Hello Again

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   "Are you sure you want to go down there?" Nissa inquired, helping her tie the final strands of her dress.
    "I feel fine!" Madrina tried to assure him, but even Kember had he feeling the male wasn't going to stop asking.
    "You don't have to go down, I can have the kitchen make you something to eat? You can put your feet up and read a book?"
    "Nissa, she's pregnant, not broken and fragile!"
    "We don't know what's happened!" Nissa glared back at the Witch.
    "But we do know that they're alright!" She laughed, "The ultrasound proved as much!"
   "Our daughters are fine, my love!" Madrina smiled up at him, taking his hand in her own, and placing it on her belly over the green gown she wore. "I, am fine, but I won't be, if I don't get out of this bloody place!"
    "Fair enough!" Nissa laughed, kissing her softly. "You're sure, though?"
    "If you don't get out and leave us be, I swear..."
    "You don't swear!" He grinned, but he had gotten the hint. "I will be waiting downstairs!" And with that, he was gone; and Madrina let out the breath she had been holding in.
    "He's right you know, you don't, have, to go down there!" Kember started in.
   "Not you too?" She shook her head. "I've been sick and helpless enough, if the ultrasound and my Mother say that they are alright, then, they are alright." She took in a deep breath, and tried to bend over and slip on her shoes.
   Nope, wasn't happening, and Kember had to catch her before she fell over. "Here..." She offered slipping the high heels on Madrina's feet. "You sure you don't want different shoes?"
    "I'm pregnant, not...." But she took a few steps and almost broke and ankle. "I think I'll put slippers on." She giggled, and Kember took off for the closet.

   It took them awhile to make it down those great steps, and across the dining hall to another set, but eventually, Madrina and Kember were making their final decent, and they could already hear the voices. Concern and confusion ran rampant in the throne room, and when they finally arrived at the bottom step, they found not only Lord Eroch and Nissa, but also Lady Ellaria, and Folix. 
    As they came around the corner, even more people came in to view, and though Kember didn't recognize all of them, she could point out the Elemental, Erona and was that...
    "Ah, Madrina! Thank you for joining..." But the male's words were cut off as his gaze fell upon her.
     "Folix!" Madrina nodded her head with a smile. "It is good to see you!"
    "It is so very good to see you, I had no idea you were with child!" He smiled bashfully, "It suits you!"
    "Thank you, Folix!" She laughed, as Nissa came to stand beside her. "So, tell me, what brings you here?"
    "Uh, well... It would seem..." He stuttered again.
    "It would seem that the two of you, and a handful of others, share the same issue, Madrina!" Her Father replied, and Nissa put his arm around her and squeezed tight.
     "What do you mean, issue?" She inquired, grabbing on to Nissa's arm.
     "It would seem that Pathen, has played with your genetic coding, as well!" Folix sighed, and ushered for a young male to step forward. "His name, is Opamir!"
     "Hello, my Lady!" The male let out, his voice so deep and enchanting.
    "Hello!" Madrina replied, and Kember took note of the way the young male reacted, his eyes filled with lust as he took in her radiance.
    "Opamir? Tell Madrina how old you are?" Folix told the young male.
    "I am ten and two, my Lady!" The young male replied, still gazing at her.
     "There is no way!" Kember shot out, "He's at least, twenty and two!"
    No way, that five foot, maybe nine inches, and two hundred pounds with short brown hair and a goatee, was ten and two. Maybe, ten and eight, maybe!
    "I assure you, the child is ten and two, Kember!" Folix sighed, "But he was also taken by the Hosts, just as you were!" The old male shook his head. "They altered you both, like they did the others..."
    "What others? What did they do to me?"
    "There are a hundred and nineteen so far, but none as unique as yours!" He shook his head again. "They have all been, accelerated! There bodies and minds have..."
    "So you're telling us that what happened to Madrina, happened to all these others, as well?" Kember inquired.
   "Not so much their children, as in your case, but they themselves ave gained months, years even!" Erona finally spoke. "Even a few at the orphanage have taken to needing bigger clothes..."
    "And this all happened, at the same time?" Kember inquired, and Folix nodded his head as his salt and peppered hair ruffled about.
    "Mother?" Madrina let out, "What does this mean?"
    "It means that the Order is trying to reign in its followers!" She sighed. "We feared that something like this would happen..." She turned to Lord Eroch. "Summon the soldiers, I will need them soon enough!"

Chronicles- A Devil's Daughters Crossover- Book Two(Published Feb 2017)Where stories live. Discover now