Chapter 3: Plane Ride

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 The flight from Ireland to LA was... peaceful to say the least, apart from the baby that cried every now and again. But Sean ignored it easily, putting in some headphones and listening to a random assortment of music during the 11 hour flight. He mostly stared out the window, focusing on the clouds that passed by the plane. Around an hour after the plane took off, Sean was already feeling tired, but not tired enough to fall asleep right then and there. He could easily stay up for another three hours with no problems at all, not that he didn't know it wasn't a good idea. Sean was pulled out of his thoughts, and his music for that matter, when someone tapped him on the shoulder. Sean had the row all to himself, so the person didn't have to reach over anyone to get his attention. "Yes, can I help you?" Sean asked, pulling out one of the headphones. "Uh, yeah, aren't you Jacksepticeye from YouTube?" they asked.

The person was a young man, probably in his twenties, with longish blonde hair. Freckles covered his face and he had one or two teeth that seemed out of place. Sean originally thought they would affect his speech, but he sounded perfectly fine going off of what little he had said already. He wore light blue skinny jeans, a white shirt with a green vest that had strings hanging out randomly, and blue converse. He had piercing blue eyes, kind of like Sean's but a bit brighter and more pale. "Yes, why?" Sean replied, wondering how someone had recognized him. He hadn't spoken to a fan in months, what made now any different? "Oh thank god I'm not crazy." He suddenly stood straight up and looked to the back of the plane from where they were in the front and shouted, "Hey Chelsea! You owe me twenty bucks!" There was a soft "dammit" from the back of the plane that made Sean chuckle. "You made a bet?" he asked, snorting. "Yeah, I bet her that it was you and she bet that it wasn't you and I was going completely bonkers." the man replied with a slight laugh. "I'm Coby by the way." he said, holding out his hand. Sean took it and smiled. He hoped Coby would stay. Sean wanted some social interaction with a fan since he hadn't met one in so long. As if his mind had been read, Coby sat down in one of the chairs next to him.

"So, I've, uh, been wondering, where've you been? Like, what've you been doing?" Sean noticed a slight stutter in his speech that he didn't have before. It was small, but noticeable. Coby didn't seem at all nervous though, so he wondered what was up with the stutter. Sean decided not to mention it and answer the question. "It's a bit of a personal matter that I'd rather not talk about, but I can tell you that I'm gonna start back up real soon." Coby's face brightened up immediately, turning around and shouting to Chelsea again. "Now you owe me forty!" "Ah fu-u-u-uuuudge." Sean could very clearly hear the hesitation in her voice. He turned around to spot a young asian woman leaning out into the hallway. She had black hair that hung down to her waist and she wore black leggings with a ty-dye t-shirt. She had a black baseball hat on backwards, so Sean obviously couldn't read what was on the front. She was making deep eye-contact with another woman. The woman with the baby. Chelsea seemed nervous and gave an awkward chuckle as the woman gave her what seemed to Sean to be a glare. It clicked in his brain of what Chelsea was originally going to say and he smiled, covering his mouth and letting out muffled laughs. She seemed to make eye-contact with him and turned away, blushing.

Coby turned back with the biggest smile on his face. Sean turned to him too, giving him a questioning look. "She bet another twenty dollars on the assumption that you wouldn't upload again in a long time. I said soon."

"If I find out you're lying about this, I'll tear you to shreds." she called from the back. Sean thought other people would be disturbed by this, but when he looked around they all seemed to have headphones in or be too caught up with what they were doing to even notice what was happening. Even the woman with the baby didn't care.

Sean and Coby talked about a bunch of random stuff for around two hours when finally, Sean yawned with Coby following suit. "Oh, I guess we're both pretty tired." Sean commented, receiving a slight chuckle from his fan. "Yeah. We should probably get some sleep before we get to LA. And I've got a flight immediately after that to Washington State. Ugh, so much flying!" Coby groaned, throwing his head back and closing his eyes, leaving his mouth open for dramatic effect. Sean laughed, yawning again and beginning to shoo him away. "Go back to your buddies and let me sleep dingus." he said, waving his hands out in front of him in a way that said 'Go on, get out. Shoo.' Coby laughed, getting up. He threw finger guns at Sean. "I gotchu bro." Coby waved and Sean waved back.

After he had gone to sit down with his friends in the back, Sean laid his head back in the chair and he sighed, smiling. 'I really needed that...' he thought, closing his eyes and falling asleep within what seemed like mere seconds.


Sean woke up in the big white room he knew as his brain and groaned when he saw Anti with his back turned. He was coughing and Sean could visibly see the usual black substance pour out of his mouth and onto the ground with Tom circling above him like a vulture. It took Sean a moment to realize that Sam was still on his head. He reached his hand up to his head, inviting the little green eye to hop onto it, but Sam didn't move. Sean assumed that he was just asleep, basing it mainly on the soft, high-pitched snores that seemed to emanate from his hair. It took Sean a moment to realize Anti's coughing had stopped and he had turned around to face Sean, who crossed his arms. "I was wondering why you didn't interrupt my conversation with Coby. You were doing this bullshit again." he said, frowning. "Like I said, I can't control it." he replied. Sean noticed a slight hesitation to his speech, but he pushed it to the back of his mind, filing it under "Unimportant" in his memory filing cabinet.

Anti began to hover, curling up and grabbing the toes of his shoes and floating around aimlessly, Tom hanging onto his ear and being flung around like half a nunchuck. "What the fuck do you do in here when you're not talking or coughing up literal shit." Sean asked. Surprisingly, Anti chuckled. "Okay, first of all, it's not literal shit. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but what I can tell you is it's not fun when it's going through me gullyhole. And second of all, I basically just sit around and wait for something to happen. Demons can get bored too you know." Then there was a pain in Sean's back when Anti teleported behind him and stabbed him straight through his stomach once again. Sean would have flinched, but he was so used to it now he barely reacted at all. "That was a lot quicker than usual." Sean commented, feeling a familiar liquid escape his mouth. Anti only shrugged. "Hey, don't wanna miss out on Markimoo now do ya. The plane landed, so get your ass out of the damn plane."

Sean woke up to someone shaking his shoulder. He turned and saw Coby staring at him. "Dude, you slept like a rock. The baby practically screamed and everyone was super mad, but you didn't even move. It's was pretty freaky actually." Sean chuckled, getting up when he realized Coby was allowing him to go in front of him. Once they were out of the plane, they said their goodbyes since they were going opposite directions. "See ya later Jack!" Coby called, waving. Sean waved back, getting a wave from Chelsea as well. About ten minutes passed before Sean finally found Mark. "Anything special happen on the plane?" he asked after Sean had gotten his bag and they were making their way to the parking lot where Mark's car was. "Nah." Sean replied.  

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