Unexpected visitors

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Chapter 11

Electra POV

Every day since Aisha arrived, et least two demigods and god arrived. The god's of Olympus won't arrive til we need them, they need to keep Olympus safe from Zeus. Aisha training the wolves has been brilliant. Artemis is right she is a beautiful wolf. She is bigger than any wolf we have seen. She is pure silver even her eyes are silver when she is in wolf form. Her fighting skills in wolf form are unbelievable. When she is training she has every single one of the wolves attention. They watch her in complete awe and I can't lie, I can't take my eyes off her when she is fighting. I have being helping her fight in human form. She is stronger and deadly fighting in wolf form but fighting in human form she isn't as strong. She is stronger than most god's but she has the potential to be lethal in human form like mom and me. Aisha won't always have the chance to shift into wolf form when she is attacked by surprise. Our other demigods and god's are well trained with their power's and can handle themselves. Altogether we have twenty demigods and another ten god's training with us and more to fight with us from Olympus. Every hour's I have been watching Zeus' s decisions. He is getting more angry by the day and is having explosive rages. We have had more lighting storms than ever before. He doesn't have even a quatre of the number's he thought he would have by now. No one is answering his calls. The Erinyes have done us a favour, everyone knows they are out hunting him, ready to tear him back to Tartarus where he will received his final punishment.

Letting all the wolves finish training early, I sent them back to the pack house to relax and enjoy a break. But training isn't finished yet, not for the demigods and god's. We have to keep our power's strong along with our bodies.

Clint has really impressed during training. He is focused and has great willpower. He never once got frustrated and gave up. Each time he lost control only spurred him on to get better and better. Now all that he needs to do is work on bringing his power forward quicker without losing to much of his energy. Taylor is unstoppable, her strength and speed is nearly unmatched. Fighting her has became near impossible for anyone but Ares and myself. She knows automatically what move you are going to make and the best way to defend herself. There isn't a fighting style she doesn't know and any weapon she used she masters within seconds. I have never seen Ariadne and Aaron look so proud.

With the way training is going we are more than ready for Zeus but the question at the minutes is whether Zeus is coming to attack or will is just be a straight out fight between us. He can't match us numbers or power wise with the small group he has and watching him, he is getting impatient. He is like a ticking time bomb he could blow at any seconds and arrive here in a rage and try destroy as many as he can, he doesn't care as long as he can get to me. His obsession is devouring him, he believes he is in love with me and that I could fall in love with him and take over Olympus for ourselves. Destroying anyone who gets in our way. He is barely hanging onto the last thread of his sanity.

Walking back from training, I enjoyed listening to the laughter among them all. I froze in my track's when I felt a strange energy fizzle in the air. The other's behind me must have felt the same energy as all talking and joking stopped immediately. Mist starting forming and my heart thumped. I know who this is. Three ethereal goddess appeared in front of us. I know better than to be fooled by the beauties in front of us. In a split second that skin will rip away and reveal their true forms, standing in front of us is the Erinyes.

"Oracle, are you aware of Zeus escape from Tartarus" the middle Erinyes asked as the moved with inhuman movement, their movements more similar to how snakes move. Unnoticeable til they attack and by then it's to late.

"Yes, I am aware, I have seen his escape and his intentions. I have been watching him closely" I said honestly as I looked at them trying not to show fear.

"What are his intentions Oracle?" the one on the left asked as her eyes bored into me, making me want to squirm under the intensity of it like a bold child.

"His intention are the same as last time, he wants me and is willing to start a war to claim me once and for all" I told them emotionless.

"Does he not learn, he can't claim you when you have given yourself to another, you do not belong to him and how do you plan to stop him?" the same one asked.

"To give him a war if he wants one, we're prepared for him" I told her.

"Very well, but only one of you will live, are you strong enough to stand against him and win? " the Erinyes on the left asked.

"My power matches his but I will know his moves before he will make them" I answered.

"May the god's be with you, but either way Zeus will die at you're hands or ours. If Tartarus can't hold him it leaves us no choice but to destroy him. Use you're power's wisely Oracle, we will be watching" the middle Erinyes said.

Mist once again appeared around then and energy in the air sizzled. Once the mist cleared, they were gone. I let out the breath I was


"That was unexpected and creepy" I sighed, letting my body relax. I didn't realise how tense I was.

"Was that them? the Erinyes" Nico one of the demigods asked, his voice shaking.

"Yes that was them, you saw the good side of them, when there pissed you see their true form and trust me their true form is what nightmares are made of" I said as a shiver creeped up my spine.

"Really, their voice are strange but their beautiful in a unique way" Aisha said.

"Trust me, if you saw their true form you would be running screaming in the opposite direction. Even Zeus is terrified of them" I explained.

"Okay, let's hope we never see their true form turned on us" Ariadne said with fear in her voice.

We all know that the Erinyes are to be feared. Their punishments can last a life time of never ending torture. They are a symbol of justice but their name alone would strike fear even in the strongest and pure god's.

"Okay everyone, back to the house to get cleaned up. Don't scare the other's by mentioning our visitor's. The last thing I want is them scared. So far the Erinyes are on our side. Let's make sure none of us give them a reason to turn against us. Unlike the werewolves, we answer to the Erinyes" I said looking at all of them. For the most part they all looked terrified.

"It's okay, there gone, you have no need to worry. All you need to think about is at the end of this war, either way, Zeus won't be a problem" I said seriously.

Turning around, I started walking again, hearing the other's follow me. If Zeus knows there looking for him, he isn't going to wait to be found by them. He ls going to attack before they realise where he is. It's going to any day now. Let's hope he comes alone so me and him can finish the fight he started. We're on even playing ground this time. I'm stronger and in more control of my power's since last time we came face to face. I need to talk to Erebus and get Aaron and Clint to call a meeting. I will gather our god's and demigods.

No more training, their going to have to use everything they have learned and be prepared to fight for their lives. If I can fight him without putting the other's in danger, I will. If it's one on one they won't have to fight. They will just have to be ready to defend themselves if more follow behind Zeus.

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