Chapter 24

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I kept glancing over at Hazel.

She was obviously mad, and I didnt understand why.

Maybe she's sensitive.

When the movie paused, I walked over to her.

"Harry, If you are over here to kiss me, then go away," She scolded.

Her eyes were shining.

They were bright brown, with flecks of green in her iris.

She was now 19, but has the height of a 16 year old.

Her brown hair was perfectly curled at the ends, which made her face stand out.

All of her face was in proportion, nothing too big or too small.

Hazel was not perfect though; She was far from it.

I liked that she wasn't perfect, because it made her, herself.

"I'm not here to kiss you," I replied still staring at her eyes.

I must of came on as intimidating, because she told me stop staring.

"Hazel, come on."

I pulled her by the wrist to my car.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," She scowled.

Hazel was back to her old snotty self.

I picked her up and put her into the passenger seat.

She squirmed and kept trying to get away from me.

"Hazel, calm down. Why are you being so annoying?" I grumbled.

"Annoying? Well aren't you a gentleman.."

I got in the car and started driving to the city of Los Angeles.

The city had all the famous shops and stands, along with my surprise for her.

I turned on my cd and chose track 2.

Story of my life came on, and Hazel still looked annoyed.

"Hazel, why are you mad?" I asked.

"Why don't you just focus on driving.."

"Tell me."

"If you don't know why then I'm not going to tell you," She looked Away.

I parked the car and she got out.

"Harry..where are we?" She questioned while looking around.

I took Hazel's hand and walked into a new apartment with her.

"I found your mom and dad a new place to live," I grinned.

Her eyes were wide, and she looked at me.

"Harry, you didn't need to do this."

"There's more," I pointed to a pile of gifts by the couch.

She looked she was about to faint.

"Harry..I can't accept any of this.."

"Well good, because the apartment isn't for you. It's for your parents," I laughed.

She looked confused.

"You can live with Louis and me. Eleanor is moving in, so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to move in with me.."

She jumped up and hugged me.

"Whoa, I thought you were mad.."

"Harry. You are really sweet, and that's enough for me."

"Those presents are for you, by the way," I smiled.

"Harrehh," She whined trying to imitate me in a British accent.

"They aren't real presents though, because they aren't useful."

She got off of me and pulled me to the present pile.

There was about 7-10 items there.

Hazel grabbed one and then handed me one.

"You are opening them too, since they aren't very useful," She explained, while opening the first one.

It was a Harry Styles doll.

Hazel laughed, and opened the rest of them with me.

I had got her:

The One direction perfume

A Harry styles doll

A Harry styles blanket

A Harry's styles pillow case

A Harry styles bracelet

A pair of Harry styles earrings

A Harry styles necklace

A Harry styles cardboard cutout

& A Harry styles shirt

"Dang it Harry. I'm set for life now," she smirked.

I laughed and her parents walked in.

"Oh Harry!" Her mother gasped and ran over to me.

She gave me a hug and smiled.

"Welcome to your new home," I laughed.

"Hazel, you better treat him nice. He is so amazing," Her mom yelled at her.

"Okayyy. Mom, Harry wants to know if I can move in with him, Eleanor and Louis."

"Absolutely not," Her dad, Daniel, butted in.

"Oh come on Daniel. She's 19, it's her choice," Her mother tried to reason.

"Just because she is older then 18 doesn't mean that she can go where ever she wants. I'm her father, and I get a say In what she does," they argued.

"Hazel, you are able to do what you want. If you want to move in with him and your friends, then do it. Don't let your father order you around," She told her.

Hazel hugged her mom and I helped gather her presents.

We shoved them in the car trunk and drove back to my house.

I texted her parents earlier, telling them to gather all their belongings and move into the new apartment.

Hazel picked up all the gifts and carried them to her the room where she would be sleeping.

Even though Louis and I's ranch house only had one floor, it was still big.

"Harryy," She called.

I quickly ran over to her.

"Where should I hang this?"

"Hang what?"

She pointed at a Harry styles poster, and I laughed.

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