1; Konohagakure

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The sun was blazing, but i still refused to take off my sweatshirt. "I don't care if i'm gonna over heat. We're already pretty close to the gates of Konohagakure." My companions, who just so happened to be a lizard, looked at me, almost pouting, and then turned his tail towards me. "Speaking of Konohagakure, I should put you away." The lizards sluggishly turned around and crawled into my sweatshirt. "Arimas." There is a flash of light and the Lizard is gone. I turned the corner and there were the mighty gates of the Village Hidden In The Leaves, and, to ad to the gates power, there were two guards standing buy. I leaned over to catch my breath from all that walking. "Hault," Stated one of the guards, "Whats your name and business?" I stood up and tried to recompose my self. Breath (Y/N). They probably wont even realize that your in a clan. "I-I'm (Y/N) Jugo and I'm here to seek a new place to live and possibly continue on w-with my training." They look at each other and nod towards you. "You may enter but first you gotta go to the Hokage's Office." I thank them ad walk past the giant doors. "This place is huge... " You mumble to yourself. Wait... Where is the Hokage's office? I turn around to ask the men where the place was but the doors were already closed "Great... Not even 5 minutes before i have to go socialize with strangers." I walked forward and stopped near a bench. Jeez, This place has Chakra everywhere. How am I supposed to not get tired? I look over to my side and see a group of kids about my age. Maybe older. I slowly stand up and walk over to the group. "E-Excuse me?" I say in a loud but not cocky attitude. They all stopped mid sentence and stared at me. Five people. One with he eyebrows to match his hair, kid wearing orange sweats, A tall blond, Kid with a dog and a coat, and one guy with pineapple for hair. "Yes?" asked the blond in a kind but slightly annoyed voice. "Do any of you know where the Hokage is that the Building's office is in?" They all stared at me for a bit before the kid with the matching sweats spoke up. "What?" Shit, I messed up my words.

" I meant, do any of you know where the building is that the Hokage's office is in? I-I'm new in town an-"

"If your new in town then why didn't the guards show you?" Asked the kid with the dog in an unusually loud voice.

"I don't know, i guess they forgo-"

"What do you got against the Hokage? HUH? why you wanna see her?" Cut in the kid with sweats.

"I-I just w-want to go ask about housing an-"

"Why does someone as youthful need a house? don't you have one already?" Bushy brows said.

"FINE!" I yell as i throw my hands up. "I'll just go find it myself!" I turn around and began walking away, breathing heavily. Don't panic, Don't panic, Its fine. you can go ask someone els- Mid thought I was cut off buy a semi-distant voice.

"You guys are such a drag..." soon there were some foot steps comming up to me so i turned around to come face to face with pineapple head. "Uh... Hi" I said awkwardly. "Hey." He stuck his hands in his pockets and began walking. I looked at him confused as he took abot 10 steps forward and then turned around.

"Aren't you coming?

"W-where are you going?

"To the Hokage's office." I quickly caught up to him and matched his lazy pace. I silently thanked him for walking so slow, seeing as i kept getting really tired really fast. It was an awkward silence for about 5 minutes before pineapple head turned around and asked for my name. Shit. don't worry. He probably doesn't know, I mean, the guards didn't know so why should he. "M-my name is (Y/N) Jugo." He looked as if he was pondering the words for a minute then asked another question. "Is that a clan? Your names sounds familiar. Uh... Just tell him a half truth. That way your not lying but not spilling all the details. "I-it was a clan. We didn't have any real defined lands but you probably remember the name from the great ninja war. When the great ninja war happened, most of the clan died but some were able to hide." Pineapple head's lazy expression turned into that of a slightly distressed one. "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that.. " he stuck his hands in his pockets. "thanks... I think? I'm not entirely sure how to respond." I said as i let out an awkward laugh. We continued on in silence for a bit longer. "Um..." It was I who spoke up this time, "I-I never caught you name." Pineapple turned around, with his hands in his pockets. "Its Shickamaru. Shickamaru Nara." We reached the base of the tower, and boy was it tall. The combined height of the tower and my exhaustion from walking, I set my hands on my knees and took a couple deep breaths. Shickamaru began walking up the stairs. "There's the building that the Hokage's office is- Hey, are you ok?" He turned around and climb ed back down the couple stairs he took. "Im fine, Its just *deep breath* I'm not the most fit ninja." A cheesy smile wiped across my face as i stood up. I thought i heard Shickamaru mumble the word troublesome, but it was probably my imagination. We began walking up the stairs and soon we arrived at the large doors. He knocked and then slowly opened the door. "Hey Tsunade," He said kind of loudly. He opened the door a bit wider and motioned me to go in. "Bye." I said. He waved and i proceeded through the large doors. There was a busty woman in a green robe with a desk full of papers. "Hello child. How can i help you?" she said as she was clearing off a space on her desk. as soon as she sat down she looked at me with a Grim expression. I was half realived i didn't have to tel her the whole story but half pannicked that it was so easy for her to tell. I slowly took my seat as she was talking. "So you do know what your clan is, right?" I nodded. "She had a semi consederate look. "I doo understand that since you clan has been broken up you have had no real lands, but why are you here?"

"I-I heard this was a really nice and pretty safe village and so i thought it woud be a nice place to live and possibly continue my training."

"Alright, but as Hokage it is my duty to protect Konohagakure and your clan is known to have fits of insanity and, as much as i wanna help I don't think i ca-" I cut her off inadvertantly

"But i can control the Insanity. I haven't had a fit in over 4 years. Sometimes ill get stressed and will practice with my Kuni and the feelings will go away, and, on top of that, I have a special Kekei Genkai that uses up most the chakra." she looked as if she was debating between two decisions but soon nodded towards me.

"Whats you kekei Gennkai?" I rolled up my sleeve to reveal a small bird tattooed on the inside of my fore arm. "Eemas" I whispered. A small flash of light passed and the tattoo was gone, and in its place, was a live bird who then got up and flew to the Hokage. She tried to remain as collective as possible but i could tell she was impressed.

"Their like shadow clones, but, there made of pure Chakra."

"For a person to summon up one of these and keep them going for  like, 15 minuts would drain all their chakra leaving them, well, practically useless to any chakra moves for a day."

"Exactly, but since i have so much chakra, it uses it all up, there for leaving me slightly more chakra than a normal person would-"

"Making it less likely for you to go insane. I must say, this is quite an ingenious plan." I thanked her and brought the bird back. "Arimas" the flash of light shone once more and my tattoo was back but the bird was gone.

"Well, Its seems you do have this under control..." She flipped through a stack of papers and then grabbed a small packet, then opened up a small drawer and grabbed a headband. "Alright," She said as she puled out a pen and began flipping through the stack of papers.

"What village was your most recent residence in?"

"Ishigakure. A small village in between land of earth and the land of wind."

"Ok... whats your ranking?"


"Allright." she finished scribbling down a couple things. "Here you go." She handed me the packet but quickly pulled them back and leaned in. "If I catch you disturbing the peach or making a commotion, i will have you banned from the town." she then handed me the packet and the head band. she leaned back in her chair and rested her head back.

"Shizune! Can you get a free ninja ninja to show (Y/N) around?"

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