Chapter 6

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I drove to my friends house, leaving Harry.
"Cassie!" I shouted.
"Hazel!" She mocked me.
I laughed and gave her a hug.
She loved one direction, but was normal about it.
She had long dark blonde hair, with blue eyes.
I could trust her with anything, and that's something I have always liked.
"We need to catch up," She smiled.
"I know! It's been forever.."
"Like 2 weeks."
We both laughed again.
"did you go the one direction meet and greet?" I asked.
"Of course. Louis was as adorable as always."
"Louis is pretty cool, I guess."
"Did you go?" She questioned.
"Yes, Sammy made me. The bad thing is that I ran into Harry on the way to the bathroom. Then Niall invited Sammy and I over to Harry's house..."
I told her.
I kept going into specific details on how we got locked in the room and the poster incident.
"Oh my god! I love Harry though! Just Don't act like you hate him. Playing hard to get gets you no where," She replied.
"Too late for that. My mom is forcing me to hang out with him today. I told him I was going to my boyfriends house, and drove off."
"Well, do you like him?" She asked again.
"As friends, yes. I just don't want to say that I will be his friend because he will be all nice. I don't want to fall for him Cassie."
Before she could respond, there was a faint knock on the door.
She walked over from the couch we were sitting on, and opened it.
"Hiiiii," He smiled.
He, being Harry styles.
"You followed me?" I asked.
"Yeah, I wanted to meet your boyfriend, who obviously doesn't exist."
"I was stopping here first. Now go away. We are talking," I yelled at him.
I grabbed a pillow and whipped it at him.
"Hey! Dont break my Flower Vase!" Cassie scolded.
"Sorry Cass."
She ignored my comment.
"Harry, it's not the time. Go home," She said to him annoyed.
"Oh good, another one of you," He groaned, referring to me.
I pulled Cassie up her wooden stairs to her room. She shut the door and locked it.
"What about Alex?" I sighed.
"Tell him Harry is just a friend. If you end up falling for Harry, then break up with Alex."
"I can't do that to Alex," I looked down.
"Harry styles or Annoying Alex? Your choice."
"He is not annoying. Alex has been my best friend for years, along with you and Sammy," I retorted.
"Go visit him then. You just called me the other day and told me that he was being mean..." She snapped irritated.
"Ok. Fine. Thanks for letting me come over though," I smiled and gave her a hug.

I opened the bedroom door and Harry styles backed up, pretending to not eavesdrop.
I ignored him and walked down the stairs.
I could feel him following me.

He pulled me back.
"Hazel, please don't go to his house. Can't we just go to the beach?" He pleaded.
"Harry, knock it off." I ripped my arm away from him and got in my car again.
"Hazel, wait."

I didn't listen to him. Instead I drove off to Alex's house.
I parked on the side of the road, and walked inside.
"Alexx, I'm heree," I called smiling.
I walked into the basement, our favorite hangout spot.
His eyes lit up when he saw me.
"Whats on tv?" I asked while sitting down by him.
"Nothing, interesting. That's for sure."
He changed the channel onto This is Us, the new one direction movie.
"Turn it off," I ordered with a stern face.
"Why? I thought you loved them."
"Alex. Turn it off."
He looked at me, and refused to change it.
It came to the part where Liam pulled down Harry's pants while he was singing his solo.
I laughed.
Alex changed it quickly.
"Why did you change it now?" I asked.
"Because. I don't like you watching a guy getting his pants pulled off, and then laughing."
"Jealous much?" I asked.
"Quit the attitude, and get out. Come back when you stop being annoyingly ugly.
"That didn't even make sense..." I corrected.
"GET OUT," He yelled and threw his soda on me.
I got up and left. Harry was outside the house waiting in his car.
I stomped out of the house and sat in my car.
My hair was getting sticky because of the soda, and my eyes burned.
Of course he had to drink diet, the one with the most chemicals. I drove back home, and sat down on my porch steps.
Maybe Cassie was right, Harry was a better choice.
Alex was annoying and probably the most jealous person ever.
Not to mention, he snaps at random times.
Sticky soda filled tears escaped my eyes, running down my face.
I probably look like a zebra because of my mascara.
Harry stood in front of me, arms crossed.
"I told you not to go," he sighed.
"Ok that's nice, wanna dump some other soda on me?" I said sarcastically.
I checked my phone, it was 4:32 pm.
Liam texted me back about 5 minutes ago:

Sure. I will Be over in 5 minutes with the guys and Sammy.

I called Cassie, and put her on speaker so my phone wouldn't get sticky.

"Hii," she answered.
"Come over now. Hurry. We are all going to the beach. Louis will be there," I informed her.
I got a strange look from Harry.
She came running down the street, in less then a minute.

"Dang. She must really like Louis," Harry smirked.
I hit him playfully.
"Is Louis really comming?" She asked.
She let out an obnoxious scream and jumped up and down.
Harry looked annoyed.
"Cassie, it's just Louis," I tried to get her to stop.
"Sorry. He's just so cool."
Harry burst out laughing when she said that.
"Oh shut up, Harry," She set her jaw, irritated again.
Louis pulled up in his car and we all got in.
We ran out of seats so I sat on the floor of his little van.
"Sorry you had to sit on the floor, Hazel. Harry make sure she doesn't go flying," Louis apologized.
Harry put his hands on my shoulders to keep me from flying forwards at each stop sign. Louis was a pretty rough driver.
"I swear to god Harry. If you don't remove your hand, I will break it off and beat you with it," I threatened.
"She's flirting," Sammy smirked.
"I am not."
"Yes you are," Liam chimed in.
Harry raised an eyebrow and removed his hand from my shoulder.
"Thank you," I told him.
"She loves you," Liam teased.
"Not as much as she loves you," Harry smirked.
"What?" Liam looked at me.
"Did you know that Hazel was a Liam girl?" Harry grinned.
"Oh really?" Liam chuckled.
Louis pulled into the parking spot and I quickly got out of the van, pulling Cassie with me.
Louis got out and walked up to Cassie.
"Hey, Are you ok? You were like silently crying in the back of the van.." He asked.

I swear she was about to faint.
She looked at him wide eyed, not responding.

"Um.." I stalled for her.
"I was just a little shaken up because I was laughing so hard from what Hazel said," Cassie fibbed.
We all knew, Well, Harry and I knew that it was because she was overwhelmed and fangirling.
Louis nodded and Harry walked over.
"Stay away from me," I scowled at him.
"I'm over here for Cassie and Louis," he said with a smug look on his face.
"Louis, I have to tell you something," Harry smirked and whispered something into his ear.
Louis' facial expression changed from Smiling to confused.
He walked away.
"Harry? What did you tell him?" I asked.
"I told him that Cassie loves him, duh," he grinned, proud of himself.

Cassie was about to kill him.
I didn't bother to hold her back, because I wouldn't mind. Zayn, Niall, Liam and Sammy came running over trying to separate them. Cassie jumped through Niall and Zayn. I stood there basically laughing and Harry ran away. Louis walked over.
"What is going on here?" He asked confused and unaware of what's happening.
"Cassie tried to kill Harry, because Harry said that she loves you," I explained.
"Harry, never said that. But Cassie is pretty cute, either way," Louis smiled.
Louis grabbed Cassie's hand and pulled her down to the beach. We all followed, and I managed to stay away from Harry as long as possible.

I looked around, trying to find Hazel.
As crazy as it sounds, I'm kind of obsessed with her.
Not in a good way, or a bad way. It's in between.
I like fighting with her, it feels different.
She makes me feel differently about things, it's almost weird.
I just wanted her to be my friend, and that's all that mattered right now.
She obviously wants nothing to do with me, and that's what I'm trying to change. I just need a chance.
I hated being referred to as 'famous' or a 'celebrity.' I get that it's the reality, but It's frustrating.
I finally found her, she was sitting on the beach. Her hair was blowing perfectly in front of her face, while hugging her knees.
Her eyes seemed brighter, and pretty.
For once, I liked seeing her quiet.
Her hair still looked sticky, and I felt bad that she had to deal with her boyfriend.
WAIT, What the heck am I thinking. I don't like her. I can't like her. I mentally slapped myself and sat down by her.
"God. I told you told you to stay away, I'm already upset," Hazel looked at me.
"It's not my fault that your idiotic boyfriend dumped soda on you," I responded.
"Sorry," she mumbled.
"You said sorry. That's an improvement," I smirked.
"Harry. Knock it off and leave me alone," She said irritated.
"Can't we just be friends?" I pleaded.
I knew my eyes could melt her.
If only she looked at them.
She was good at hiding her weaknesses, but I could tell that one of them was my eyes.
"At this point, I don't even want to be around guys anymore," She looked at the ocean water.
"Don't think of me as a guy then. Think of me as my own species," I grinned trying to cheer her up.
"Ha. Funny."
"Well ok then, Miss Sarcastic."
"Harry. Please just leave me alone," She sighed, I could tell that she was upset.
"Fine. I don't care. I'm trying to be nice, and once again you ruin it. Nice job."
I didn't mean to be so nasty, but It slipped out.
I got up and walked away.
I don't really care anymore.
Screw this.
Screw her.
I don't need to be her friend.
She's another fan, just playing stupid.
I have millions of fans, I don't need her.
It will be fine.
I will just ask Niall to stop inviting her everywhere.
Sounds good to me.

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