It was just over two hours later that Shane was awoken by the absence of the car's soothing engine. He opened his eyes to find the car parked beside a gas pump. Jugatxi was telling him to go inside, use the restroom, and grab something quick to eat. "And put on a sweater," she told him. "It's cold."
Shane rubbed his eyes and looked at the temperature read-out. "It is not thirty-seven degrees," he said skeptically. He opened the car door and was met with a blast of freezing air. "Oh, shit." The cold air burned his nostrils and lungs. He closed the car door. "I guess it is." Jugatxi laughed as Shane pulled on his hoodie.
With sweaters protecting them from most of the cold, Shane and Jugatxi headed inside. They both headed for the restrooms first and then tried to decide what they would eat. Jugatxi quickly got a muffin, a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, a few candy bars, and fixed herself a cup of coffee. Shane just stood there. He didn't know what he wanted, and it made him less hungry to have to think about deciding. He stood there until Jugatxi stepped in to help him. Without a word or hesitation, she put a croissant with sausage, egg, and cheese into his hand. Then she handed him a bag of Spicy Nacho Doritos, a bag of Lifesavers, and she went over to fix him a cup of coffee.
"You like your coffee black," Jugatxi told him, handing him the hot cup of coffee.
It made Shane feel kind of useless, like a young child that still depended on his mother for food.

Crash Course in Shane Mathias
Short StoryFollow Shane down the dark road and over the edge. Shane was in a car accident and the next time he wakes up is in the hospital without his memory. Even though he tries, he doesn't get his memory back. So his sister decides to take him on a road tri...