Selena Quintanilla's grave site is covered in stones and her tombstone is a carved image of her. It is adorned with bushes and beautiful roses. There is a chain-linked fence surrounding it that read "Stay Out - Respect Grave site." Standing at the chain-linked fence, Shane could read the inscription on her tombstone. "He will actually swallow up death forever, and the sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. - Isaiah 95:8" The inscription was probably meant to offer comfort to all of those her mourned her passing.
Shane liked it her. There was an aura that reverberated through the grass, leaving him with a quiet calm and the time and space to think. Although, he didn't have much to think about, just missing the memories that weren't there to be missed.
"Come over here," Jugatxi startled him. She was standing about twenty yards away, staring down at another tombstone in the grass.
Shane approached slowly. His heart started beating twice as fast and he was nervous, even though he didn't know why. When he finally reached Jugatxi, he looked down upon the tombstone too. The inscription read: "Eternally Loved Helena and Carlo Mathias."
Below their birth and death dates there was another inscription.
"God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference."
That one sentence was enough to bring Shane to tears. The same sentence that had taken his memories away was the same sentence that brought those memories back. Now, his head pounded with those memories as they flooded back and overwhelmed his senses. He didn't like everything that he remembered, but he was given a second chance. The chance to change his life and make everything right.

Crash Course in Shane Mathias
Short StoryFollow Shane down the dark road and over the edge. Shane was in a car accident and the next time he wakes up is in the hospital without his memory. Even though he tries, he doesn't get his memory back. So his sister decides to take him on a road tri...