Untamed Visions

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    The doors had opened, and a tall female with long blonde hair followed Kordahn towards the table. She was the picture of elegance and grace, like Lady Ellaria herself, she comported herself as if all eyes were upon her and the fate of the world rested on what she had to say.
    "She's Human!" Nyx let out, and Mia sort of laughed. "I mean, she's cute and all; but she's Human!"
    "Oh?" Khia replied.
    "I can smell her!" He growled, sitting forward in his seat.
    "I am sorry, my Lord!" The female started, taking a few steps closer. "I did not mean..." She paused again, and a moment later the Demon could hear her voice right behind him. "...to be rude!"
    "What the fuck?" Nyx jumped out of his seat.
    "So, not totally Human!" Mia laughed, and leaned back for a better look. "Do you have a name?" She added, watching as the foxy blonde minx worked her fingers through Nyx's hair, easing him back into his seat.
    "Ambrosia!" Malice blurted out.
    "Hello, Malice!" The female replied.
    "Do you know everyone?" Nyx growled, but then, it could have also been a groan.
    "Enjoying yourself?" Mia rolled her eyes, and turned them on something more intriguing. "She bears your mark, Malice!"
    "Yes she does!" The Valkyrie laughed, "It's been what... a thousand years?"
     "Is that all?" Ambrosia smiled back at her. "It seems like only yesterday!" She sighed, leaving Nyx in a lump in his chair, and moving towards Khia.
     "You have done well for yourself!" Malice told her.
     "I try, for that is all you ever asked for!" Ambrosia giggled. "And, I have learned much with the gifts you awakened within me!"
     "And what gifts are those?" Kember raised a brow at her, watching as she undid her long gray cloak and a piece of parchment fell from the pocket. "What are you?" Kember went on.
    "Oh my..." Ambrosia let out. "Nyx? Would you be a dear, and fetch that for me?" the female looked up at the Demon and let off another smile.
    "That'll be the day!" Kember laughed, and took a drink from her cup; only to choke on those words a moment later as Nyx rose from his chair.
    "If it would help, the Lady!" He replied, and even Malice had to applaud as the Demon knelt down to retrieve the roll of parchment.
    "Holy, shit balls!" Mia let out.
    "Are you fucking serious?" Kember added.
    "Nyx?" Ambrosia called out again.
    "Yes?" He replied, as if in a daze.
    "Could you bring that, to your female..." She told him, and smiled again as he turned towards Mia. "Oh, Nyx?" She added. "With your teeth!"
    "Of course!" He smiled back at her, and slipped the roll between his lips as he continued towards his mate.
    "Fuck, me, running!" Mia giggled, as Nyx appeared beside her, and handed her the scroll.
    "How did you do that?" Kember gasped, just as Nyx took a long deep breath and shook his head.
    "What the fuck?" He let out. "What's going on?"
    "What, are you?" Kember was so intrigued and it was written all over her face/
    "She's a Succubus!" Mia grinned, "And damn, is she good!" She added, unrolling the parchment.
    "That is correct!" Ambrosia smiled, "Thanks to Malice!" She giggled.
    "I should have known!" Nyx shook his head as he took his seat and examined the cup before him.
    "What are you doing?" Mia asked.
    "I've been drugged, and possessed... Just checkin for poison!" He growled, and the whole table lit up in laughter.
    "I've heard stories, but I didn't..." Kember paused with a bashful smile. "I didn't think you were real; your kind, I mean!"
    "As you can see, I am very real!" The female smiled back at her.
    "Is this letter real, too?" Mia asked, as she handed the letter to Malice.
    "It arrived on a person, not two weeks past, and before he woke the next morning, I had him make a copy of it for me!" Ambrosia grinned.
    "You made him make the copy?" Nyx looked stunned, and yet, impressed.
    "If another is required..." Ambrosia started.
    "I can find some parchment!" Nyx finished for her, and then gave her the evilest of glares. "You did it again, didn't you?"
    "Yeah she did!" Mia howled, and reached for her glass.
    "So you had him make a copy?"
    "It was the least he could do, for the way he used my females!" Ambrosia shook her head.
    "So this is the original?" Malice inquired, flipping the thing over in her hands.
    "Yes!" She smiled, "They were identical, and so we switched them..."
    "And the brothel?" Malice added quickly, looking up at the female.
    "Has been moved, of course!"
     "A different city?"
    "A different planet! We will miss Earth, but there are others in your employ to keep track of the Humans!"
    "Just how many of these whore houses do you have, Mal?" Nyx blurted out.
    "Hundreds!" Malice sighed.
    "Thousands!" Ambrosia corrected her. "You have been away for awhile now!" She bowed her head at Malice.
    "Okay, so the letter says?" Nyx grumbled.
    "They are instructions, which seem to have been played out as per the request!" Malice grinned, and looked at Khia. "You switch out the Mokeni Root with the Passion Flower..."
    "Same effects, except one will live to speak of it when their memory returns to them!"
     "And the Mokeni Root?" Nyx cocked a brow.
     "Fun night, but you die in the morning!" Kordahn shuddered. "The two are very similar and can be mistaken if not harvested by a trained eye."
    "So, everyone got shit faced, and then..."
    "Because of this letter, which Ambrosia risked everything for to bring us, we knew that they were sending someone..." Khia sighed. "We knew when, but not who, and so the plan needed to go forward."
     "But he didn't stick to the plan!" Malice lit up with a smirk. "He brought a friend along."
    "That is correct!" Khia smiled, "A friend who stumbled into the wrong room, and paid the fateful price."
     "Who and what now?" Nyx blurted out.
     "Bathsheba..." Mia replied, "She killed him, right?"
    "See, even now, your memories return!" Khia laughed. "It was necessary to let them think that they had succeeded, so that they could attempt their assassinations; and we could catch them in the act!"
    "Who did they come for?" Kember, who had sat there quietly, contemplating the inevitable for a time.
    "They tried to poison us all!" Nyx cocked another brow at her.
    "She is right though, they were only coming for two of you!" Ambrosia replied. "Malice, which was what caught my attention, and one named Navina!"
    "Navina?" Nyx choked out, "Why would they want her? I mean, I get it, everyone wants a piece of Malice, but why Navina? And how, did you know where to bring the letter?"
    "Listen to you go!" Mia laughed, and then looked at Ambrosia. "How did you know where to go?"
    "It is simple really, males tend to boast when a female is about their cock!" Ambrosia grinned, "And who would not boast, about attending one of Lady K's prized hunts?"
    "So you sought out Khia?" Malice inquired, "You have done well!"
   "Thank you!" Ambrosia replied, and turned to Khia. "And thank you, as well! Emmagen and his wives have been most kind!"
    "Emmagen? The Mornin?" It was just one surprise after another for the poor Demon, and Mia was wondering when that shell of his was going to crack. "You know Emmagen?"
    "When Khia received word that I had closed he brothel, she insisted we stay with Emmagen in the mountain pass, until this was all sorted out." Ambrosia told him. "Do you know him, as well?"
    "We have met! We have a mutual friend..." He grumbled back.
    "I see!" Kember muttered, "But what about Navina? Malice has made many enemies as of late, but why Navina? Why kill her, if they think she can lead them to us through Marena?"
    "Navina is of the Order..." Mia started, but Kordahn shook his head.
    "I am afraid, it is far more than that!" He told them, and was about to say more, when a knock came at the door, and he rose to answer it.
   "What does he mean, there is far more to it?" Kember let out. "What are you hiding?" She was glaring at Khia. "What won't you tell her?"
    "What are you talking about?" Nyx cut in.
    "I found Navina on board the ship a few days ago, she was balling her eyes out and screaming that Khia was lying to her. There was something she knew, and yet wouldn't tell her..." Kember eyed Khia. "She was right, wasn't she?"
     Khia remained silent for a moment, and whether she was ignoring Kember on purpose, or was really intrigued by what was happening at the door, Kember had no clue; but as Kordahn returned, with him, was Saren.
    "What's going on out there?" Mia inquired, listening to the commotion before the doors closed.
     "Someone better start talking!" Nyx added. "I don't like secrets!"
    "What is it?" Khia asked, apparently ignoring everyone now.
    "It is the Vampire, Lady Khia, and my Mistress is quite concerned with what he has been saying! She requests that he have an audience, and soon!" Saren spoke, and Khia looked towards Kordahn.
    His eyes were darting all about the room, and his muscles shuddered beneath his skin. "Something is wrong!" He told her.
    "Shit!" Khia sighed, and her whole demeanor changed. "Show him in, and tend to the other guests! I do not want them wandering the estate just yet!" She told Saren, and the female skipped off towards the door.
    "You uh, want to explain a few things?" Mia was eyeing Khia up and down. "I like a good game once in a while, but this shit is beyond fucked up!"
    "In a moment!" Khia hushed her, as if Mia were a mere child.
    "Excuse you?" Mia replied, but one look from Malice, and she was leaning back in her chair, waiting so patiently for answers.
    "We may not have a choice!" Kordahn told her, as Saren showed Mist and a very agitated Lync to the table.
    "Lync, my brother? What's wrong?" Nyx inquired as he rose from his chair.
    "We have a problem!" Mist replied for him, as the Vampire seethed behind her.
    "Go on..." Khia looked concerned, but not as concerned as Malice was.
    "Navina is gone!" Lync told them, about to break into pieces. "She left!"
    "What?" Kember let out.
    "Why?" Mia added.
    Malice kept quit, shaking her head, and Kember couldn't help but notice. "What is it? What do you know?"
    "Only what I told her!" Khia sighed, and shook her head. "I had hoped that it would not come to this..." She added, and looked at Kordahn.
    "We knew it would come!" He told her, and kissed her forehead. "It is time!"
    "Close the curtains and make sure all the doors leading into the manor house, are secure!" Khia told Mist, "No one is to gain entry until I am ready to greet them on the front steps!"
    "Of course!" Mist bowed her head, and made her way towards the door.
    "What the fuck, is going on?" Lync asked.
     "How much does she know?" Kordahn inquired.
    "About what?" Lync snapped back.
    "The children!" Khia sighed. "How much does she know about your children?"
   "What children?" Mia let out.
    "She saw them, in a vision... We both did!" He started. "Two of them, a young male of three or four, and a female of..."
    "What did she see?" Kordahn asked, his hand now on Lync's shoulder. "We need to know?"
   "I don't how, but that children were real! I knew them, I loved them..."
    "Yo, you don't have kids, Lync!" Nyx reminded him.
    "I know! But they were real, and I could feel them. I could feel the love in my heart, and the terror as we searched for Toria..."
    "Toria?" Mia blurted out.
    "Anatoria, and Ky'rel, son and daughter, of Lord Lyncan and his Lady Navina!" Khia began, but Lync cut her off.
     "We have no children, and she swears that we will never have any, until she destroys Pathen for what he's done!" Lync shouted. "She swears she has glimpsed the future, and will not rest until she has changed it!"
    "What the fuck did that bastard do, or will do, now?" Nyx growled, his fist clenching in at his side.
   The silence filled the room as everyone anticipated the reply, but it was not what they had expected. "What she saw, was not the future, Lync, but the past, that happened in a future no more!"
    "Can you say that again, cause I'm fucking confused." Lync growled. "That wasn't the future?"
    "It was, and it wasn't!" Malice finally cut in.
    "Oh, that's helpful!" Nyx muttered.
    "It's the truth! In a few years from now, Navina would have given birth to a daughter, Anatoria, and a few years after that, she would have a son, Ky'rel!" Khia told them, "Sired by Lyncan, Son of Lokaryn, Ky'rel would be the first, in a long line of Kings, a line that would end with Markus."
    "Shut the fuck up! You're serious?" Nyx half laughed, half gasped.
     "She speaks the truth! In the years to come, Anatoria and Ky'rel would give life to many off spring, building the race of Vampires as it is today. Half Vampyr and half Kor'Mhia." Kordahn explained. "You created a new race, that would one day rise up against Pathen and the others, and they could not let that happen!"
    "Okay, let's slow it down... This all happens, in the future?" Nyx was still confused.
    "It did happen in the future, and so Pathen himself went back through time, and tried to change what would be!" Khia had tears welling up in her eyes, as Lync continued from there.
    "He came for us at home, killing our guards to gain entry. He then lured our daughter into the woods behind our estate, and he murdered her, before he came for my son..."
    "Navina, being of the Order, knew that it was possible to undo what Pathen had done, and so she returned herself, hoping to prevent the massacre." Khia paused for a moment to take a drink. "She succeeded, but only for a time, and not nearly long enough to see her daughter reborn."
   "Oh Gods!" Kember let out, reaching for Mal's hand, but her lover would not take it. "Malice?"
   "What happened?" Mia asked as Kember looked at Malice.
   "I happened!" The Valkyrie let out. "I, was sent for Lokaryn!"
    "You what?" Kember gasped, and Malice recoiled.
   "I was sent after Lokaryn, as a traitor, it was my job to bring him in, or see him destroyed!" Malice admitted, feeling all eyes upon her. "I shot at his ship and watched it fall from the sky..." She paused, and looked at Kember. "Had I known there was a child on board, I never would have..."
    "You, killed my Father?" Lync let out.
    "I was told that he was a threat to the Masters, but when I watched that so called threat, hand you over to Navina... I knew what I had done was wrong, and I could not go back to them!"
    "Shit!" Nyx let out with a huff.
    "Why don't I remember?" Lync inquired, "Why doesn't she remember?"
    "She lost her children, Lync..." Kordahn replied. "She watched them die, and then watched her hopes for their rebirth, die as well."
    "Upon surrendering you as an infant to Kordahn, she asked that she never remember the heartache that was, and seeing the tears of loss in her eyes, and hearing her plea to keep Lync safe, I could not refuse!" Khia finished.
    "I lied!" Malice let out. "I lied to Marena, and therefor, to Pathen. I told him the child had died with the father, and that is why he comes after me with a vengeance."
    "That, and the fact that Navina and Marena, are daughters of Foran, and Foran is his son!" Kordahn growled. "He could not bear the world to know, that he sired one traitor, and lost his prized pupil, to another!"
    "Add that to the list of other things that have pissed him off, and you get one cranky ass Host!" Nyx chuckled, but Lync shot him a look.
     "All of this, because Pathen didn't get his way?" Mia cocked a brow.
    "All of this, because somewhere along the way, Pathen fucked up, and he's been trying to fix things ever since!" Malice growled. "He will stop at nothing to please his Masters, even if it means tampering with the bloody timeline!"
    "What about Navina?" Lync inquired, "She's gone, and I have no idea where!"
    "I do!" Kordahn replied, "I will take you there, and we will bring her home!"
   "I will go too!" Malice cut in, but Khia shook her head.
    "You are needed here!" She told the Valkyrie. "If Casin is coming for the hunt, we need to be ready! He could lead us to Pathen!"
    "They can't go alone!"
    "They won't be!" Nyx growled, still standing beside Lync. "I'm going!"
    "Then so am I!" Mia grinned, "Can't let you have all the fun!"
    "Not happening, you will stay here and help Malice! One of us has to enjoy the hunt!" He grinned back at her.
    "It is settled then. Malice, Kember and Mia will stay for the hunt, and Lync will go with Kordahn and Nyx, and I will ask Mist to go along as well. They will find Navina, and they will bring her back to us!"

Chronicles- A Devil's Daughters Crossover- Book Two(Published Feb 2017)Where stories live. Discover now