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    Malice awoke the next morning, to find Kember reading a book about Valkyries. The novel in question had been written over a thousand years ago, by a historian whose name had all but been forgotten. She couldn't stop herself, and before she knew it, she was snuggled up to the Witch; taking comfort in her presence as she would have, Rehoboam's.
    She missed him dearly, and the children as well, but he had Nandy and Erona, and they would tend to his every need. 'Go, and be safe, my love! Know that we are safe, and in good company!'  His words still echoed in her mind, and that kiss...
    "Well, hello!" Kember giggled, pulling the blankets up around them both.
    "Hello, yourself!" Malice let out with a purr, pawing at the book. "So, what are we reading? One hundred and one ways, to turn a Prince into a toad?" Malice sighed softly as she laid her head on her lover's shoulder. That's what they were, right? They were lovers?
    Malice, like the rest of the universe, didn't know anything about Witches. They had existed as long as the Valkyrie clans, and throughout their shared history they had always been allies; often acting as advisors to each others ruling class. But, that was as far as the information went, and yet, she didn't mind 'not knowing' when it came to this particular Witch.
    "Hardly! I'm on the 'Know your Sword' chapter!" Kember grinned, and let Malice turn the page as she carried on. "Do you know, that Valkyrie Justicars are supposed to live their lives chastely?" And Malice looked over at the sword she had laid out on the desk across the room. 
    "Let me guess, Sax has been teaching you our history?"
     "It speaks!" Kember smiled at her, "More than you do!"
     "The problem with history, my dear Kember, is that it kind of gets, muddled, over time. We may have been chaste once, but we lost that luxury a long while ago." She glared at the sword she had wielded from nowhere, and had kept safe ever since.
    "Well, someone needs to teach the young ones of the old histories." The sword insisted. Sax wasn't really an artifact, more of a, family, heirloom."Lady Ashlyn gave me to Malice, when she was created. I was, supposed, to be a guide, but she's always has been such a willful child..." The sword continued in a slightly nasal clipped, English accent.
    "And when I see her next, I'll give you back to her! Like I did the last time!" Malice snapped back.
    "And yet you summoned me, and you will again, when the time comes!" The sword began to glow, and in a less flashier version of how it had arrived, it disappeared.
    "Uh?" Kember let out, and Malice shook her head.
    "Temperamental...." But her words faded off, as Kember turned the page. "Shouldn't you be reading Navina's journal?"
    "I was!" Kember rolled her eyes, and turned another page. "So, do you always have your wings? Like, you hide them right? Like Nissa?" And she giggled when Malice ruffled her feathers.
    "Illusions are easy!" Malice grinned, and with one more flutter, the wings disappeared out of sight.
    "Cool! I thought maybe, a Valkyrie could remove her wings! But your wings are like his!"
    "Hell no!" Malice cocked a brow at her and her wings filled the small room as she rose from the bed wearing nothing but the bracelet that matched Kember's. "These right here, these are perfect, right down to the alloys used in their core. Silver tipped and yet so light and airy..." She fluttered them again, "Unbreakable!"
    "And Nissa's?"
     "Don't get me wrong, and if you ever tell him, I'll deny it..." Malice glared at her, and retracted her wings as she climbed back up on the bed, nuzzling against Kember's calf, and then her thigh. "...but his wings are beautiful in their own right! They are a part of him, he was  born with them, whereas, I was created..."
    "For so many, sinfully exquisite purposes!" Kember finished for her, sliding her palms across Malice's cheeks and guiding her lips upwards. "Don't ever forget that, Malice! You are beautiful as well, in ways he could never hope to imagine!" She grinned, and felt Malice's tongue across her naked nipple.

    "You, don't get to change the rules!" He growled at her, and Navina felt the wave wash over her. "You, said you'd never go anywhere without me!" He had her pinned against the wall, and her body was so hot and ready, if it weren't for the fact that Malice was waiting...
    "It's a library, Lync!" She pleaded with him. "And it's Malice, what could go wrong?"
    "A whole, hell, of a lot!" A voice cut in, and Lync growled even louder.
    "I don't like being watched!" He growled at the Demon, and Navina saw that flash in his eyes, the whip in his dark spiked hair as he looked back at her; damn!
    "Well it's a good thing I wasn't watching!" Nyx chuckled as he emerged from the shadows.
    "Right! Cause Lord Eroch doesn't have you babysitting my ass?" Lync grumbled and pulled away from Navina.
    "You did, kind of assault him! And technically, that shit calls for death, Homie!" Nyx went on as Lync turned to face him.
     "And yours too, if I remember correctly!"
     "Alright then! Lync, baby? I need to go!" She leaned in a left a kiss on his cheek.
     "Wait, what now?" He grumbled again, "Dammit, Vina!" But she was already off down the hall.
     Lucky for her, for she could just imagine the shit storm Nyx was putting up with as she made her way down the stair case and across the throne room floor. It was just a trip to the library, a place filled with books. Navina liked books, and it would be after hours, on Earth no less. No chance of anything crazy going on; in a library!
    She couldn't help but blush at the thought of his being so, over protective as he was, but it got a little suffocating at times, too. Like now, she and Malice had this chance to bond, maybe, figure a few things out? She wasn't about to give that up, not when it meant learning more about Marena.
   With Kember going over what was already recorded, and no new visions to speak of in the last few weeks, there was nothing else for Navina to do but search for answers; and that Valkyrie was full of them, she was sure of it.
    Gods, Marena!
    Her sister! She hadn't even known she'd had one, let alone one that had the same, long black hair and green eyes as she did. And where did she find her? Asleep for an undetermined amount of time, trapped in her own mind, because...
    "Hey? Whats going on?" The voice interrupted her, and she looked up to see Malice's steely gray eyes. "Don't even bother lying, you're too much like she was, to hide it!"
    "Who was?" Navina let out, a little confused, and a whole lot scared.
    "Marena!" The Vakyrie smiled. "She had this little dimple, yup, right there..." Malice lifted her finger to Navina's cheek. "She'd try to hide it, but that dimple would always show itself..."
    "I, uh..." Navina started, but she really had no idea what to say to that as her hand rose to where Malice had touched her.
    She'd never known Marena, or her quirks. Did she always knock three times? Did she write and draw with her right hand, but hold the bat and stick with her left? Did she confuse her words, never sounding right? Did her heart flutter before the good night's kiss? Did she have someone to kiss?
    "You and I, are going to have a great time!" Malice chuckled, and let Navina towards the large wooden doors.

Chronicles- A Devil's Daughters Crossover- Book Two(Published Feb 2017)Where stories live. Discover now