Chapter 6: Filming

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Sean heard the door of the room open quietly and he opened his eyes, turning his head to see that Mark was creeping in. "Aw dammit! I wanted to scare you awake!" he said laughing. Sean laughed as well as he sat up in the bed. He remembered that he hadn't done anything to get ready for bed yesterday in his desperate attempt to get some sleep, so he had a disgusting taste in his mouth. He smacked his lips. "Okay, I highly regret not brushing my teeth last night..." Mark laughed again. "Go, shoo, get ready. We're gonna film the skit today. I've got everything ready downstairs. I'm gonna make some pancakes. Want any?"

Sean nodded his head. Before Mark left the room Sean stopped him. "Make mine with chocolate chips please!" He gave a big toothy smile. "My god you and your sweet tooth..." Mark said, chuckling as he left. Sean got out of bed and changed his clothes, throwing on a pair of pale blue ripped jeans and a t-shirt with a picture of Sam on it. He straightened out the shirt and looked at it before going through his bag, grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste, and leaving the room. He walked to the bathroom which was right across the hall from his room and set down his stuff. He looked up to the mirror, seeing his left eye was black with a green iris. He flinched, stepping back from the mirror and rubbing his eyes. When he looked again it was back to normal. He looked closer, seeing the same green and black flashes he had seen a few days ago in the mirror. How had Mark not seen that? He sighed, turning on the faucet and filling his hands with water, splashing it on his face. He stood there for a moment, using the edges of the sink for support before brushing his teeth and moving downstairs. There was a plate with a pile of pancakes on it and another behind it that had three chocolate chip pancakes.

As Sean was licking his lips, Tyler and Ethan walked into the room. "Jack!" Tyler yelled. Sean felt intimidated by Tyler's height, seeing as he was shorter than even Mark and Tyler towered over him. "Heya Tyler!" Sean shouted back. They enveloped each other in a hug before Ethan just stood there, slightly slouched with his hands in his jean pockets. He gave small nods and soft mhm's as Tyler and Sean broke from their hug. Sean turned to the oddly posed Ethan and smiled. "Hi, I'm Sean. Or Jack. Whichever you prefer." Ethan took it and stood up straight again. "Ethan." Mark walked into the room and stopped in the doorway. He held up his hands in defence. "Am I intruding? ARE YOU TAKING MY SENPAI ETHAN!?" he shouted playfully. "Mark, no, not now. Don't let the Septiplier shippers set sail." Sean pleaded.

"SAIL MY MINIONS!" Mark ended the shouting off with a ton of laughs from everyone. "Hey, I made pancakes and they're just sittin' here. Eat my food!"

"I'm not sure I want to..." Tyler said with a monotone voice. Mark's face scrunched up and he held up a finger. "Tyler... Don't you dare bring dicks into this..." They all laughed again and sat down at the table around the pancakes. They talked, laughed, and Mark explained to Sean more about who Ethan was. "With his bright blue hair he must not be hard to miss!" Sean commented. "Says the man with green hair." Tyler retorted with a chuckle. "'Ey! I be a true irishman! I'm only embracin' my inner potato farmer!" Sean replied in a thick irish accent. Everyone laughed and Sean felt so proud of himself. "Enjoy this while you can..." Sean's smile faded. He had completely forgot about Anti! What the hell did he mean? "Jack?" Sean looked up and Mark, Tyler, and Ethan looked very concerned. "You alright?" Tyler asked.

Sean nodded. "Yeah. I just randomly thought of something really awkward and embarrassing I did." he replied quickly. Tyler and Mark looked confused but Ethan just smiled and nodded. "I know the feeling." he said. Sean and Ethan spent the next thirty minutes explaining what it feels like to remember something awkward you've done and the next thirty were spent on each telling stories about awkward moments. Ironically, there was an awkward silence at the end. Finally, Mark clapped his hands. "Okay! Time to record!"


 Sean heard the door of the room open quietly and he opened his eyes, turning his head to see that Mark was creeping in. "Aw dammit! I wanted to scare you awake!" he said laughing. Sean laughed as well as he sat up in the bed. He remembered that he hadn't done anything to get ready for bed yesterday in his desperate attempt to get some sleep, so he had a disgusting taste in his mouth. He smacked his lips. "Okay, I highly regret not brushing my teeth last night..." Mark laughed again. "Go, shoo, get ready. We're gonna film the skit today. I've got everything ready downstairs. I'm gonna make some pancakes. Want any?"

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