10; Camp time

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"Alright, guys. The fun and games are over, Time to hit the hay." Asuma Sensei said.

"Shikamaru, you'll bunk with (Y/N) and Ino and Choji can bunk together. I'll sleep outside and listen in case someone tries to ambush us." Everyone agreed and we went to our tents.

"OoOoOoOo Choji," said Ino in almost a singing voice. "~~Look who's crashing with (Y/N)~~" I tried to ignore her but I still felt my cheeks get warmer.

"The only reason I'm crashing with (Y/N) is that Asuma knows I'm the best Ninja here. In case we were to be ambushed, I'm the best set to protect (Y/N)."

"Ooooo, now (Y/N) has a protector, Ino you were right." Said Choij. I chucked a nearby stick at Choji and Ino's tent. There was a squeal from Ino then giggling. I gave up and crawled into the tent, Ignoring Ino. I plopped face down into the tent, giving up on Ino's comments.

"Sorry about Ino, she gets carried away with stupid stuff like this." Shikamaru said, climbing into the tent, also plopping down with an audible thud.

"I've noticed." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who's dead tired." He said, groaning into his hands.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who's cold." I grumbled, curling up into a ball.

"I can solve both those problems." He said sleepily. There was an arm around my waist and engulfed in warmth. I was to tired protest and curled up closer to Shikamaru.

"Now you're warm and I get a pillow." He said, laying his head down. He was so comfortable and warm and smelt worn, like an old piece of clothing, washed and taken care of, but just worn and old. A smell that, whoever smelt it, would feel safe and at home. I took in a deep breath sighed, drifting off to sleep.

Shikamaru's P.O.V.

"I can solve both those problems." I said tiredly. I wrapped my arm around (Y/N)'s waist and pulled her in close to my chest.

"Now you're warm and I get a pillow." I said, Laying my head down. (Y/N) was so comfortable as a pillow. She was warm and smelt faintly of the forest. The tree sap, dry leaves, and crisp air kind of forest smell. Like a wandering spirit. She took a deep breath and nuzzled in just a touch closer. A smile caressed my lips. She's so comfortable and looks so peaceful. It's horrible to think about what had happened to her clan, her family. I gently closed my eyes and sighed. I was so comfortable and contempt, I slowly drifted off to sleep, holding (Y/N).


"Aww Look at them, They're so cute together"

"Shhh, you're gonna wake them up."

"Hey, what they do is up to them, don't drag me into this."

The mumbling of others talking slowly pulled me out of my sluggish sleep. Who's talking at this early of an hour? And this loudly? What a drag... I sleepily opened my eyes and heard a Squeal.

"Scatter!" Someone yelled.

"Nnnngggggg..." (Y/N) groaned, burying her face further into my chest. I looked over to see me and (Y/N) intertwined and half asleep.

"Why are they so loud?" (Y/N) said, slowly pulling away. No... My warmth...

"Probably because they think we're the team's new power couple." I said, annoyed with Ino and Choji.

"That's cuz you are!" Ino yelled. (Y/N) shot up and yelled back.

"Shut up Ino, It's not like we're a couple!"

"Make me Inks!" She grumbled again and rubbed her head before laying back down. She sighed and curled back up into a ball.

"Please don't tell me I have to get up." She said in the most heart-breaking tone.

"Ino is so troublesome. I don't want to get up either." I said. I placed my hands behind my head and closed my eyes, but before I could get a minute's rest, the tent flipped over.

"H-hey! What's going on!" I yelled the tent was upside down and there was snickering outside. (Y/N)! I looked over and there she was in the corner with a look that would kill.

"INO!" She yelled. She got up and futzed with the tent door, that was now upside down. She finally got it open and booked it. I got out of the tent just in time to see (Y/N) catfighting.

"Alright you two, break it up. We don't have time for a catfight, we gotta get goin'." Asuma sensei said, grabbing both Ino and (Y/N) buy the forearm.

"We wouldn't need to have a cat fight if Ino would stop antagonizing me."

"I don't antagonize you, I'm just stating the obvious."

"Enough!" Asuma said. Both girls glared daggers at each other than left to finish packing. 

Man, Women are so troublesome... What a drag.

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