Chapter 30

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The door escaped Harry's grip while holding it open for me, and it slammed into my head.

"Ow.." I groaned while holding my forehead.

"I apologize, Hazel Paige," He said while examining my head.

"Stop calling me that. My name may be Hazel, but I'm not Hazel Grace from The Fault In our Stars."

"You finally got my reference," Harry beamed.

I laughed and He helped me up, pulling me up the old stairs.

"Harry, where are we?" I asked.


"This is not a good idea. We could get caught for trespassing.."

"Hazel, Calm down. It's old and it looks abandoned," He reassured me.

After the few flights of stairs, we got to an old door.

The hallway where it was in, was dark and smelled musty.

I turned the knob of the paint-chipped door and it squeaked open.

Harry went in first, being careful if anyone was inside.

He picked up a fat little bull-dog in the corner, who was whining and scratching the door.

"Put that thing down! It could have rabies.." I ordered.

"You need to stop freaking out," he frowned and stroked the dog's hair.

"Well if you would stop being so stupid for once, then maybe I would," I set my jaw.

Harry's pupils went small, meaning he was upset.

I looked at the floor, trying to avoid his eye contact.

"You don't need to be so rude," He grumbled.

"You think it's perfectly sane for someone to break into a building and take a dog, because you were 'exploring?'" I questioned.

"We aren't breaking in anywhere. IT'S ABANDON-"

My phone had interrupted him, thankfully.

I took it out from my pocket and looked at the message.

Harry was about to say something, but I raised my pointer finger motioning for him to wait.

From- Sammy:

Wanna hang out? Niall wants us all to double-date.

I texted back.

To- Sammy:

I'm kind of annoyed with Harry at the moment.

I got an automatic reply after.

From- Sammy:

Ok. Lets go dress shopping tomorrow, just you and me.

I texted back 'k' and looked up at Harry and he continued.

"One second, you are totally in love with me and the next you are annoyed. You know tons of girls would love to be in your spot, but they aren't.."

"Then whatever I guess. Since I'm not good enough to fill the spot that I'm in, go date another girl."

"Hazel, that's not what I mean."

"Sure seems like it."

"And you're calling me stupid?" He mumbled.

"So what now?" I asked.

"What do you mean by that?"

"What about us?" I looked away.

"Well, I don't think you want there to be an us," Harry looked at me.

"Are you saying that you don't think I like you?"

"I'm saying that you are probably just confused with yourself, Hazel. You need to find yourself first before we talk about us."

"I'm going for a walk. Ill catch up with you later.." I told him and ran outside.

I jogged down the sidewalk and ran into an alley.

A noise came from behind me and I turned around.

A tall figure, not one that I recognize, grabbed my arm gently.

"Let me go..please.." I begged.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he chuckled.

"Well it's past midnight and I'm in a dark alley all by myself, usually that's what happens in movies.."

"I'm Nick," he laughed.


"I saw you walking by yourself and head down this alley..You shouldn't be alone. Where are you heading?" Nick asked.

"I was just on a walk to clear my head, that's all," I smiled.

"Well, I will walk you home," Nick offered.

"It's okay, I'll go by myself."

"That wasn't an offer."

I started walking by myself to the flat, trying to ignore him.

He walked right next to me.

"Why isn't your boyfriend with you?" Nick questioned.

"We kind of had a little fight over nothing, and how do you know that I even have a boyfriend?" I looked at him.

"You are kind of too pretty to not have one," he smiled.

"Um thanks."

I walked up to the doorstep of Harry and Louis' flat, and went inside.

I turned around and bumped into Harry.

"Who was that?" He frowned.

"To be honest, I don't really know. His name is Nick and he offered to walk me home because It was dark out."

"Stay away from him," Harry stared at me.

"Harry, I don't think I'll even see him again."


"But what abo-"

I cut myself off because the dog from the abandoned building trotted into the room.


"Please don't be mad. I couldn't leave him there, so I brought him home," He pulled me close by the waist.

"You don't even know where the dog came from.." I looked at him.


"I guess it doesn't matter," I said while the dog wobbled over.

"I named it Cooper," Harry grinned.

I laughed and picked it up.

Cooper was soft and fat like a giant pillow.

I put him down and walked to my bed.

"Where are you going?" Harry questioned.

"To bed."

"Okay..goodnight love," Harry walked over and gave me a kiss.

He gave me a dimply smile and walked into his room with cooper.

Surprisingly, we both had managed to not wake up Louis or Eleanor.

Smiling, I got into my bed and turned off the light.


New update.

Idk if I like this chapter.

It's ok.

ily xx

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