Shane woke up on the floor; the inflatable bed was no longer inflated. Jugatxi and Shane had slept in the living room, not that they minded. Even if they had awoken on the floor.
Shane got up, and shortly after he found himself wandering outside. The trees towered over one hundred feet tall, leaving him mystified. He had the desire to climb one, but most trees were unclimbable. He spots one tree that is climbable and heads over to it. He's no more than ten feet away, when his name is called out.
Shane looked all around him, but he could not see who was calling out his voice.
"Shane, up here!" He looked up to find Jugatxi among the branches of the tree. "Come up with me!" she called. "Like when we were kids!"
Shane didn't know how she could be so carefree and happy all of the time, like a kid. He stepped toward the tree and climbed up to meet her. He went a little higher than she did. She caught onto the challenge and went up higher too. They ended up silently trying to out-do each other with a few giggles escaping when Jugatxi finally won because she was smaller and the smaller tree branches supported her weight.
Once they were ack on solid ground, Shane draped an arm over Jugatxi's shoulders and they walked toward the back patio of the house. Mordechai was there and he was grilling meat. Shane was a bit surprised.
"It's the best kind of meat there is out here," Mordechai told them. "I went to buy it this morning, just for you two. The last time your dad was here, he ate this type of meat too. It was his favorite."
About half an hour later, Shane could see why. It was soft and tender, it had a tangy and pleasant taste, and it was moist. "Please tell me that that's not some exotic animal part," Shane begged of Mordechai.
Mordechai laughed. "No, it's regular steak, actually. It just happens to be really good."
"Okay," Shane nodded. "Thank you, it is really good."
"You're welcome." Mordechai smiled. "So what are you two up to today?"
"I don't know." Shane looked toward Jugatxi.
"I'm taking Shane to the Selena Quintanilla museum and a few other places. Would you like to come?"
"No, I should really stay here," Mordechai said. "I've got a few things to take care of. Enjoy yourselves."
"That's too bad." Jugatxi said sincerely. "Well, I should probably take him already. Thank you for the ususal and delicious breakfast," Jugatxi said as she stood up. "Come on, Shane."
Shane stood, thanked Mordechai, and wished him a good day before following Jugatxi over to the front of the house and to her car.

Crash Course in Shane Mathias
Short StoryFollow Shane down the dark road and over the edge. Shane was in a car accident and the next time he wakes up is in the hospital without his memory. Even though he tries, he doesn't get his memory back. So his sister decides to take him on a road tri...