Chapter 8

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*Niall's POV*

Today was so much fun! I got to see a movie, while I'm snuggled up to uncle Haz and with Mike close to me. I even got a hot chocolate, I think Louis makes the best hot coco ever, but I cannot tell my uncle Haz that.

I'm now in this huge bed, it's not as soft and warm as my bed at home, but I'm happy with it. Uncle Haz even read a bed time story about dragons and wizards and princes.  I don't really know what is happening to him, but I like it. He also asked me about Mike right before he left. What he looked like, what colour eyes he has and the colour of his hair... Mike was very happy about that, he smiled and laughed. Maybe we can actually be friends, all three of us.

"Hey Ni, shouldn't you try to sleep? It's later than usual, you must be tired."
"Yeah, I am, but I'm thinking of uncle Haz."
"Why? Did he do something wrong?"
"No, no, Mike, not at all... He is just different now... I get a snack, I can stay up late, he asks questions about you?"
"Maybe it is a one time thing?"
"It's a possibility, but... He really never ever did that. No matter how hard I begged and now I can. Did you know I can use the word bestest now?"
"Wow, someone really hit him on the head with a hammer", Mike smirks.
"Mike, did you do something? Do you have anything to do with it?"
"Well, I may or may not have played with the radio and then I giggled when your uncle Haz freaked out which he may have heard..."
"You didn't", my eyes go big and I start laughing really hard, " This is the best news Mike! Really. Don't stop doing that okay? I want us to be a real family. You, me and uncle Harry."
"I will continue doing those things if you go to bed right now", he kissed the top of my head and put himself against the wall. For some reason he never slept next to me, something about him being too old, so instead of hugging him closer to me, I focus on his breath, calming down my mind and giving me the feeling of safety.

The next morning a very excited uncle Haz, which is seriously strange, walks into my room.

"Ni, wake up bud, come on! MOVIETIME!"
"Uncle Haz, what is going on?"
"We are going to see Frozen, the film you wanted to see right? Everyone is coming along, so if you want to...", uncle Haz looked around the room and whispered, "You can take Mike with you as well okay", he then smiled, while leaving the room.

To say that I am gobsmacked was an understatement... Who is that and what did he do with my uncle... Mike was still sleeping against the wall, he looks so young and peaceful and it isn't the first time this odd idea pops into my mind... What if he and uncle Haz... I mean... They'd be good together, they would be balanced, like ping and pong... Wait, no... What's that called... Whatever, as long as I get it.

Suddenly I get the best idea and jump out of bed! If I want to get it done, I better go for it now uncle Haz is still in a good mood. I storm out of my room, the door smacking against the wall and run off the stairs with a lot of noise...

"Uncle Haz, Uncle Haz, Uncle Haz, Uncle Haz!!!"
"Wow, you are very awake Ni, what's going on?"
"Can I go to the film in my onesie? Please, please, please. It's just so cosy and warm."
"Sure, just this once okay Ni", I smile and attack him in a hug.

Walking back to the seat I was in last night, I see Michael sitting there already. I can't do anything else but  laugh at his appearance. His hair is still blonde, but is now covered up with a pikatchu hat, his clothes are all black and he is holding a nerf gun. Why is he even holding that?

"Hey Mike, I thought you were going to dye your hair, but it's still blonde..."
"Hold up! I dyed it mister... You just don't watch properly."
"First off, when did you dye your hair, you are always here. Second, how can I see when you are wearing a cap and a hat?"
"I left the house for a while when everyone was asleep... No matter how much I like you Niall, I'm not going to sleep an entire night on the floor... So since all seats were taken, I went home, dyed my hair, slept for a few hours, came here and crashed against the wall."
"Okay then, but your hair?", curiosity clear in my voice. 

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