Into the Thick of It

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    Malice looked out across the ice field, there were so many things happening, she had all but forgotten the magical allure of fresh fallen snow. And the arrival of her sister...
    She had longed to see Mist again, knowing it was her duties that had kept her so far, she couldn't help but feel overjoyed that those duties has finally crossed paths with her own. She had been here on Vash the whole time, monitoring the situation from afar, making sure the people did not advance too quickly; for fear of repeating the past, if anything.
    Mist and Malice, Malice and Mist! One with long black hair, the other with a melody of blonde and icy white highlights. Those eyes though, two sets of steely gray eyes glared back at you, two sets of eyes that could search through your own and steal your very soul; if they'd wanted to. Both wore armor of a similar style, both blending in with the bright white, snow covered region.
    "You good?" Malice turned round to see Mia with her arms on her hips and one brow cocked.
    "Just reminiscing!" Malice smiled back, and let out a sigh. "It's been so long, since I last laid eyes upon her!" "She paused for a moment, giving Mia the oddest of looks, "You don't trust her!" There was more certainty, than inquiry in her statement.
    "I don't trust anybody!" Mia laughed, and went to walk away, but Malice grabbed her by the hand and pulled her back against her.
   "You trust, Nyx and I, don't you?" She whispered in her direction, letting the wind carry her words to Mia's ears.
    "You're different!" Mia tried to hide it, but Malice could see the hint of...
     "It is not jealousy that courses through my veins, Valkyrie..." Mia got real close, so close, Malice could feel the heat of her breath and heard the beating of her heart as she spoke. "You have been in my bed and between my thighs, you are already, mine!" She let out with a growl that left Malice a little wet, as she walked away with a smirk on her face.
    Bloody Hell! The female was so much more wicked, than Malice had given her credit for, and with a grin, she followed along behind her, plotting and scheming as they made way across the ice. Two, could play this sweet and sinful game.


      The walls were closing in on her as the words circled in her head.
     'He'll see me...' She had whimpered, clutching her swollen belly.
     'Madrina? Does Nissa not know?'
     'I needed to build up the courage....'
"Madrina?" He called out to her through the bathroom door. "Fuck, Madrina! Answer me!"
      "Please, Kember? Send him away!" Madrina pleaded. "Tell him, tell him I am in the shower! No, the bath! The water is already running..."
     Kember was shaking her head, not that she wouldn't do it, just that she couldn't believe what she was seeing as Madrina rose from the corner. "Kember? Please? He can't see me like this, not yet!" She whimpered, the tears running down her face.
    Kember gave in, forcing her legs to move, and helped Madrina undress, taking in the long, red and white streaks that fell down past her shoulders and chest, and nestled gently atop her rounded belly. "Gods, Madrina! You're..."
    "Pregnant? Yeah, I know!"
     "You're really pregnant though! Like, I'd say about nine months or so!" Kember finally let out. "Three more months, and..."
    "Shut up!" Madrina spat out as she climbed into the bath and slipped herself beneath the deep waters. "Just, don't say that!"
    "How can I not, Madrina? Look at you? What happened?"
     "MADRINA?" He shouted again, banging on the door with his fist. "Open this door?"
    "One minute!" She shouted back, and then her eyes begged Kember to help. "Please? Just tell him I've spilled wine all over myself..."
     "You can't drink wine while you're with child..."
     "He doesn't know, I'm with, children..." Madrina snapped back as quietly as she could.
    Crap, that's right! She said she had felt 'them' moving about inside her! Shit!
    'Hi, Nissa! Congratulations, you're going to be a Father, in three months; to twins! Have a nice fucking day now, buh-bye!'
     The Angel was going to flip his shit! Flip it, and lose it!
    She didn't know why she did it, she'd always valued the truth, having never received any truth what so ever form her own Mother... Ugh, she shook her head, she didn't need to be thinking about 'her' right now, she needed to focus on Madrina.
    Opening the door, she peered out and caught sight of the massive wings that shuddered with each breath he took. "Where is she?" He growled.
    "In the bath!" Kember laughed. "She heard the shouting and ran to hide, but bumped into the wine rack. She's covered in the stuff, and since she's been hiding, it's all sticky and gross. So you've been forbidden to enter!"
    "Fuck that!" He let out, and pushed against the door. "That's my mate, and I will see her!"
     "Nissa, I'm fine!" She called out, doing a damn good job at covering the fear in her voice, "And you will, not, come in here while I look like this!"
       Oh, hell no! Kember wasn't going to stand on guard  for the next three hours, let alone months. No way, not happening.
    "I just want to see you, make sure you're safe!" He pleaded with her, and that scent of his wafted in through the crack in the door.
    At least, that part, totally made sense. The male could sense the changes in his mate, even if he hadn't clued in yet, his body sure had. Gods, she couldn't keep this a secret forever, she had to tell someone what was going on. She didn't look pregnant this morning, but now, not even supper time, and she's looking like she's ready to pop? That was a, what the fuck, in Kember's books.
    "If you come through that door, Nissa, I will beat you!" She shouted back, "Bloody hell, can't I just have a bath?"
     The Angel let out a roar, as if he were about to attack, but instead he took a few steps back and shook his head. "Fine!" He growled, "But you do not leave this room, either of you!"
    "Roger that, Boss!" Kember replied, and shut the bathroom door, sliding down it as she melted to the floor.
    "Thank you!" Madrina sighed, feeling the tension leave her for now. "Oh..." She added, and moved to one side. "Oh, wow!" She giggled, her hands racing to her belly. "They're moving again!"
    From utter fear, to absolute peace, in five second flat. Wow, was an understatement.
    Madrina ushered for Kember to come over, and waited as she crawled across the floor like a slug, the realization of what was happening... Up the side of the tub, felling Madrina's hand taking her own, the soft warm skin beneath the waters as a tiny little foot pressed against her hand.
    "This, isn't a dream!" Kember gasped. "This, this is real!" She felt it kick again. "But how?"
    "I don't know!" Madrina shook her head, "But it's very real, Kember. I can feel every little move they make, every hiccup, every beat of their tiny little hearts..." She was about to break out in tears once again, fighting hard to hold them back as she felt yet another kick.
   "They're strong!"
    "They're females!" Madrina smiled, "Malice told me so!"
    "Well I'm glad Malice knows! Cause someone's gonna have to help you explain this all to Nissa!" Kember sighed, and then giggled, watching as Madrina's belly caused ripples across the top of the bath water.
    "Mother knows as well, you have to find her, and bring her here! She has to know what to do..." Madrina was starting to panic once more.
    "You're Mother's not here, Madrina! She has engaged the Order..."
    "Bloody Hell, then where is my Father?" She asked, "Shit, he's gone to Vash! What the hell am I going to do? I feel like I'm loosing my mind!"
    "Relax!" Kember laughed, "We'll get through this, we always do!"
    "We'll have to go to her!"
    "Who? Your Mother? Absolutely, out of the question! She's at war, Madrina, and you can't travel!" Kember began to protest. "Let alone bring me along for the ride!"
    "You can go, with a little help! You can go to Vash and bring my Father back here. Please, Kember?"
    "How?" Kember couldn't believe she was even asking.
    "There is a vial of Markus' blood in the top drawer! I keep it for emergencies..."
   "No wine, no blood, no traveling!" Kember glared at her.
   "Not for me, for you!" Madrina sighed and shook her head. "Drink it back, and think of my Father! It's that easy!"
    "For you, maybe?" Kember grumbled, but she retrieved the vial, none the less.
    "Just think of my Father, his face, his presence, and it will enhance your gift and take you to him!"
     "On Vash?"
    "Yes! Wherever he is, it will take you there!" Madrina smiled. "Please, hurry! I can't chance Nissa returning with you gone; not like this!"
    "You have to tell him!"
    "Oh, I will! When I figure out, what, to tell him!" She replied, and closed her eyes as Kember swallowed the thick, red liquid, and thought of the male she considered a Father. As messed up as it was, she had to help Madrina.


Chronicles- A Devil's Daughters Crossover- Book Two(Published Feb 2017)Where stories live. Discover now