Chapter 11: There's Two?

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 Mark paced around the living room. Jack's been locked up in his room for two days now. If he didn't leave for water, he'd die the next day, and Mark was positive people would accuse him of murder if Jack died of dehydration. "Would you stop that? Your annoying thoughts are echoing fucking loudly in here. Just go to sleep and panic in here." Dark growled at Mark, irritation the only emotion in his voice. Mark glanced at the clock. "Aw fuck, 11?" he whispered to himself. He didn't bother doing anything except brushing his teeth before he threw himself onto his bed. He laid there for what seemed like an eternity. "Dark." he said aloud. "Knock me the fuck out." Within seconds, Mark found him in the white room with Tim, Wilfred, Santa, and Dark. Santa and Wilfred were asleep in their corners, leaving Tim and Dark to talk. Mark began to pace in his head too. He consistently ran his fingers through his red hair, yanking out some strands due to the immense stress and worry. Dark just watched from the side, ignoring the pleads from Tim to help Mark. It was then that Tim took it upon himself to hop over to Mark. "Hey, Mark, I'm sure Jack's alright!" he said in the most pick-me-up tone he could. "He is not FUCKING alright Tim! He's locked himself in the bedroom for two fucking days and if he doesn't get any water soon, he'll die! I don't want that on my chest and I don't want that son of a bitch to die!" Mark screamed. "Mark."

"The hell do you want Dark?"

"If you really want to help Jackaboy, then let's go to his 'mind room' and see what the fuck's going on."

Mark turned to Dark, anger filling his face. "This is not the time for your games Dark!" he yelled. "Jack is probably dying, and I can't do anything!" Mark began to sob and stutter, mumbling inaudible words.

"Okay, listen here bitch." Dark growled, tired of Mark's shit. He stomped up to Mark, making him face the black-and-red-eyed demon before Dark gripped his shirt and pulled him forward. "You can stay here and cry like the little bitch baby you are, or you can let me take you over to Jack so you can see WHAT THE FUCK is going on in his head!" he fumed. Mark blinked for a moment, glancing around the room. Santa was still fast asleep, but Wilfred was sitting up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. Mark pried Dark's fingers from his shirt and coughed. "I- um..." he murmured. Dark crossed his arms impatiently. "Well? Are we gonna fuckin' go or what?" Mark thought for a moment before nodding. "Good." Dark walked over to Mark, grabbing his arm. A black aura surrounded them. It was like a dense fog and it stung Mark's eyes.

"We're... here?" Dark's uncertain tone worried Mark as he opened his eyes. But the blackness didn't seem to leave. "Why can't I see?" Mark asked. He spun around, spotting a white spot in the distance. There was the form of a human in the center, a black blob obstruction the perfect circle, making it look more like pacman. "Jack?" Mark called. Movement. That was Jack alright. He stepped forward, but Dark grabbed his arm and prevented him from going any further. Mark turned around. Dark hadn't moved. He was staring at the black wall. "Dark?" Mark waved a hand in front of the red-eyed-demon's face. Dark stepped forward until he was inches away from the wall. Mark watched as he raised his hand, pressed it against the wall, and slid it down, creating a white line in the black. Like vines in the jungle, the black consumed the white like it had never been there. Mark and Dark stood there in utter shock.


They both spun around, but nothing had changed. It sounded like Jack, but at the same time... Different. Mark didn't waste any more time. He sped over to Jack who was unconscious in the white circle. All Mark could see was the left side of his face and was horrified to turn him over and reveal the rest of his face. Long crimson lines, still fresh and dripping, emerged from a hole where his right eye should be. As Mark looked around a little more, he spotted Jack's eye sitting on the ground not far away. It was then that Mark noticed that the circle was slowly getting smaller. It had reached the eye, which had started to burn and sizzle. Mark heard small squeaks and noticed that a small bump was moving around under Jack's shirt and was surprised to see a floating green eye with a blue iris. Sam? The eye hid in Mark's hair, probably looking for comfort, when something snatched Jack from Mark's grasp. "What the hell!?" Mark exclaimed, standing up and spinning around. Jack had disappeared and when Mark turned to Dark, he seemed just as bewildered.

"Oh, do I have your attention now?" giggled a strange, deep, glitchy voice.

"Who the hell are you!?" Mark screamed into the darkness.

"Mark, hold on, I don't trust this..."

"I'm sure you don't Darky.~"


Mark just sat, confused. He spotted a slim figure lower down in front of him and Dark, but he couldn't see his face. He was holding Jack by the leg. "I wonder what happens if I drop him? Will it be like last time or will he just melt?" Mark grew worried. This guy's voice was getting harder and harder to understand by the second. He could still understand him, yeah, but it took Mark five seconds to process the words. "Don't you fucking touch him!" Mark challenged, clenching his fists. Jack started to stir and seemed to panic when he realized where he was. "Hey! Look who's up!" the man giggled. "Anti! Put me down!"

"You got it cap'n." 'Anti' just let go of Jack and let him faceplant into the black ground. Worried squeals emerged from Mark's when boiling could be heard from where Jack made contact with the ground, immediately being drowned out by his agonizing screams. "Jack!" Mark tried to run over to Jack, but Anti flew down and grabbed him by the neck. Mark finally got a good look at who this 'Anti' bitch was. It was Jack. Just straight Jack. His hair was a darker green and much messier which was surprising, he wore a black shirt and torn skinny jeans, his face was scarred and black lines fell from his lips. But the most notable factor about him was his eyes. His right eye was basically a replica of Sam: bright green with an ocean blue iris except the pupil was slitted to the point it looked like a knife when looking straight at the sharpened edge. But his left eye was black with a dark green iris. His right pupil was slitted vertically, but his left one was slitted horizontally.

"Hiya Markimoo...~"

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