Chapter 1: Meeting the Demon

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 Sean laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He inspected each and every bump and groove, trying to end his boredom and failing miserably. "Top a the mornin' to ya..." said an echoing, glitchy, deep voice. Sean sighed. 'The fuck do you want Anti...' "Now now, no need to be rude." he replied, giving an audible grin. Antisepticeye, or Anti for short, showed up years ago. At first, he seemed nice. But after a while, his voice got deeper, glitchier, more menacing. Not to mention annoying. "I heard that you..." Sorry but it's the truth bud. For Sean anyway. He's gotten more active lately. Active meaning he's been speaking with Sean nonstop, messing with his mind, driving him more and more towards insanity. It had gotten so bad, in fact, that Sean had announced a hiatus for his YouTube channel. It saddened him to do this, and it saddened him even more to see all the sad posts and asks on Tumblr, all the sad posts on Twitter, even Instagram was going crazy about him not posting videos until further notice. Mark didn't know about Anti, and Sean wanted to keep it that way. Anti wasn't a threat. Yes, he was a demon, but he wasn't strong enough to take over Sean's body. Not yet anyway. Sean didn't feel it necessary to actually tell Mark. Sean did, however, know about Darkiplier. And if Mark didn't know about Anti, neither did Dark. Finally, Sean turned his head to the left to look at the time on his clock. It was almost midnight and Sean was getting more and more tired by the second. He groaned, deciding to get up and get ready to sleep the night away. After about ten minutes of getting dressed and brushing his teeth, he stood in the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

His ocean blue eyes shone in the dull light in the bathroom. Every once and awhile, he could spot the small red veins in his right eye flash a bright, deep green while his left eye did the same with black. He looked back down at the sink and rubbed his eyes before leaving the bathroom, turning off the rest of the lights in his house, and collapsing on the bed again, this time pulling bedsheets over his body. Within minutes, he fell asleep. As soon as he fell asleep, he found himself in an endless white room. No furniture or anything except for the occasional black stain on the ground. When he was here, he was never tired, hungry, or thirsty. Probably because he only came here when he was asleep and this was actually his own mind. "Goddammit Anti stop staining the place with your damn black goo or whatever it is!" Sean shouted angrily. "Hey, it's not like I can control it!" Sean looked up to see Anti floating above his head, staring down at him. You know the position you usually take when you're skygazing? You know? One leg straight, one leg bent, hands behind your head? Yeah, that position. Anti held that, staring down into Sean's ocean blue eyes.

Anti's eyes looked majorly different from Sean's. His right eye had the same blue iris as Sean, but the sclera was the deep green Sean could see appearing in his eye when he was staring into the mirror. His left iris, though, was a green too, but the sclera was a piercing black that sent shivers down Sean's spine each time he saw it. "Get the fuck down here." Sean said, crossing his arms impatiently. Anti looked away, removing his hands from the back of his head and holding them up in an "Okay okay, calm down" manner. He spun for a moment before landing in front of Sean and shoving his hands in the pockets of his ripped jeans. He gave a big, sharp-toothed grin and giggled. "Aw, is somebody still upset they can't upload anymore?" he said teasingly, giving a pouty face like a toddler would. Sean frowned at him.

"And whose fucking fault is that?" he growled, causing Anti to raise an eyebrow. "Hm... I'd say you. You're too WEAK to handle my 'constant nagging' and 'annoying chatter' as you call it." Anti not only gave audible air quotes, but he made them with his hands also, showing his razor sharp nails. Sean rolled his eyes, glaring into Anti's demonic eyes. "When are you going to get the hell outta my head?" "Probably never. It's cozy in here and torturing you is fun." Anti replied bluntly. Sean could hear a faint, terrified squeal behind him, causing him to turn around. He spotted Sam, flying towards him almost as fast as the speed of light. He looked terrified and once Sam got to Sean, he hid in his dark green locks of hair. For a moment, Sean was confused. Then he saw another eye like Sam, except it was black with a green iris and pulsing green blood veins. Did Anti have his own Sam? Why didn't Sean know this before? "Thomas!" Sean heard Anti call delightfully. The floating black eye sped over to Anti, wrapping his long tail around Anti's neck and splitting somewhat in half to reveal a mouth straight through the pupil and iris to show a set of teeth a shark would have. He nibbled at Anti's lower jawline, cutting his skin and sipping up the little drops of green blood that dripped from the opening.

Anti scratched under what would be 'Thomas's' jaw, receiving small squeaks of delight. Sean could feel Sam shivering in his hair, tangling himself in the green strands, searching for more comfort than he already had. "Since when do you have your own Sam?" Sean asked, slightly confused but angry at Anti for not telling him. "Since you first got Sam. Tom is to Sam like I am to you..." he explained. Anti stopped scratching Tom and pulled him away from his neck, placing the small eye in his hair like Sam was in Sean's. Glitches suddenly surrounded Anti, making Sean widen his eyes with shock. Suddenly, Anti was gone. Sean spun around, looking for Anti, his normal confidence he usually had around Anti completely vanishing. "Time to wake up!~" Anti sang. Sean turned around and was only a few hairs away from Anti's face. Sean saw him smile ear-to-ear and he felt a sudden pain in his stomach. He looked down, seeing Anti's hand had completely pierced his skin and his intestines. He watched as blood pooled from the wound, making him cough, blood splattering from his mouth and hitting Anti's face. Anti licked away the crimson droplets around his mouth, smiling at the taste. "Rise and shine, Jacksepticeye!!!" he shouted. Sean sat up in his bed, panting, feeling sweat drip from his forehead. He could hear a faint, echoing laughter. He thought he felt Sam still on his head, but he only existed in his head. Sean knew that for sure. For Anti, one day, he might not be in Sean's head forever...  

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