Chapter 11

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*Niall's POV*

Waking up, I realize that I am not in my bed, cause my pillow isn't this warm and fuzzy. Nor is my bed sheet purple. It isn't a large bed either. Yet here I am, drowning in a massive amount of bed sheet with no end of this bed in sight. This is so spacious, but I still feel claustrophobic. I need to get out!  

"Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike... Please Mike! Where are you? I need you! Mike! I. Can't. Breath. Mike!", due to the lack of breath I start panicking. That's never a good sign. I need help.

"Shhtt! It's okay Niall, I'm here. Don't worry, I'm here."

"Where were you Mike, why would you leave me? Where did you even come from? You weren't here."

"I'm here now, that is all that matters. You are safe. Calm down Ni, for me?"

"But... How? Did you open the door? I didn't hear it?"

"You needed me and I'm here. Just like I promised."

Mike opens his arms and I crawl in them. For some reason his smell and warmth make me relax again. My panic attack slowly goes away and my breathing returns.



"Where am I?"

"At Matt and Ashtyn's."

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"What!? No! Why would you think that?"

"Why would uncle Harry send me away if I wasn't a bad boy?", I pout.

"Your uncle Harry is just a bit tired and doesn't feel so well. He needs some rest and because he doesn't want you to be bored until he is healthy again, he brought you here. That way you can have fun with Matt and Ashtyn. You like them, don't you?"

"I do. They are funny. I just miss my uncle Harry."

"I know Ni."

"When will he be better Mike?"

"I don't know."

We stay silent for a while and I really wish Mike has more answers. Even though, Michael says that none of this is my fault, I know that it is.


"It really isn't your fault Ni."

"How did you know I was going to ask that? Can you read minds?"

"No, I can't", Mike chuckles, "But I know when something is bothering you."

"How do you know though?"

"Cause I'm pretty sure that it is my fault. You always feel like a screw up, but I'm the king of messing up. I'm pretty sure I ruined everything?"

"What did you do? It can't be that bad?"

"I nearly kissed Harry again, but then I disappeared and just left him."


"I'm so sorry Ni. If you want me to leave and never come back, I would understand. I'm not a good friend."

"What? Of course you are. You are just confused. I read about it in this book. Being Confused For Dummies. And then it says what you have to do to not be confused again."

"You are making this up right?"

"Noooooooooooooooooppppppppppeeeeeeeeeee! It said something about Yogi, but I always thought he was a bear, so that's stupid. It also said something about watching cry films cause it will get all the negative energy out of you."

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