2; Town

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V. 

"Right away Miss Tsunade" Said a lady in a Black robe holding a pig. Soon there was a small poof of smoke a ninja was sitting in the window, Lazily leaning up against the sill. "What do you need Tsunade?" The ninja said in, not an arrogant tone but more of a lazy one. The ninja looked over and he raised an eyebrow. "Hey, Didn't I just leave you?" i felt slightly awkward. "Good, Its Seems you already our guest." Cut in Tsunade. Thank God. "Shickamaru, I need you to Show (Y/N) around." He slipped into the room, leaving his spot inside the window sill and now walking towards the Hokage. "What a drag..." "(Y/N)," said the Hokage. I stood up, "Yes Ma'am?" I asked quite nervously. She slowly stood up and walked over. She Placed her hand on my shoulder. "Take a breath, no need to be nervous. I'm sure you'll do fine." She returned to her seat and waved her hand at Shickamaru. "Go..." Shickamaru Lazily turns and heads towards the door and I follow behind, close in tow.

I held the small thing of papers in my teeth as I took my headband and tried to tie it around my forehead. I Gave it a quick pull and flinched, not realizing it was so tight. "Hm?" Shickamaru said quietly. he turned his head and lucky for him, there was I holding my arms in a weird ass position tried trying to tie on my band while biting the stack of papers. I gave an awkward half smile and finished tithing band the grabbed the papers and tried to act normal. Shickamaru turned his head back and was that... a hint of a smile on his face! great i probably looked like and Idiot. "So what do you wanna see first?" He asked. I was cought slightly off guard buy my thoughts. "Uh... Is there any significant land marks or tribes?" I asked. "Yeah, this way. We walked in silence for a bit. I felt my head band slowly begin to side off my head, But before i was able to mess with it Shickamaru stopped. I froze and looked at him. "Here we are. "He said motioning upwards. I looked up and couldn't believe how I hadn't noticed the giant rock formation 

"Woah..." I breathed. Shickamaru kicked a pebble. 

"Its cool. I guess..." He said 

"Who are all those people?"

"Those are all the Hokage's Face. I looked a bit closer and began to notice the incredible resemblance to the nice lady in the green robes from earlier. "C'mon, I should show you the rest of the town before night." I turned from the rock and begin following him. I waited till Shickamaru wasn't looking and tucked my papers into the pocket of my sweater and tried to fix my Headband. We walked for a bit more before He stopped again. "This is where most of the clan live." He bagan walking slowly and talking about the clans. 

"That building over there is the Hyuuga clan. Neji and Hinata live there."

"W-who are Neji and Hinata?" I asked, not trying to sound as stupid as I looks

"Right, you just got here... They're my friends. I'll probably introduce you to them tomorrow." he continued walking, his hands behind his head. He continued walking around and pointing towards the large houses. 

"There's the Aburame clan they controll bugs, Inuzuka clan, they're kinds loud, Akimichi clan,  Yamanaka clan, and last but not least The Nara clan."

"Hey.. I-isn't that your name?" I asked?



"That's really cool."

"I guess..."

"so, does your family live there?"

"Yeah, most of them, even some cousins."

"Whats it like?" 

I turned over to look at (Y/N), Her eyes glossy like marbels as she was looking around taking in everything. she looked over at me and quickly turned away awkwardly "I-I mean If you want to answer that, you dont have to, just a randome question..." She stutterd and mumbeled off.  "Nah, its fine," Why does she want to know about my family?  "Well, It can get cramped at times, "Dosn't she have her own family? " Most my family can get really annoying at times, they all yell and- " Wait... she's probably wondering beacause she dosn't have her own... her family is all gone... from the ninja war... Jeeze how could i be sutch an idiot. "They, Well, even though they can get rather toroublesome sometimes, but, they're alwayse there when you need them..." I looked back to see (Y/N) expression grow soft and almost teary eyed.

(Y/N)'S  P.O.V.

Damn... Makes me wish i had my own family. "(Y/N)? You Ok?" asked Shickamaru, "Y-Yeah I'm ok." I quickly wiped my watering eyes... and felt my head band falling down again. Damnit. "And here we are at your apartment... thing" He said. The sun was beginning to set. "I-It looks like its just in time to." I stutters. Why am I so awkward around people. He leaned over my shoulder "Where were those papers Tsunade gave you?" "Uh... Here" I said fishing them out of my pocket and handed them to Shickamaru. He flipped through them and then pointed at a number. Here, room 206. I'll show you." He walked up the stairs and turned the hall, while i followed quickly being, slowly loosing my breath due to today's events. "Here's your roo- (Y/N) What are you doing all the way back there?" I took a deep breath and cough up with him. "N-no reason."

"Well, here's your room." he said knocking on the door with the number 206 etched into the door. "Did Tsunade give you a key?"

"Uh..." I began fishing through my pockets as my head band began to slowly fall down. "H-here" I said pulling them out of my pants pocket, my headband now hanging defeated, loosely around my neck.  "Woman are so troublesome..." I heard him mumble. I nervously opened the door into a tiny apartment. "Thanks for he-" "Hold still," I heard him say. I froze as I felt my headband slowly lifting up. It was now pulled tight on my forehead and was tied. 

"There, now it shouldn't fall." I heard him say. I turned around, Uncomfortably close to his face. Calm down (Y/N), no need to panic... I felt myself becoming unusually anxious. Stay calm, stay calm. Nothing bad about some human confrontation. 

"T-Thanks" I stammered. 

"Well, ill see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, to- wait, whats tomorrow?"

He sighed. "Yeah, Tomorrow I'm supposed to show you everyone and hopefully you'll get a team."

"Oh... Well, thanks, Again..."

"Good Night" 


I awkwardly closed the door and immediately ran for the tiny room that was mine. I immediately plopped onto the pillow and screamed. I pulled off My sweater and placed my hand on one of my various tattoos "EEMAS" a large flash of light appeared and soon there was a Large Fluffy Chow Chow dog. He jumped onto the bed and I followed after, half panicking half trying to stop panic. "Breath (Y/N), today was stress full, but you can handle it. Y-you've got your pet friend here sucking up the last pit of chakra making you pannic so you'll be fine..." I slowly breathed out and curled up around the dog, that was slowly fading in and out as I soon fell asleep.

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