Elysian Field's

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Chapter 14

Athena POV

Watching my daughter grow in a beautiful woman and mother has been the most wonderful experience I seen. Watching my grandchildren grow up and finding their mate's was a gift I never thought I would see. Each day brings us closer to Zeus attack. Watching Electra bring two packs together and giving demigods a home, Trent and I couldn't be prouder. She has changed so many girl's paths that were heading down the wrong path and giving them the chance and encouragement they needed to become wonderful girl's and fighter's with so much more potential than they can see for themselves.

The one thing I want for my daughter is for her to survive this fight and get to watch her children become parent's themselves. We have both being through so much and come out the other side stronger. But Electra has had so much to deal with in her life, she had to constantly hide who she is. I honestly don't know how she survived a rejection but she ended up with a man perfect for her. Every day I can see his love deepen for her the same way Trent looks at me. We were blessed to find mate's who truely love us and would do anything to keep us safe. But the feeling of becoming a mother is the most powerful feeling in the world and the scariest. You're world stops being about you and you're mate. It becomes solely about them, how to make sure they have everything, that they know how much you love them and would do anything to protect them and keep them safe. Being stuck in Tartarus was soul destroying, watching you're daughter's death over and over, kills something inside you, it takes you will to live and fight back. I would have gladly died there if it meant being with my daughter again. To be given a chance to see her again.

While Electra has been occupied, Trent and I have been finding out as much as possible about Zeus next move. We have been in contact with some of the demigods that Zeus tried to lure to his side. Right now he thinks he has an army behind him but in truth no one will stand beside him. From what we have heard he slowly losing his mind and becoming sloppy. Being away from Olympus has taken its toll and it' s starting to weaken his power's. But what we do know is he plan's on killing Erebus and the twins, to take away any reminder of her soul mate. He is crazy enough to believe that she will let him claim her once they are out of the way.

Hearing Erebus shouting out that Zeus is coming, Trent and I both looked after each other. We knew what we were planning to do we just hope we get the timing right. Running outside I could see Electra standing and waiting, looking every inch the goddess she is. Just like I thought Zeus arrived alone. As he tried to scare everyone standing at the sides, we got closer. Electra threw thunderbolt after thunderbolt, each hitting Zeus. But he is that crazed he hasn't even realised. My heart is my mouth when he threw his thunderbolt, flashes of Electra dying from the exact same thing swept across my mind. But she surprised all of us, as she stood still and then captured his thunderbolt before turning it back on him. Before she could see the effect it had on him Zeus appeared behind her but she surprised him, landing a hard punch to his stomach sending him skidding backwards. His eyes then focused on the twins as a sick smirk appeared. Trent grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could towards the twins as he split his thunderbolt in two sending them straight for them. We got in front of the twins before the bolts hit them. But after that, darkness surrounded me as I felt weightless and detached. But once a hand reached for mine, I felt complete once again as I looked at Trent.

The Erinyes appeared before us looking more ethereal than before. We should be in the underworld now.

"You get to watch to the end of the fight. See your daughter becoming more powerful or see her join you" the middle Erinyes said.

In a flash we found ourselves standing on the same field watching our daughter fight with everything she has. Looking at the twin, my heart ached as they held Trent' s and mine, lifeless bodies. Trent squeeze my hand tighter.

"They won't feel the pain off loss for long Athena, we done what we planned, we saved their lives" he smiled kissing my forehead.

I nodded and turned my attention to my daughter. She is amazing. I watched her proudly as she fought the man that tried time and time again try to ruin her life. Relief soared in my heard when I heard Zeus heartbeat slow til it finally stopped. Around us, all the god's of Olympus appeared to witness the fall of Zeus and the rise of a new powerful goddess. Watching Aphrodite run to my still form and hold me, showed me truely how much she loved Trent and I and the same with Ares.

We watched the Erinyes take Zeus body and knew we were running out of time. We watched our daughter move towards us and fall to her knee's. I wanted nothing more than to take her in my arm's and tell her everything is going to be okay now and how she will never understand how much we truely love her. My baby girl. I could feel tears fall when she stroked my face and then Trent. When she took our hand and kissed them, we knew our time here was over.

Arriving in the underworld we were greeted by Hades.

"I am sad to see you here but I am grateful you protected our grandchildren. Zeus has finally fallen. You are not going to be judged, you have earned you're place in the Elysian field's. It is a great honour for me to escort you there" Hades smiled.

"No need to thank us Hades, they are important to us. Finally Electra and Erebus can live in peace, no more wondering if and when Zeus will attack. Their free now to enjoy their lives with their children" I smiled.

"Thankfully, are you both ready?" he asked.

I looked at Trent and he smiled taking my hand in his.

"We're ready" I answered.

"All you need to do is take my hand" Hades said, holding his hand out for us to take.

This is it, we can finally leave knowing Electra and the twins are safe. I reached my hand out and took his.

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