The End

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Well, this is the end of the book.
Thank you so much to everyone who's read this. It's been a year since I started, oh my god.
Thank you to everyone who's voted and commented.
I know my updates have been at times very fast, and then very slow. My life has been very hectic recently and I apologise for the slow updates.
Writing is my main passion in life and I'm delighted with the positive responses. I never intended to write a fanfic, but after I finished Mockingjay, I felt like there was more that needed to be said - but I couldn't find any fanfic that said it. A lot of them were unrealistic and soppy. So, I decided I'd say it - and I hope I've managed it.
I feel like I've achieved something with this book, but that wouldn't be the case if it weren't for my readers. So thank you. Thank you all very much. ~ 18/11/17

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