The fight

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Chapter 13

Electra POV

2 weeks later

Watching Zeus decision as he changes them, I can see his decisions are reckless. He isn't thinking clearly, he just wants to get to me before the Erinyes find him. But I do know he is ready to come for me, with or without an army. I'm hoping without so I can end this by myself. But I do know Zeus isn't in control of himself, rage and frustration is consuming him completely. He isn't in his right mind. But that will work to my benefit.

Everyone has being training non stop and a fighting with skills they have never had before. They will make it very hard for any god's and demigods god's that might come with Zeus. He hasn't even trained them, he is so sure he has this fight won that it never entered his head. I have been trying to see the outcome but it's not coming to me. I don't know if that is a good or bad sign.

Climbing into bed with Erebus, I felt my tense body relax under his touch. This is my heaven, wrapped in the arms of the man I love. My eyes closed quickly and I found image's flashing back and forth. I sat up in the bed wide awake.

"Erebus wake up, he is coming, get the other's prepared" I told him jumping from and throwing on sweatpants and runners.

Running from our room and out our front door, I realised it is nearly morning. The sky is starting to become brighter. Standing in the middle of our training ground's, I heard everyone coming running out and standing behind me. Lighting ripped viciously through the sky. My skin hummed with electricity as I felt the air around us change. Letting me know he is about to arrive. I didn't sense any fear coming from behind me. With one last crack of lighting, Zeus appeared in front of us, standing alone. No one has come to fight with him. I mind linked our pack and told them all to step back and move to the sides. Right now their not needed and if I can protect them all, then that exactly what I will do. I could hear them moving to the side as Zeus smirked.

"You are all grown up oracle, even more beautiful that the last time I saw you and powerful, I can sense it radiating off you in waves" he said as his eyes roamed my body.

"I doubt you have come here for pleasantries Zeus, you are aware that the Erinyes are searching for you" I said looking at him coldly.

"No I have not, I have come for you, to give you one more chance to come with me freely" he smiled with a crazy look in his eyes.

"That won't be happening Zeus, my answer is the same as last time, it's a no" I glared.

"Am I going to have to start killing everyone who is standing behind you, including your soul mate and children because I have no problem doing that" he smirked as he eyed everyone of them.

Glaring dagger at the obsessed monster in front of me. I quickly moved as he distracted himself by trying to terrify all of them. I brought my thunderbold to the surface and threw bolt after bold, hitting him directly in the chest sending him flying back and landing with a thump.

Not once did I take my eyes off of him. I could hear him screamed with frustration, making the ground tremble under our feet. A lighting bolt came flying toward me, I concentrated and at the last second I reached out and grabbed the lighting bold. I could feel the power in his bolt. He is slightly more powerful that me. I turned the bolt in my hand and at the first sight of Zeus I sent it flying toward him, hitting him again. He doesn't seem to be registering with him how much damage has been done to his body. I could feel the sizzle in the air and knew he wasn't gone just trying to move closer to me without me detecting the change. I swiftly turned around and drove my fist into his chest the moment he appeared. He wasn't expecting it and it sent him skidding back leaving drag mark's in the grass. He smirked at me, split his bolt in two and sent them flying towards Aaron and Ariadne. Before I could move, I saw red and black hair move so quickly it looked like a blur. The bolt connected and my stomach turned. When the smoke cleared, I could see Aaron and Ariadne still standing uninjured. But my heart shattered when I found my parent's laying still at their feet. They jumped in front of the bolts to save my babies.

I turned my full attention to Zeus smirking face. Pure rage and fury bubbled inside of me, begging to be released. My body started to tingle and hum again, only this time it is stronger. Walking towards Zeus, staring at him every step of the way. He is still still smirking, happy with what he has just done, of who he has taken from me once again. Only this time I can't get them back, they haven't being sent to Tartarus, their soul's have left their bodies. I brought the electricity to my hands and drove my fist into Zeus face. Each blow I delivered to his body is full of rage. I want him to feel pain without escape. He tried to leave but I grabbed him by the throat pulling him back to this world. There is no escape for him this time, no stupid punishment, their is only death. Each blow Zeus tried to land I bloked it, I could see his movement before he even did them, making every move predictable.

I can see clearly the panic building in his eyes. He knows now he has met his match. Putting my hands around hit throat, I released every bit of electricity in my body sending it into his. His body shook violently in my hands, Slowly I can feel his heart struggle to beat til it stopped completely.

Behind Zeus, the Erinyes appeared out of mist. Looking around as their eyes landed on my parent's still bodies and now the lifeless body of Zeus that I am still holding in my hands. I looked at him once more and dropped his body to the ground with disgust. Electricity filled the air as every god and goddess from Olympus appeared to see the fall of Zeus. I heard a gasp and the sound of feet running, feet hitting the ground hard. I didn't have to look to know it is Aphrodite, that she saw what Zeus has done. Stepping back I let the Erinyes take Zeus body from here.

"You have proven you're self oracle, you are now the strongest god of Olympus" they said slowly.

I don't care about who is strongest, I just want them to take his body and leave. Hopefully I will never have to see them again. I watched them til they disappeared in the mist along with Zeus.

Taking a deep breath in, I turned and walked towards my parent's, who are being held by Ares and Aphrodite. My body feels numb, it doesn't want this moment to be real, this should be a nightmare, not reality. But no matter how much I wish, there is no denying this or the mark's left in their bodies from Zeus bolts. Dropping to my knee's, I looked at my mother's beautiful face, but it wasn't really her just her body what made her, her, was her beautiful soul which no longer lives in her body. Gently I moved the hair away from her face and took in every detail. This is the second time I have lost them, but this time the pain is unbearable, stealing my breath with it. Each time I try to breath it's like a knife cutting deeper into my heart and soul. Moving my eyes from my mom beautiful face, I looked at my father and that's when my tears broke through and the feeling of loss hit like a bulldozer. I have lost both of them, but they died saving my babies, giving them a chance to live, to have happiness and a family. I will never forget what they have done. Taking one of their hands in mine. I kissed  them for the last time. There together for eternity now, they have each other to stay strong.

Erebus wrapped him arm's around me and pulled me closer to him, Aphrodite and Ares followed, holding me as we all grieved for our loss.

War of the Gods (Book 3 in the Gods series) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now