7; Intruder

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Shickamaru's P.O.V.

"Yeah, I'm just making sure you get home safe first." I said, yawning.

"You don't have to do that, you know. I'm fully capable of walking home myself."

"It's only your second day here and this is a big city, I'm just making sure you don't get lost." And the fact that I enjoyed just being in your presence.

"I'm pretty sure I can find an apartment complex." She said Cockily.

I smirked "Really? Then which way do you turn up at this road here?" She stopped and stared up ahead.

"W-wait, there's a road intersection?" She said, stuttering. She glanced over at me but then quickly looked back ahead. "Uh... F-Forward..."

"Is that your final answer?"

"Oh what, like you you've memorize where my house is?"

"As a matter of fact, yes" Shit. Now I look weird and like a stalker

"W-well because I knew that you might have t-trouble finding it on your own being new and all." Dammit, I can feel myself blushing. She laughed.

"Well at least one of us knows where it is." We walked the rest of the way in pretty much silence, up until we were almost at her door.

"Thanks for walking me home. Honestly, I barley know where anything is in this town." she said with a small chuckle. That's really cu- What are you thinking Shicka? Keep it together man.

"It's no proble- wait..." I said, the door was cracked open, again.

"I could've swore I locked it earlier when I left today." She said, with the slightest hint of terror in her voice. There was a small rustling noise. I quickly grabbed my kuni and (Y/N) Followed. I kicked open the door to see ninja in all black going through a drawer. I lunged forward at the ninja, but there was a poof of smoke and they were gone. I looked around to see the tiny apartment had looked like it had suffered a hurricane. The small decorations that did come in the tiny living area were all sprawled across the floor and the bed was stripped. What would someone want with (Y/N)?

"W-W-What were t-they l-looking for. I-I-I d-don't have a-" (Y/N) Was a stuttering mess. she was slummed up against the door and practically shaking. I immediately walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, It's gonna be fine."  I said, trying to settle her nerves.

"W-who was t-that? W-what w-were they t-t-trying to get, or w-were they a-after me? W-why would t-they d-do that, I-I'm-"

"(Y/N)" I said sternly. She immediately snapped her gaze up at me, tears brimming her eyes.

"Everything is gonna be alright. Lets go tell lady Tsunade about this. Come on." I helped her to her feet and we walked, more like sprinted, to he Hokage's office.

"Lady Tsunade!" I said barging in. Giving a slight bow.

"Y-Yeah. She said, sitting up, a paper stuck to her face. She looked over to (Y/N) Then Immediately back to me. 

"What happened."

"Someone broke into and ransacked her apartment." She immediately got up and walked over to (Y/N), who was visibly nervous, wringing her hands together.

"Do you know what the break in was about?'

"N-No, I-I-I mean, n-nothing other t-than the o-obvious." (Y/N) Said looking at her feet. The Obvious?

"I know. But why would someone wan't or even do with that much power?" Power?

"Wait, Wait, Wait. What?" I said staring at the two. They immediately trading glances. 

"You're gonna have to tell him sooner or later." Said Tsunade

"Tell me what? You women are so troublesome." I scoffed. What is it that they aren't telling me? (Y/N) looked over at me then to the floor. She spoke softly.

"T-The Jugo clan was o-once a, mighty isn't the world but, powerful clan. T-they were born with extraordinary amounts of chakra, making it so that they didn't even have to use hand signs to control their chakra." 

"Yeah, that's pretty much common knowledge. It's one of the first things you go over when leaning about ninjas." I said sitting down. I was surprisingly tired.

"W-Well, the thing they don't teach you in, well, anywhere, is t-that everyone that's part of the Jugo clan had gone insane due to their body's overload of chakra. O-once they fought n the great war, it had became widely known about their immense power and were pretty much hunted by either scientists trying to discover the secret of chakra, or just weird cults that tried to harness that chakra. T-That's why I moved to konohagakure in the first place." I felt my heart stop for a second. That means... She's being hunted? Wow, (Y/N) Had quite the shitty child hood. A-And them going mad, Will that happen to her to?

"I-I have a special kekkei genkai that lets me control the chakra tho." She nervously began fiddling with her selves. "I-I have to power to basically make shadow clones out of pure chakra from the animal tattoos I have. I-I thought it would help mask mu chakra levels, but I guess not..." She didn't dare to look up. So that's why she covers them up... I could tell she seemed so nervous about this, so i tried to lighten the mood Best I could.

"Thats all?" I said stretching and standing up. "I've heard worse. One time Gaara was almost murder because he had crap for a childhood." (Y/N) Half chuckled. Thank God. Lady Tsunade looked up with a looks of, I don't exactly know what. Content, Happiness, Thankfulness, Like she had herd an Inside joke that she only knew?

"And the tattoo thing," She flinched. "I don't think anyone will realize what the're for. So you don't have to war sweaters all the time. The worst that'll happen is that Asuma might give you a nick name like 'Inks' or something." She smiled. 

"R-really?" She said, almost like she was suprized that it wasn't anything bad

"Yeah." I gave her a soft smile.

"Now that that's out of the way, we have to do something about what happened." Tsunade said, returning to her desk.

"Agreed." Me and (Y/N) said in sync.

"I was thinking, If you got a good enough look at the ninja, we could see if they're apart of any certain place or group."

"Sadly not, I was only able to tell that it was a man." I said, upset that I couldn't remember anything about the guy.

"They were from the Akatsuki. Their head band was around their neck with the hidden grass symbol on it with a line through it." Damn (Y/N).

"Are you sure"


"Then it's settled. Team 10 will go on a reconnaissance mission to find out what the Akatsuki whats with (Y/N). If you do find the man who broke into (Y/N)'s apartment, capture him and bring him back here if you can do so without giving up your position or endangering your team." When I find that guy, He's gonna wish he had never been born

"As for the obvious problem at hand, (Y/N) you will spend tonight at Shickamaru's. Having an extra chunin around in case the Akatski comes back would be very beneficial. You both are dismissed." I felt my cheeks getting warmer. (Y/N) is gonna stay with me? ok? Why am I suddenly is nervous. Ino and Choji come over all the time, how is this different?

"Uh... Shickamaru?" I looked up to see (Y/N) With her hand in her pockets.


"Where is your house?"

"Oh," Duh, I gotta show her where I live. "You don't remember where I live? What a drag." 

"You're the one 'Dragging' You gotta lead the way."

I walked out of the hokage's office with (Y/N) Trailing not far behind. Slowly, a  smile had caressed my lips.

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