The Meeting

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Chapter 12

Electra POV

Watching everyone walk into our meeting room. I watched Aaron and Taylor call together their first pack meeting. Looking around I could see the looks of curiousty on all the wolves faces. The other's new what was coming after our surprise visit earlier. I could here Aaron calling my name to come to the top and explain to everyone why this emergency meeting has been called. I pushed myself off the wall and walked towards my son. I gave him a smile before I turned to face everyone.

"I asked Aaron to call this meeting because the fight is going to be sooner than we expected. Zeus is going to attack with panic so he won't be properly prepared for how many of us there is. He is now aware that the Erinyes know he has escaped and are searching for him. He isn't going to wait long. He could attack by himself or with a small group. If he comes alone I will fight him alone just prepare yourself incase some have changed their mind and are willing to fight with him. His decision aren't rational or organised. He will come quickly and try to leave with me just as quickly. But the one thing I can guarantee is at the end of this Zeus will die at my hands or the Erinyes. I want you all to be prepared for anything, think about you're moves before you make them. One mistake can cost you're life or the one's around you. Think of everything you have learned and use it" I told all of them.

I could see reality hit them. Training is one thing but when you have to use it to fight for you're life that is something completely different.

"Does anyone have any questions or worries?" I asked looking around the room.

I spotted one of the former sluty girl's raise her hand. Her proper name is Alicia.

"Yes Alicia" I said.

"It's not really a question or worry, I just want to say and I know I speak for all of us when I say this. We will do everything and anything to protect you and each other. You have changed my life for the better and I know plenty of other's feel the same. By training us and giving up encouragement you gave us a purpose. A reason to come together and a reason to fight. Within out this move none of us who have found our mate's and I would have stayed on my self destruction path. To me you you were the turning point in my life" she said honestly.

I could feel the tears burn in the back of my eyes.

"Thank you Alicia, I hope you all know how proud I am of all of you. You have grown so much since you first arrived. I never once had to drag you to training or kick you're asses out of bed. When training got harder you all pushed yourselves more. You are all warrior's and you have made our packs so much stronger and this has brought us all closer. I will do everything in my power to protect every single one of you. If I can take him alone I will. But if I don't make it, I don't want my death to affect how much you have come on and grown together. For me make sure you all stick together and help one another" I smiled proudly looking at all of them.

I can see a few of the girl's wipe away tears that are threatening to fall. They don't want to lose me but I will do anything to make sure I don't even lose one of them. We are all family now and I don't think even when this fight is over that our packs will split. We will stay together and any of the demigods are welcome to live with us. Most of them have no where to go back to and this has been a home to them. Where despite the fight coming they have felt safe and now feel they belong somewhere, that they have a place to call home. Never would I have ever imagined that Zeus obsession would lead to this. One good thing has come from this and that's what I will hold onto for the rest of my life. He will never be able to take that from me. He has nothing to live for but me, I have everything to live for. Wether that makes Zeus stronger or not, it will make me stronger. 

The meeting ended shortly after that but each and everyone of them made sure to hug me as they left.

Strong arm's wrapped around my waist pulling me back into him. Erebus buried his nose in my hair, taking in my scent.

"I don't think you realised how much of an impact you have had on all of them, even though you were tough with them and you pushed them, they respect you for it" he said with a smile.

"It's hard to believe it when I have had them dragged here to fight one of the strongest god's known to man. I thought they would hate and recent me for it. I never in wildest dreams thought they would be care about me" I told him honestly.

"For a strong oracle, you don't see what's right in front of you" he laughed.

"You're right, I didn't see this til now and I can't even explain how it feels. I love each and everyone of them for their own individual personalities and quirks" I smiled as I watched them.

"Who would have thought we would go from a family of two children to a family of hundred's" he joked.

"I think we have put the Brady bunch well and truely to shame" I laughed.

"Whose the Brady bunch" Erebus asked looking confused.

"It doesn't matter" I laughed. I forgot he spent most of his life in use underworld and TV was my best friend for along time. I turned around and wrapped my arm's around him.

"I love you" I told him looking into those beautiful golden eyes I fell in love with.

"I love you too" he said with his golden eyes shining with a love that still makes me melt.

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