Chapter 13: Recovery

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 A few days later, Sean was checked out of the hospital and went back to Mark's place. Mark decided it was a good idea for Signe to stay with them there, and she jumped at the offer, almost too quickly to be honest. Sean was sitting in the guest room, twiddling his thumbs and staring at open air, off in his own world of who-knows-where. Signe had gone off to get food and Mark and Amy were the only other people in the house. Sean jumped when he heard the faint scratching of claws against the door. When he got up and opened the door, Chica was on the other side, sitting down and staring up at him with curiosity in her eyes. He smiled, kneeling down and scratching her behind the ears. He watched happily as her tail wagged back and forth. He stopped suddenly, letting his hand fall down to his lap as he let out a long sigh. Chica tilted her head to the side and stood up, stepping forward so she was close enough to lick Sean in the face. She achieved her goal, which appeared to make Sean smile again. He fell backwards and Chica advanced, continuing to lick his face. His forehead, cheek, nose, her tongue even grazed his ear, and with each drop of dog slobber that stuck to his face, Sean laughed. He spat and stuck out his tongue when Chica's tongue had migrated to his own mouth. He sat up, spitting out air and making disgusted noises. "Ugh! Oh my god Chica!" he shouted, bringing her forward so he could pet her some more.

Sean heard footsteps come up the stairs and stopped when a black-haired Mark appeared in the doorway. "When did you dye your hair back?"

"Earlier today. You didn't hear me leave the house a few hours ago?"

"I've been spacing out all day, so no."

Mark chuckled, beckoning Chica to him. She did so, but not before she got one more lick on Sean's face. He smiled again, giggling. "You seem much happier." Sean gave Mark a look. "You know how much I love dogs dude." Mark opened his mouth to reply, but quickly closed it, shrugging and tipping his head to the side for a small moment as a 'touche' gesture. He turned and left, leaving Sean alone once again in the guest room. His smile faded and he stood up to close the door before he jumped onto the bed and folded his hands behind his head. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, letting all his worries fade away. "Heeeeeyyyy~" Sean groaned. He yanked his hands out from under his head and slammed them into his face to proceed with the longest facepalm imaginable. Not again. Not this bitch again. 'Give me AT LEAST one day to be free from your stupid taunting Anti!' Sean practically screamed the thought and he felt the echo of it rattle throughout his brain, sending ringing through his ears. Anti was silent, and Sean hoped and prayed he had either given up for the day, which was very unlikely, or he just went deaf from the magnitude of the scream. Neither were true. "Hey hey hey, no need to scream like a little girl. Then again, it's pretty accurate, right?"

That comeback wasn't even good. Then again, Anti never was super talented with comebacks. His line of expertise was in the pain department. And boy, was he good at his job. Sean hadn't realized he still had his hands covering his face until he heard the door open and spotted Signe peek into the room. "Oh hey." he said, sitting up and trying his best to ignore Anti's giggles echoing in the background. "Hey. Howya feeling?"

"Definitely better than yesterday, lemme tell you what."

There was a pause.

"I'm waiting." she finally said. The sass sounded forced as she sat down next to him on the bed.

"Yesterday I felt like shit, I still feel like shit. But less like shit. More like crap now."

Signe laughed, and Sean laughed along with her. She hugged him and he let her weight push him down on the bed. "Oh nooooooo! I've fallen!" he quietly yelped. Signe continued to laugh, and it was now that Sean realized how much he missed her laugh, throughout everything he's had to go through for the past few weeks. Wait. Has it only been three weeks? It feels like it's been so much longer than that! But Sean was going to worry about that later. Mark had a tv in the guest room and all Sean and Signe did the rest of the day was watch tv and talk. They would joke about some of the commercials and how the food in Ireland differed from the food in America. They compared Korean commercials as well. This day was going so well for him.

Anti watched in disgust through the screen. "What does he see in her anyway. She's such a bitch." he murmured, positive Sean couldn't hear the remark, especially with all his damned laughing. It was so bright too. But I guess that's what happens when you spend most of your time trapped in a giant black box that has "Anti's Fault" written all over it, metaphorically of course. Tom hopped out of Anti's dark green locks of hair and floated in front of Anti's face, taking his focus off of the agonizingly happy life Sean was experiencing. He scratched Tom under his chin. The little floating eye split somewhat in half, showing his small teeth. His tail curled up in delight, wrapping itself around Anti's wrist. Anti smiled. Tom was the only thing he's ever known to make him truly happy in this life he's lived. He closed his eyes and sighed. Tom let go, moving forward and nibbling Anti's face, licking up some of the black and green blood that dripped from the puncture.

All of a sudden, Tom froze and seemed fixated on something behind Anti. Anti adjusted his vision and turned his head slightly. He saw a dark figure standing behind him, but he couldn't quite figure out who it was. It definitely wasn't Jack. He was still having "fun" with Signe. Was it Mark? No, he couldn't come here without Dark. Dark...

It was definitely Dark. Anti based his assumption off the faint red glow of two dots hanging out where the figures face would be. "Well hello." Anti began, standing up and shooing Tom away so he wouldn't get involved. He turned to face the other demon, finally making eye-contact. They both just stood there in silence, neither wanting to say a thing. Dark seemed, nervous? Anti kept his composure, but on the inside he was screaming, near panicking about what Dark may do. He tried to look as calm as possible. "So. We finally talk, huh." Dark finally said. Anti managed to show a light nod. "I've been wanting to speak with you for quite a while."

"So I've heard."

"Aren't you anxious to know why?"

"I haven't been anxious about anything in a long time. Surprise me."

Anti stepped forward to stand right in front of the slightly taller demon. It was awkward having to look slightly up into Dark's glowing red eyes. "I want..." Anti started, smirking.

"To work with you."

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