8; Shicka's house

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We left the Hokage's office and made a quick pit stop at my apartment to get ready for the mission. I slowly opened the door to the trashed room and let out a heavy sigh. I picked up the blankets and pushed the bed into the right spot.

"Do you need any help?" Asked Shickamaru, his hands in his pockets and looking around.

"Uh... I don't know. We're going on a mission so.. I'll need some Kuni which should be in that drawer," I glanced over to where the drawer would've been, but realized it was broken on the ground "... o-or somewhere around there..." I continued sifting through my mess of things, packing two sets of ninja cloths and gear into a bag.

"All right, I think that's everything I need." I said, giving the room one final look around. Shickamaru nodded in agreement and we headed out the door.

"Wait!" I said, whipping around back to the door. I grabbed a small piece of paper, wedged it next to the hinge of the door, then locked it.

"Hmm, What's that for?"

"To tell if anyone else comes into the room. The a paper will fall and be like a silent alarm."

"Smart." Shickamaru Said, raising his hands to behind his head leisurely. We walked down the road in silence, it being an Erie night. It was dark and no one was out,  only thing lighting to road being dim street lamps. There was a small crash and I jumped. I grabbed a kuni, ready for anything, when a small street cat had wobbled out of a trash can. I put my Kuni away and Shickamaru laughed. Still slightly nervous, I spent the rest of the walk a step or two closer to Shicka.

In no time at all, we were at his house. He went to open the door but it had opened before he had even reached for the door handle 

"SHICKAMARU NARA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT PAST YOUR CURFEW!" Yelled a lady with long hair. I took a step to the side, hiding behind Shicka. Who is she and why is she so loud?

"Ugh mom, I'm not even that late." Said Shicka, walking inside. I followed close behind, but once the lady has seen me, she lit up like a Christmas tree and her mood hand immediately changed. 

"Oh Shicka, why didn't you tell me you were inviting a girl over, I could have set out an extra plate for dinner or made up the spare bedroom. Tell me Dear, where did you and Shicka meet?" His cheeks quickly flashed pink

"I-it's not like that, (Y/N) is just spending the night as a precaution." His mom turned to face him

"A precaution to what?"

"Uh... well, she-" I cut in, trying so save Shicka and not scare his mom.

"Because we're going on a mission tomorrow and Shickamaru was gonna g-give me some pointers before we left."

"You are going on a mission tomorrow, why didn't you tell me?" She asked, with a hint of anger.

"Maybe because he had just learned about it." Said what looked to be an older version of Shickamaru.

"The Hokage just called and informed me about what was happening. I brought an air mattes into Shickamaru's room for you to sleep on (Y/N)."

"Thanks dad. Night mom." Shickamaru said as he walked down the hall, motioning fro me to followed.

"T-Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Nara." I said, right before I left the room. We walked down the hallway for a bit before we came to a stop Shickamaru opened the door to his room and i was amazed.

"Whoa..." I said, dropping my bag on the smaller mattress. His room was considerably larger than my small apparent, having two for two beds, a desk, a shogi board, a closet, and still room to spare.

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