5: Appartment

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I was in a dream. Well, It was more of a nightmare. I watched as my clan had passed before my very eyes, how they all went insane, how they left or were chased out by other people. I panicked and yelled at them, yelled for them to come back. I reached forwards as i saw my mom drift off. I went to call out for her name but I began to feel myself wake up. "No... No, don't go... Come back." I mumbled, coming hazily out of my sleep. "Shhh... It's ok (Y/N)." said a familiar voice. I felt warm arms hug me. "No one is going to leave you..." I opened my eyes to see the hazy silhouette of somebody. Who could that be? My eyes shot open as soon as I realized that there was someone there only to be met with a face full of Shickamaru's chest. "S-s-shik-k-kam-m-ar-ru" I said, feeling my entire body rush with shock. "Mhhh..." He mumbled. He opened his eyes and looked around, But within seconds he shot upwards and fell off he bed. "Oh man I am so sorry I swear I didn't do anything." He covered his face with one of his hands, his cheeks being noticeably pink. I stood up and looked over at the clock. "Is it really 1pm? What happened? I thought we were training..." I began to trail off and I began putting the blankets back onto the bed. "Yeah, we were training and you had almost beaten us but we had you cornered and Ino used her mind Jutsu and got inside your mind but then you passes out. I went over to see if you were, well, conscious, and it turned out you just fell asleep. I thought it would be best to take you home but than you wouldn't let go of my coat and... " He was rubbing his neck sheepishly. "Wait, Ino did a mind transfer? Is she ok?" normally it wouldn't bother me but with my massive amount of chakra, It could've caused her some real pain. "Yeah... When she went into your head she screamed for like a minute but left and was fine.  think Choji made her go to the Hospital just in a case." He said, helping putting the last of the pillows on the bed. Jus then there was a nock on the door. We both looked at each other for a second then I slowly walked towards the door. "Hey (Y/N), You home?" Asked Ino from the other side of the door. I let out a sigh of relief. and opened it. "Yes Ino?" I asked, opening the door, confused at her presence. Ino stood there. "Hey (Y/N) I came over to see if you were alright because Shickamaru took you home but it's been a while and..." She looked over my shoulder and I followed her gaze. And there stood an out of place house plant. "That's a... Nice plant." She said awkwardly."
"Yeah... I just got it." I looked back towards Ino, hoping she'd continue on with her sentence. 'Yeah, so I just came by to see if you were ok and if you know where Shickamaru was." I racked my brain trying to think of something. "I'm fine and sadly I don't know where he is. Maybe he's off somewhere sleeping." I suggested. She nodded and waved goodbye and she left. I closed the door and freefell onto the bed. There was a poof of smoke and the once standing tree had become Shickamaru. "She's so troublesome..." He mumbled. "How, she was just being nice?" He shrugged his shoulders and stuck his hands in his pockets. "So what's wit the tattoos?" His question caught me off-guard, almost like I had been hit with a bat. "What?" I Asked, Hoping he meant something else. "Your tattoos. You seem to have a lot of them. Mainly on your torso and other easily covered spots." He said Lazily, but the he looked up. "T-that's more of an assumption, I didn't look down your shirt or anything like that, it just makes since like that." He seems so flustered. It's almost cute... "S-so what... I have tattoos..." I said trying to avoid the question. He sat back in the chair. "Yeah but they're all of animals and if you liked them you wouldn't be wearing such covering clothing." He stood up and seemed to fidget with something on the table. "During out whole group battle, a dog showed up but disappeared like a shadow clone, And I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you have a tattoo of tat similar animal." He headed towards the door. "You can tell me about it if you want, but you don't have to. They seemed pretty cool. See ya later" He waved and with that he left. I didn't know how to feel. Half of me wanted to be panicked that someone knew, but what was so bad about that?

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