Chapter 12: Shouldn't Be Here

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 There was a small pain in the back of Mark's neck and he wanted to smack whatever had bit him, but he was frozen in fear and shock from the man who stood in front of him. His big, sharp-toothed grin was something you would usually see out of a horror game. Except this time, it was real and much scarier than one would originally think. Not only was Anti's grip cutting off some of the air to his lungs and preventing most of his blood to reach his head, he felt more faint than he thought he should. What happened if you died in here? Would you just wake up? Or would you die? "Fuck! Let go of him!" Dark punched Anti in the face, causing him to fall backwards and release his grip on Mark. Dark reached to the back of Mark's neck and pulled out a small eye, kinda like Sam. But he was a replica of Anti's left eye, black with a green iris except his pupil wasn't slitted. It split in half to reveal a mouth with small vampiric teeth jutting out from each edge. It managed to slip out of Dark's grasp and fly over to Anti, wrapping the optic nerve that served as a tail around his neck. The irish demon didn't bother to get up, but a while hole appeared behind Mark and Dark, and it surprised them when Anti flew into Mark, taking them both through the hole. Dark followed.

It didn't take long for Mark to realize that they were back in his own head, except there were three too many things in there. Anti, Sam, and the Sam clone. Wilfred and Tim stared over in shock as Mark was pinned to the ground by Anti and Dark was struggling to pull him off. Anti lifted Mark's head only to slam it back onto the ground, causing Sam to bounce out of his floofy red hair. Finally, Mark managed to gain control of his legs and slam his knee into Anti's stomach. A sharp exhale and a large oof was enough of a sign to Dark that he could yank Anti away from Mark. Anti was thrown through the hole again, and it closed right after. Mark let in large gasps of air, swallowing in a vain attempt to calm himself down.

Mark suddenly realized, spinning around, spotting the small green eye, unconscious on the floor. He crawled over like a child and picked up Sam, trying his best to stay calm. Tim hopped over to him, probably to examine the small septiceye. "What's that?" he asked in a soft yet high-pitched voice. Mark opened his mouth to reply, but Sam shot out of his hand and floated ten feet in the air. He looked around frantically, spinning in circles, before going back to Mark and hiding in his hair again. Mark could feel the shivers coming from his red locks. He lifted his hand, telling Sam to hop into his hand, which he did, however reluctantly. "Sam." he said calmly. The small green eye focused on him, trying his best to ignore the other eyes that were on the shaking septiceye. "Calm down buddy. I need you to stay in here, where it's safe, so I can go help Jack. You're gonna be fine, Jack's gonna be fine. Tim will look after you and everything's gonna be alright." The small eye nodded and waited as Mark set him down gently on top of Tim. "Just keep him calm and keep him company. I've gotta go." And with that, Mark woke up in his bed.

Sean screamed. He screamed, and screamed, and screamed, and no matter how much he did so, the pain would not go away. He had stopped paying attention to what was going on around him. All he heard was shouting, the sounds of cracking bones as fists met their targets. Even in his head, Sean's vision began to blur. What did that mean? Would he die? He was dying already, and who knew how long he had been sitting there, wasting his life away just sitting there and not even trying to make a break for the only white area in his entire thoughtbox. Then, everything was silent, apart from his own screams. But it was now where sense kicked in and he finally made his way towards the white circle that got increasingly smaller as time went on. Yet, even when he made it to his destination, the pain would not cease to exist.

Pain was the only thing he could pay attention to. His sight, hearing, all of his senses except touch shut down. The only thing he could feel, was pain. He had no idea that other human beings were touching him, picking him up. He had no idea his eyes were open the whole time, that he looked as pale as the white walls, that he was barely sweating at all in the hot-as-hell house that Mark lived in.

And, before he knew it, Sean was awake in a hospital bed, an IV attached to his arm, nobody in the room. He tried to move, but his muscles just stiffened and refused to do anything. He squeezed his eyes shut, shocked that half of his vision had returned when, to him, minutes before it seemed it would never come back. Within seconds, he fell back asleep, awaking later to more darkness. He knew his eyes were closed, but he couldn't prevent the oncoming panic. Before he unwillingly did anything he might regret, he used most of his energy to merely open his eyes, and he spotted Mark sitting by the bed, staring at the ground. He turned his head towards the red-haired man to get a better look at his reaction. "Hey." he rasped. He was so damn thirsty. Mark's head shot up immediately and a smile spread across his face. "Oh my god Sean!" Mark stood up and hugged him. "I'd hug you back if I could move my arms. And did you just call me Sean? That's weird." Mark laughed. "Goddamnit dude you're in the hospital after almost dying of dehydration, seizures and all that shit, and you're wondering how weird it is that I called you 'Sean'."

Sean laughed, coughing immediately after. "Please don't make me laugh, it hurts." he begged. Mark chuckled. Behind the curtain the blocked view from the hospital bed to the door, the door creaked open and there was soft, feminine giggling. "Amy! Signe! He's awake!" Mark shouted, probably too loudly. Sean would have rubbed his ear if it wasn't too painful to actually move. The giggling quickly ceased, and the soft tapping of shoes connecting with the floor became in-sinc with the figure of a slender, long dirty-blonde-haired girl who looked like was on the brink of tears. "Hey." Sean said with a smile. Signe covered her mouth with her hands and ran over to the side of the bed opposite Mark. She hugged him and Sean, though painfully, moved his right arm to hug her back as best he could. "Hey, help me sit up please." Signe quickly did so before continuing to hug him, letting sobs escape her lips. "What the hell were you doing!?" she shouted through her crying. Sean narrowed his eyes. "What?"

"Why did you dehydrate yourself?" Sean turned to Mark, who nodded. He had told her. Sean didn't know how much, but he knew Mark told his girlfriend that he had locked himself in the guest room for days, refusing to drink water. He didn't want her to know. And, frankly, Sean didn't want to be here at all. After all, if Sean was gone, Anti would be too.  

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