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"Where are we going exactly?" I asked as I fixed my seatbelt.

"Just somewhere peaceful bunny." He answered me while starting the engine of the car.

We are currently seated in his car going to somewhere only Tae knows. He had come over to our dorm early in the morning and told me to prepare myself for a date.

You heard that right, we are finally going to a date. I was a bit excited since this is my first time to hang out with him as my.. you know.. Uhm.. Boyfriend.

I'm still not used to any of this though, with him being sweet and affectionate to me. I would blush hard every time he does something to me, like holding my hands or just simply complimenting me.

Minutes past and we arrived at a beach. The clear blue sea is highly inviting and the sand was sparkly white from the rays of sun.

I widened my eyes because I want to go to a place like this for a long time, but I don't have company or time. I guess I just miss Busan that much.

I quickly climb out of the car, leaving Taehyung behind as he reached for his camera at the backseat. I ran towards the beach squealing like a little kid. I stop by the water that was already ankle deep and slightly shivered from the waves splashing and wind blowing, giggles coming out of my mouth. The hem of my shorts are wet from the splashing of water.

I heard Taehyung, who was also laughing, trail after me. He stopped a few distance away from me and took pictures with his camera.

I look at him, his face still covered with his camera.

"Sorry hyung, am I blocking the view?" I moved to step away.

"No silly, you are the view."

I blushed at that. See what I told you? That was pretty cheesy. But I like it though.

After a few moments, his feet were also soak into the water while he back hugged me with his chin rested on my shoulder.
We are staring at the beautiful scenery before us.

"Do you like it, Jungkookie?"

"I love it!" I said grinning ear to ear.

He chuckled. We stayed like that for a moment, breathing in the fresh air and feeling the wind on our faces.

He held my hand and lead me to a mini cottage near the beach. As we walked, I notice there are no other people but us. And at the far end of the area, a skeleton of what looks like a two storey house is still being constructed.

"Hyung? Who owns this place?"

I am being curious now. I mean, the place is breathtaking but I didn't know that there existed a place like this.

He opened the door and we entered with our bags before answering me.

"A friend of mine owns this place. But he no longer stays here. He migrated to U.S. already." He explained while fumbling with his camera. "He just let's a caretaker keep the place clean from time to time."

"He trusts you that much to let you in here just as you want to?"

"Maybe. He left me the keys to the rooms and I pretty much hang out here when I think a lot."

"Like what?"

"Sometimes things. Problems. Other times...you."

And I think my heart did a breakdance after that. My face went red again, now reaching my ears. Aish why do I easily get flustered?

Then he suddenly raises his camera and took a picture of me.

"Hyung! Can't you even warn me before you snap a pic like that?"

He laughed at my reaction and put down his camera. We fixed our things then changed to our swimming outfits.

I went to the bathroom and changed my T-shirt into a tank top and a new short. As I opened the door to come out, I saw the brunette, who was only in his boxers, rummaging in his bag.

I stared at him in awe as my eyes landed to his biceps flexing as it pulled out a swimwear. Then I stared at his faint abs. I wanted to look away but it seems like my eyes are glued to his tanned glorious body.

I heard him clear his throat and when I look at his face, the demon was smirking. My face turned into crimson as I turned my back to him.

I stuffed my used clothes in my backpack and as I turned around, his face looked amused and he was stifling a smile. He was now wearing the swimwear he found but top naked.

"Yah! What are you thinking?"

"Nothing. Let's go?" I knew he was enjoying when he caught me staring at him like that. He then held my hand and we went out to the beach.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

He's still smiling like an idiot.

"Hey why aren't you saying something?"

He then looked at me questioningly. "What about?"

"You aren't mad at me for s-staring at you e-earlier?" I was red again.

He just pinched my cheek. "You know, you're so cute. Let's just swim okay?"

He then held my body up and threw me over his shoulder. I let out a small yelp and lightly punched his back.

He ran to the water with our giggles echoing all over the place.

Bittersweet✔ (taekook)Where stories live. Discover now