3; Meet the Team

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"Shouldn't she be up by now?" I stared blankly at the clouds. "Maybe she's still asleep." I looked back and forth between the clouds. "Maybe i should go wake her up..." I got up onto my feet and dusted off my pants. "Whoa..." I heard a familiar voice say "What Choji?" "Nothing,  just,  something must have stirred to get you to stand up from watching clouds." I felt my face feel ever so slightly warmer. "What are you talking about? Hmm? maybe I'm just hungry." I put my hands in my pockets and walked towards (Y/N)'s apartment complex. 

"(Y/N)?" I asked Knocking on her door. It slowly open. Either someone snuck in or she didn't close it last night... I pulled out one of my kuni just in case and slowly opened up the door. "(Y/N)?" I said a bit louder, now walking into the room and found her asleep on the bed. A sudden feeling of relief washed over me. Wait, why am i relived? was i expecting her to be attacked? I put the Kuni away and walked over to her, all wrapped up like a burrito in her blankets. "(Y/N)..." I said softly "Mmhhh..." She mumbled quietly. she rolled over and sat up. "Wha-" I said, not in embarrassment that the only thing she was wearing was a wrapping around her chest and waist, but that shew was covered almost head to toe in tattoos of animals.

(Y/N)'S  P.O.V.

"W-what are those?..." I heard a familiar voice. I quickly snapped awake to meet gases with a familiar Shickamaru. What happened next was pretty much an instinctive reflex I had slowly gained due to my past of dirty looks and Disgusted stares of passer-byes. "GET OUT!" I screamed, attempting to throw a pillow at him, I rolled off the bed with an slight thud. "A-alright, I'm leaving." I heard Shickamaru shout and the door slam. I slowly peaked up over the bed to make sure he was gone, then slowly stood up and threw the pillows and blanket on the bed. "What were you even doing in my room?" I said loud enough so Shickamaru could hear me past the door. It was silent. Maybe he left... I got dressed, grabbed my single house key, and opened the door. "Shicka! I said as was soon tackled to the ground. "Shi-shika-m-ma-ru" I stammered trying to get the guy off me, but realized he was asleep. "Way to go (Y/N). You have complete control over your chakra to the point where you don't need hand signs, but you can't push a fully grown man off of you." I sighed and tried to wiggle my way out from under him. "Hmm?" he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes. "Get off of me!" I yelled. "Hm? Oh... What a drag." he stood up and offered out a hand to help me up. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up, "Whoa your light." My face flashed with warmth for a second but quickly left. "Hey, what's up with those tattoos?" He asked? I felt my stomach begin to knot up. I quickly turned away, rolling down my sleeves and quickly checking to see if any other tattoos were visible. "What were you even doing in my room?" I ask again, trying to advert the subject. "I came to see if you were up." He said, tired. He placed his hands in his pockets and walked through the door. "I followed behind yet again, but stopped to closed the door. "Wait, why did you care if I was up?" Shickamaru mumbled something that i didn't quite catch but followed him out the door. "Where are you going? I asked. 
"Somewhere to sleep"
"But... didn't you just wake up?"
"I did an hour ago."
"Ok..." I said, slightly confused
"Where are you going?"
"The Hokage's office."
"Hmm." he waved as i turned the corner, see you later then." I watched him pass for a second but then turned back towards the rout I was taking. I slipped my fingers up my sleeve and whispered "Eemas." a small mouse then crawled out from my sleeve and curled up in my hand. I always felt better with an animal but, even with my excessive amounts of chakra, they still tired me out after a while. I soon ran into one of the people from yesterday. Stay calm (Y/N), I'm sure they wont yell or do anything anxious. Maybe they wont even see you.
"Hey, you're the person from yesterday." Well, there goes that idea... "We never properly met yesterday." I turned to face the blond 
"Y-yeah, i guess not."
"Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Ino Yamanaka." She said with a friendly smile"I-I'm (Y/N) Jugo." I said, trying to return the gesture as un-awkwardly as possible
"Jugo?" Asked the blond. Shit. "I'm so sorry to hear what happened" Does she know my personal past or... Just the past of my tribe?
"Uh, Thank you."
"So what brings you here to the village?"
"I'm Looking for a fresh start, and maybe some more ninja training"
"Well, You've come to the right Village. Konohagakure has a reputation of accepting anyone into the village regardless of there past." Now its really bugging me. Does she know about my entire past or something?
"How much of my tribe do you know of?" I ask in a nonchalant way.
"Just the stuff the history books teach. Your tribe was great with chakra mastery but most if not all members were killed in the great shinobe war." Thank god...
"Well, its been nice meeting you but i have to go talk to the Hokage. By Ino" 
"Bye" I turned off and Headed towards the tall tower of the Hokage's

*Time skip brought to you by walking*

"Is anyone in there?" I say, knocking on the door of the hokage's office.  "Yes, come on in." I hear the familiar voice of the hokage say. I whisper the word "Ahrimas" And soon my mouse friend disappeared. I slowly open the door and take a seat in the opposing chair to her desk. "So, hows It going?" She asks while sifting through some papers.

"Uh, its going good. Shickamaru showed me around a bit so now I don't look like a complete idiot walking around the streets. I got settled into my room and, well, am kinda happy i actual have a place to live and not some abandoned building or tree," Tsunade's face looked like a small piece of her heart just broke hearing that last part, "And i think i made a friend." 

"Well, That's good." She said, pushing some papers into a straight stack.

"Hows your, uh.."

"Yeah," I said rubbing my arm. "Its been ok. Shickamaru saw a tattoo but other than that its been all under control"

"Good. Well, (Y/N), Its looks as if you have left me with this choice." W-What, am i getting kicked from the village? It can't be?! I haven't done anything wrong

"(Y/N), You have survived the first 24 hours of living in the village. Its time you were assigned a team." I slid back in my chair, reveled as ever.

"(Y/N), You've been assigned to Team number 10. They should be waiting in training field 9 for you to go and meet them." I stood up, happy i was able to stay n the town and happy i was assigned a team "T-Thank you Miss Hokage." I said quickly as i left the room, but after the door closed i realized something, Where is training field 9?

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