Chapter 17

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"Harry, get off of me!" I whimpered.

"I like laying like this though."

"Harry, you are crushing me," I kept whining.

He leaned his face into mine, stopping right at my lips.

We didn't kiss, but there was about a millimeter of space between our faces.

"If you don't go out with me again, ill kiss you," he whispered.

His breath was very minty, and I could feel his lips hovering over mine.

"If you dare try to kiss me, I won't ever talk to you again," I whispered back.

"I have lots to lose, but it would be worth it."

"Harry, don't."

His lips moved a little closer, leaving no space between us.

I was afraid that if I talked, my lips would end up touching his.

Harry was no longer heavy, because he was holding himself up using his arms.

He was incredibly close either way.

"Harry, stop now," I tried pushing him off.

"What? Are you afraid to kiss me?" He asked.

"Not really."

"Then do it."

"No," I replied and kneed him in the crotch.

He immediately got off of me, and helped me up.

Harry was in total pain, but tried not to show it.

"Harry, where are my mom and dad?" I questioned, looking around.

"My house."

"Why are they there?"

"Robbers came in and set your kitchen on fire, I woke them up, gave them my address and told them to go there. They trusted me with your life, which I ended up saving, so you are welcome," He smirked.

"Wait! My phone was in there, along with my songs!" I shouted, almost starting to cry.

"Hazel. You are not going in there again."

"Harry! My stuff is in there!" I yelled.

"Not the important things. I grabbed your song book. I left everything else as it was," harry looked at me.

"My phone though!"

"Ill buy you a new one."

"No you won't," I snapped.

"Yes I will."

"I won't let you."

"Hazel, I'm going to buy you a new phone whether if you like or not," He said.

I looked at the paparazzi surrounding the fences of my house.

"Harry, did you do this for publicity? Again?" I frowned.

"No. They weren't even here when I was out on the tree with you. I stayed on the branch watching you, and stuff."

I nodded and hugged him.

"Well thanks, I guess."

He grinned at me.

"Don't worry about your car by the way. I kind of, maybe, have a key to it," Harry chuckled.


He pulled the key off his key chain and gave it to me.

"Drive straight to my house. Don't make any stops for gas, or emergency lip gloss. If you have to pee, hold it. Getting to my house is your first and only priority," He informed.

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