Hidden in Lies

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     Malice had found the place she was looking for, not the giant manse she had expected the Sovereign to uphold, but a dingy little cottage in the woods. Surrounded in trees at the mouth of a cave, and overlooking a small creek that leaked from said cave, Malice felt as if she were part of some horror movie, though there were other houses, and other people living in and about the small clearing.
    Dressed in her formal, black armor, Malice approached the door she had been told was hers, as the neighbors spoke in fear filled tones at the end of the path. The Valkyrie grinned behind her mask, listening to them chatter about, as if they had actually expected something like this to happen. Pointing and shaking their heads at the little brown cottage, nodding with an approving smile as Malice knocked on the door.
    Were they 'happy' that she was here? Were they expecting her to remove the Witch from their little haven? Ha, she'd remove her alright, but she wasn't keeping her, she wasn't even allowed to kill her. Pity, it would be nice to sit at Kember's feet as she sat on the bitch's Throne of Power. She could get used to the royal life; but that would all come after, she had freed Kember from that horrid spell.
    No one was answering, and after a third attempt at knocking, she turned and made her way towards a mother and a young female, both looking at her with reverence in their eyes. Okay, she had to admit, she did look all sinister and official, but she wasn't here to seek revenge on anyone; contrary to the village folks belief.
    "This..." The child spoke, though her Mother tried to hush her.  "... is what happens when you use your powers for evil. The evil that you do in life,  must be paid for."
    Malice actually had to stop looking at the pair and shake her head. What was that? No, never mind. "Those who use their powers to protect and help others, never need fear me, child. There are far worse things that could come of tonight, but mine will not be the hand that deals them!"
    Malice had surprised everyone, when she hadn't kicked the door in the first time she'd knocked. Even Sax, had remained silent, sensing her mood, and stayed ready at her side as she returned to the door and politely, knocked again.
    This was getting her nowhere. "My Lady? I have come to seek your help!"
    Again, nothing.
    "My Lady? Your daughter has had an accident, and she is in need of your help."
     "Who, are you? Came a feminine voice that sounded just like Kember's, and Malice had to remind herseld that this was the woman who had tried to steal her own daughters powers, out of jealousy. She had tried to kill Kember, she was not, Kember; and Malice couldn't let her heart do the thinking.
    "I am a friend of Kember's. My name is Malice, of the Valkyrie." She sighed, and shook her head.
    "The one you seek, is not here!"
     "Kalin, we don't have time for the foolishness, come out. I'm not here for you, and you don't want me to come in there and get you!" Malice hissed at her, and then backed off, about fifty paces.
    She raised her hand, directly in front of the mother and, child summoning one of her bubbles.
    "It looks like a soup bubble, Momma! The young female giggled.
     "Kalin, you have to the count of five to come out."
      On four, Malice blew gently on her palm to let the "soap bubble" drift toward the door . On five.. Malice snapped her fingers and the ball detonated with a brilliant flash and a thunderous boom! Thatch rained down around then all as she smiled and the young female giggled some more as she jumped up and down.
   "Do it again, do it again!" She squealed excitedly.
    Malice grinned at her as the second sphere took shape, hoping to lure the Witch out in to the open. Had she ever tasted the power of a Valkyrie?
    "The next one won't be a warning, Kalin!" She shouted, as the ball grew bigger. "You'll lose more than your roof!"
   Malice blew in her hand and the bubble started moving again, but this time, it glowed an eerie violet as it approached the small house and a white flag appeared in one of the windows.
   "Isn't that cute!" One of the village folk let out behind her, but as soon as they heard her voice; her real, voice....
   "No more! By the Gods, I surrender all ready." She didn't sound, frightened.
    "Damn, that was just getting good." Nyx complained, coming from the shadows to stand at her side.
    "What are you doing here?"
     "Helping! Trust me, you can thank me later!" Mia appeared as well, grinning at her, and crossed her arms over her chest.
    Malice waited beside them, her arms, crossed beneath her breasts, as the entire village came out to watch the show. Nyx vanished from sight, only to reappear near the door, grabbing the female by the arm as she  made her way out and into the light.
    She was tall, with long black hair and multi colored strands and feathers, beads and jewels, like a head dress, with that thick black mass woven through it all. Her eyes were burning an eerie blue, and the smug look on her face...
    She looked at Malice, and then at Mia, and Malice wasn't sure who the female was more afraid of; if it even was fear, that she sensed. It was something though, and as Nyx brought her closer, Malice could smell the... satisfaction. The Witch was permeating, satisfaction?
    Mia sensed it too, it was written all over her face.  She didn't trust the female either, as her mate brought her even closer and Mia glared at her.
   "I expected better treatment, from one of Lord Eroch's daughters; but then, with the company you keep..." Kalin chuckled, walking every so slowly in her black and red gown.
    "Now this, is more like it!" Mia laughed, "See? Always a female with class..." She sighed, and then glared at the Witch, "...but if I find out, that you had anything to do with Kember's illness..."
    "What illness?" Kalin snapped back, ignoring the rubbish the villagers spoke all around her.
    "Do not act, like you don't know!" Mia grabbed the woman and threw her down to her knees. "You know of every magical act, Kalin. You, are their Sovereign!"
    "And you, Valkyrie? What have you to say about all of this?" Kalin turned her gaze on Malice, who stood beside the woman and child.
    The child tugged on the Dark Valkyries cloak. "Don't let her hurt the Witch Lady. When I fell from the tree and broke my arm, it was she who fixed it!"
    "Nonsense!" The Mother scolded her young, but the little female did not listen. "Please?" She begged Malice.
   "From the mouths of babes." Malice sighed as Mia grabbed Kalin by the hair. "Gently, Mia! Gently!" She told her which earned her a strange look. "If you kill her, your Mother will be very disappointed. Do we really need to have a trial?"
   "A trial? But you said something about Kember being ill, a magical accident? You said nothing of a trial. What bullshitery do you spew?" Kalin let out. "And do not lie, I can smell her magic on you." She eyed Malice.
    Malice laughed, nodding for Mia to let her go, only to have her hand wrap around the Witch's throat. "Personally, I'd hang you right here for your past deeds, but your daughter needs your help. She will die without it, and I don't know enough about your kind of magic to do this myself. So you can help me, or die right here, right now! And if you refuse to comply, I will have your neighbors judge you, and from the looks on their faces, you're already guilty." She laughed as she looked around.
   Other than the young female and her mother, who among the crowd that had gathered, who, would save the Witch?  None!
    "You can try and save Kember and maybe help us fight against the Order, and I may I ask the Lord and Lady for clemency. Or do you  spend the rest of your worthless life imprisoned in the Null?"
    "Thrash her but good, Valkyrie, stretch her neck!" Said an older female who looked like the young's grandmother.
    "She's done more harm, than good!" Another shouted.
    "Well, Kalin? Do I get a rope? There seems to be plenty of good sturdy trees around here."
    With that said, Kalin put her hands out in front of her, looking daggers at the Valkyrie.
    Malice nodded as they prepared to depart. The Valkyrie walked over to where the trio of females stood watching. They curtsied as she approached.
   Malice smiled down at the young, holding out her hands for the young female to shake.
   "Thank you for your help...?" She smiled again, and waited for the child to answer.
    "Julia!" She giggled.
    "Well, Julia, thank you for your help. I should expect to see you in the Academy one day." She winked at her. "Consider this, a formal invitation."
    "The Academy? My Lady, that's only for the rich!" Julia's Mother answered.
    "The Academy, is open to everyone, Ma'am. Especially your daughter, having a strong gift, like she does." Malice corrected her, and let climbed up the ramp before the door closed.


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