The Lord's Chair

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    Who knew, that a pipsqueak such as... You know what? Malice had no idea who the shit rat was, but he had sure been chatting up a storm in that tavern, and when they'd all but kicked the bugger out, she had been right there waiting.
    Dressed in her Sunday best, which included a set of nice brown leathers and a whole lot of shiny armor, she had marched the asshole all the way back to the Null, and let him cower at the base of the throne. Red carpets trimmed in black, bookcases and loungers to fill a stadium, and in the center of it all, a mass of stone steps that led up to that throne; Malice's most favorite piece in the whole prison, and upon it, the big guy himself, howling as he listened to her tale of how the wretched little male before had spun his woe filled lies and sang of the enemy so sweet.
    Lord Eroch had to take a moment, before the bellowing laughter emerged from his gut once more. The male before him, a whole five foot nothing, and weighing in at, let's say, half a drowned rat, had just asked that he restrain his pet; and he was wondering whether he should say something, or just step out of the way.
     "I said, muzzle your hound!" He shouted at the Lord Darkness, who was well over six feet tall and weighed a good three hundred pounds, of well worked muscles. Throw in the waist length, prison striped hair and the wicked amethyst colored eyes; the male was to said deliver nightmares wherever he went.
"She..." Lord Eroch pointed at her, " not, my pet! A pet, is something who brings nothing but joy to your life. A pet is loyal and obedient... It is not something, that you spend your days wondering whether she is going to break a window, or perhaps blow up a planet; all because she broke a bloody nail!" He was glaring at the Valkyrie, who in fact, was sharpening said nails as he shook his head. "No, my short ass, friend. Malice, is no pet, but you are welcome to play with her, none the less! Maybe, take her for a walk! I hear pets like that sort of thing!" He chuckled again, and turned towards the door, letting the Valkyrie take his place on the throne.     "Try not to break it!" He glared up at her, and then looked back at the short, and rather nauseating male. "I'd say have fun, but that one bites! So, good luck on that walk!" He grinned.
       "My Lord, your compliments know, no bounds." Malice smiled back at him, and Lord Eroch shook his head as he left his throne room.
      "So, I hear you want to play?" She grinned down at the male, who stood shaking in his boots. "I know a game, it's called hide and seek. You hide, and I will hunt you down!"
     "Please, my lady. I meant no disrespect." The male shuddered before her.
     "You better start hiding!" She let out with a glimmer in her eye. "The Null is such a big place, that even I have not explored all of its secrets; but I would stay away from the lower levels if I were you."
    The male shuddered again as she held up her hand, and pointed for him to run. He looked left, and then right, and then bolted towards the far staircase, taking the steps two at a time.
     "Whoa now!" Malice heard the Demon's voice, and then watched him appear at the base of the stairs. 
    Shoulder length black hair, a reddish tinged to that immaculately sculpted body, and the size of him, and Malice shuddered. It wasn't every day, that a male could get under her skin such as Nyx did, and he wasn't even hers; but Mia had no problem sharing, and neither did Reh. Oh, how she missed him...
   "What's got him all wound up?" The Demon inquired, dragging her back to reality as he made his way towards the throne. "Wait, would you get out of that damn chair? Who do you think you are, the Queen of Darkness? Get down here." He shook his head at her, and held out an old sheet of parchment.
     "Oh, for crying out loud! Don't ruin my moment, just because you don't have the balls to sit your ass up here, doesn't mean that I can't enjoy the view." She snickered at him, and then waved her hand at him. "Now bow, before your Queen."
      "The only thing royal about you, is the pain in my ass you leave behind. Like a foul taste in my mouth; I just can't seem to get rid of it." He growled back at her. "Now come on, we have work to do!"
    "Uh, nope! Sorry there, my friend. But today, is my day off!" She laughed, stretching herself out in Lord Eroch's throne. She loved to tease him, loved, to taunt him.
     "We don't get days off!" The Demon grumbled. "Now stop screwing around, and take a look at this." He shook his head, and offered her the small scroll.
    "But I don't want to!" She let out with a whine, tossing her head back as the Angel entered the room.
     Now wasn't he a ball of good lookin! Tall, muscular, long white hair and diamond colored eyes, and the wings... Not as nice as the ones that Malice had, but they were pretty snazzy; not that she'd ever tell him that. The Angel, came with a big ass helping of sarcasm, the last thing you wanted to do, was tweak his Ego Switch. Even a notch, and shit got crazy, real fast.
     "It's from Kember!" Nyx grinned at her, and watched as the Valkyrie shot down from the throne and appeared right in front of him. "I knew it!" He added as she snatched it out of his hand.
    "Knew what?" Nissa inquired, replacing a book on one of the shelves.
    "Malice has a thing for Kember!" Nyx howled, as he received a shot to the chest. "Yup, totally has a thing! Guess that night in the bath house, wasn't a rumor at all!"
    Nissa just shook his head. "What's the scroll say?"
    Malice laughed, and then looked up at him. "Nissa, would you be a dear, and keep our guest, busy for a few minutes? I have need to deliver a message!"
    "Our guest?" The Angel looked confused. "What guest?"
    "He should be on the third floor about now, probably hiding in a closet somewhere! Just, keep him busy..." She paused, tucking the parchment into her pocket. "I'll be gone for a while!" She grinned, and disappeared before either of them could say anything.
     "What guest?" Nissa asked again, and Nyx shook his head.
      "I'll get him!" Nyx's grin was so wide, and the markings on his neck and chest were glowing that eerie amber color.
     "She said keep him busy now, not kill him!" The Angel chuckled, and then disappeared himself.
    Nyx was alone in the throne room, and by the time that fact had registered in his mind, he realized he was staring at the throne. He had balls, the Valkyrie knew nothing; and he started up the steps. One at a time, up he went, each step bringing him closer, each foot upon the threshold, tightening the noose he felt around his neck. The giant back rest, hand carved with the most intricate ancient lettering, the seat cushion in that deep, blood red color, the stone arm rests almost within reach...
    "Nyx?" His voice bellowed throughout the room, and the Demon found himself at the base of the throne room steps in a heart beat.
     "Yes, my lord?" He let out, his head bowed and his heart racing, as the laughter exploded from the shadows.
     "Oh Gods! That was fucking priceless!" She howled, and emerged before him. "Oh, by all that is sacred, if I should die tomorrow, I would die so happy and free!"
    Even Lord Eroch was laughing, and Nissa too. She had set him up, and they were all in on it.
    "The look of your face, was so worth it, my brother!" Nissa added, slapping him on the back as he appeared beside him.
     "Fuck, you!" Nyx replied, glaring at the Valkyrie, and she could see the wheels in his mind turning as he plotted his revenge.
     "So, you like to play games?" He inquired, as cool and calm as he could; that sinful grin upon his face; and for a moment, Malice felt her heart flutter.
     It was no lie, that despite the fact that they were both mated to others, they had felt a connection of sorts; and surprisingly enough, the Demon's mate, Euphamia, had felt it, too. A sudden jolt, a hidden sizzle between the trio? Whatever it was, it kept them all on their toes, and constantly testing one another. "What, did you have in mind?" Malice replied with a question of her own, intrigued by what the Demon had to offer.
    "Shit! I'm out!" Lord Eroch sighed and shook his head, and disappeared back down the stairs as if he knew, what was about to happen.
    "Your little shit rat?" Nyx went on, is lips curling up at the side as he came towards her.
    "Yeah?" Malice cocked a brow at him.
    "New rules. Whoever finds him first will get to sit in that throne..." He chuckled, "...and the loser, better brush up on the word 'slave'" He grinned again and then disappeared from sight.
     "Son of a..." Malice let out, and looked up at Nissa.
     "You'd better get going! You may not know all The Null's hiding spots, but he does!" The Angel laughed, as Malice shook her head and disappeared.

Chronicles- A Devil's Daughters Crossover- Book Two(Published Feb 2017)Where stories live. Discover now