighted to meet a female warrior" I said smiling.

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Taylor" she said smiling also.

"This is my son Aaron, he is alpha of our pack" I told her.

She stared at Aaron and he did the same. I know that look, I have already seen it once today and I couldn't be happier, the woman in front of me is strong, beautiful and protects her pack. She closed her eyes and shook herself.

"It's nice to meet you Aaron" she said emotionless.

A look of confusion and hurt spread to his face before he wiped it off. My heart broke at that moment, but I saw in her eyes she wants him, but something is stopping her embracing him.

"I will show you and the other's to your rooms, you must be tired after such a long journey" I said, trying to break the tension.

"That would be great, we are all very tired" she said with a thankful look, I am definitely going to talk to her later.

"Okay, follow me" I said turning around given Aaron a reassuring look.

Just as I was showing them to their rooms, Ariadne came running down the hallway. When she saw me, she stopped,

"Where is Aaron?"she asked panicked.

"In the lounge" I said giving her a grateful smile as she started moving again.

I didn't miss the look of hurt and jealousy in Taylor' s eyes.

"She is my daughter Ariadne and Aaron' s twin sister" I explained as a look of relief spread across her face.

"She is beautiful" she said with a small smile.

"She takes after her grandmother Athena" I said smiling.

"She must be beautiful aswell, thank you for showing me to my room, I'm going to try get a few hour's rest" Taylor said.

"Okay sweetheart, if you need anything just look for me" I told her and she smiled and nodded.

I turned around and walked quickly towards Aaron and Ariadne. I found them in the lounge, Ariadne hugging him. They both looked up when they saw me and broke apart. Aaron looks broken, he has waited for so long for her and she didn't acknowledge him as a mate, but she didn't reject him either.

"Did she settle in okay? " Aaron asked.

"She did honey, she is your mate" I asked.

"She is but she doesn't want me" he said defeated.

"She didn't reject you and I don't think she will, I saw in her eyes that she wants you, when Ariadne came looking for you, I could see hurt and jealously before I told her that Ariadne is your sister" I told him.

"Mom is right Aaron, she didn't reject you, she could just be shocked that a god and alpha is her mate" Ariadne said.

"Do you think so? " he asked with a hopeful look.

"I do honey, something is holding her back, I will try talk to her after she has a rest" I said.

"Should I talk to her first? " Aaron said.

"Let mom try and see what's going on first, she might feel too pressured if you turn up" Ariadne said.

"Okay, I don't know what I will do if she rejects me, what if she is already in a relationship and that's why she doesn't want me" Aaron said.

"Don't jump to conclusions, you will only drive yourself mad Aaron, give it a few hour's and mom will talk to her then" Ariadne soothed him.

"Okay, but if she won't tell you, I'm going to talk to her myself, I need to know what's going on" Aaron said.

I left Aaron and Ariadne and went to find Erebus. I felt arms wrap around me and knew it was Erebus when sparks erupted where his hands touched.

"Are you okay beautiful? " he asked.

"I am, but Aaron isn't, he found his mate, she is a warrior's from Cole' s pack" I said.

"Is her name Taylor?" Erebus asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I asked surprised.

"Cameron was talking to me about how good the packs female warrior is, she is meant to be a very skilled fighter, she wasn't born in the pack though, she was found close to death near their pack border five years ago when she was fourteen, when she recovered she wanted to be trained to be a warrior. Cameron accepted her into the pack and trained her, but she barely speaks about what happened to her, all she told them was her family were killed by rouges in front of her" Erebus explained.

"Oh my god's the poor girl, Aaron is freaking out thinking she doesn't want him" I told Erebus.

"I think he just needs to give her time, she has been through a lot" he said.

"I'm going to try talk to her later, I don't want to look into her past or future, the thought alone feels wrong" I said.

"Go with your instincts, they have never let you down before, I know you will, but thread gently with her" Erebus said.

"I will, I don't want to hurt her more than she has already been" I said honestly.

"Okay, think we should get everything started for dinner, we can make the announcements and introductions at dinner" he suggested.

"Sounds like a plan, I will get Ariadne and Aaron to give us a hand " I said, before I turned to leave Erebus grabbed me and kissed me to the point my knee's were getting weak. God's that man is hot .

I smiled at him and turned around to find our children. I could feel Erebus's eye on my ass so I swayed my hips and and turned my head slightly to give him a cheeky wink.

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