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"What am I doing?!" I said aloud. I closed my Math book frustratingly, this is useless. Seems like I am more concentrating on checking on my phone than reading a book.

I just can't believe I was that easy. I freaking gave my number to someone I've only known for less than a day!

Don't be overdramatic. He just wants to be friends. Nothing more.

As I kept on debating with myself, I heard a faint ding from my phone. I open the message from an unknown number.

unknown: still awake?

I already feel a tingling sensation in my stomach even though I haven't confirmed who texted me yet. So being myself, I replied "hu u?"

unknown: it's tae. 😀

My heart flutters at the sight of the text. What do I do? What do I do? I just stared at my phone.

Answer back idiot! Right, I need to keep cool. I just laughed at how this man affects me.

kookie: I was just reading
a book. Wyd?

taetae: obviously texting you. Lol

kookie: right

taetae: hey sorry, I was just joking. I just finished doing the laundry

taetae: hello? Sorryyy

kookie: I'm busy
reading hyung

taetae: oh, I'll just go. Sorry 😞

kookie: hey, don't go

taetae: what were you reading anyway?

I eyed my bookshelf full of fictional books. I don't want him to know I was studying, or pretty much trying to study while thinking of him.

kookie: James Patterson

taetae: omo! You read his books too? I'm a fan of him

kookie: yeah I collect his
women's murder
club series

taetae: omg, what book are you now?

kookie: 6th target. I'm still finding 7th heaven though

taetae: I have a collection of Alex Cross series. If you have time, you can borrow mine.

kookie: really?

taetae: yeah 😊

I'm happy that we are similar in some ways. At least we have the same taste.

As we chat all through the night, I've completely forgotten my notes and just kept on smiling while tapping my phone. Until we finally said good night to each other, I think I slept still with a smile on my face.


"Hey Kookie, do you think there will come a time that the moon will appear as square?" Taehyung asked me while staring at the moon.

"What the hell is that question, hyung?" I asked back with one eyebrow raised.

"I'm just curious. I mean almost all heavenly bodies are round shaped: the earth, the planets, the sun. Think its boring already." He said finally looking at me.

We are at the cafe again drinking our Caramel Macchiato. It's a Wednesday evening and not so many people are here. Taehyung texted me to hang out since his friend brought a chick in their apartment.

"Well, stars are star-shaped." I answered nonchalantly.

"Nope." He stared again at the night sky. "That's just plain assumption. Nobody has ever seen an actual star so I'm pretty sure it's still round"

I face palmed. Really this dude is weird sometimes. But I admit that I enjoy his weirdness. I just shake my head and took a sip of my drink.

"Kookie, knock knock." He turned to look at me again gaining my attention.

"What is it again?" I thank God I have strong tolerance to weird people. Having a weirdo roommate for almost four years is big help.

"Kookie, knock knock." He said again determined.

I let out a sigh. "Who's there?"

"Urine" he said giggling.

"That's gross." I said face disgusted. He whined. "Okay okay! Urine who?"

"Urine-secure, don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or.." He sang with eyes closed and right hand into fist like he was clutching a microphone.

Actually, the joke was not even funny but I just found myself giggling and laughing almost nonstop. His derp face made it more hilarious.

Seriously this dude is unpredictable. Behind that elegant facade hides a dork. A lovely dork.

Suddenly, his best friend Namjoon is calling. He excused himself and answered the call.

"Kookie, knock knock!" I turned my head towards the counter, seeing another dork leaning against the table, wiggling his eyebrows. Jimin then started singing the British band's song while mimicking Tae's actions awhile ago. I shushed him and just rolled my eyes while he laughed.

After the call, Taehyung turned to me again smiling. I looked at him eyebrows raised as if asking.

"We got a new client." He said happily. I'm happy for him too.

"Really? That's good to know. Who's the catch?"

"She's friends with Namjoon's chick. Apparently, they were discussing it at our apartment." He took a sip of his drink. "I thought they were going to do the nasty." He smirked.

"Probably they did." We laughed.

"Hey, want to come to work with me one day?" He asked me excitedly.

"I would love that." I said enthusiastic. I would love to see Taehyung work and do his passion.

"I'll call you if everything's ready."


I'm already looking forward to it.

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