Past Catches Up

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Hey guys thanks for reading!!! Go check out forever and a day by avery_matheson its AMAZING!

      When I walk out of the dorm room I do not know where to go, so I follow the smell of bacon wafting from somewhere downstairs. I head towards the elevator and when I get there I see a sign that says "ELEVATOR OUT OF SERVICE USE STAIRS SORRY" ugh! i sigh, at least they said sorry. They are as nice as Canadians! I walk over to the stairs and I feel a familiar hand on my butt. When I turn around it is that sleeze bag Tanner with a grin from ear to ear. I just walk away, but he grabs my arm and yanks me back. Jerk. When I turn around he's licking his lips. Gross I think to myself, he's like a nasty THIRSTY hoe bag, but guy version. If he was a cookie he would be a Whoreo. I laugh turn around and head to the stairs and I hear him following me down to the door. When I get about a floor down he is still right behind me, out of breath. Haha "fatty" I whisper under my breath. I turn around so fast I am dizzy. "What the hell do you want?!" I say to him. He was getting very annoying. Then I realize he hasnt said a word since he grabbed my butt. "Are you going to speak or are you going to sit there like a horny mime?"

      He just laughs and grabs my hips. I swiftly and surely kick him in the nuts so hard that he falls to the ground and starts to cry. I run away as fast as I can but he grabs my heel. "Not today bitch, Little country boyfriend isnt here to save you now is he?" Tanner says. His voice is scratchy and dry kind of like he is losing it. I assume from last night, I dont care though I have to get out. Suddenly I feel something over me when I open my eyes it is my man. Gosh it sounds good to say that. He picks up Tanner like he weighs nothing, considering hes fat it is really an accomplishment.

      He lays him on his back and says "Get ready you son on a bitch, you touched my girl too many times." He puts his right knee on his chest. He pulled back his hand and made a fist I shut my eyes, to scared to watch, then I hear a 'crrrruunnnccchh' and I start to squirm. I crack open one eye and all I see is red, red blood. All over Reed and Tanner, but Tanner is on the floor, broken nose bleeding profusely. Tanner starts to pull himself up, and says "That all you got cowboy?" He really shouldnt have said that.

      Reed gets back on his chest an laughs, "This should be fun beatin your butt" and with that he pulls his fist back. He starts punchin him everytime he made contact he said a word "You-will-not-thouch-Gracie-she-is-MY-girl-you-slime-piece-of-white-trash!" On the word "trash" I think that blow finally knocked Tanner out. 

      Reed makes his way over I cannot see anymore I covered my eyes again but i can hear and feel his warmth by me, "Baby, I am sorry you had to see that lets get you back upstairs. I was literally shaking. I couldn't tell where we were going or what was happening, so I cuddled into Reeds chest and cried, not because of Tanner but because of Ethan, my past, and how much I missed Brooke. She died trying to stop him and now its happening again with Tanner! What will happen next? Will I lose another best friend over a boy who likes me a little too much. This is why I am scared to love again! Reed lays me on my bed covers me and I curl into a ball and feel him curl up right behind me the last thing I remember before I fell asleep was Reed whispering "I have you baby, no one will hurt you ever. I will take care of you forever and ever I love you babe". Then he kissed my forehead and I fell asleep


      I am back at the church. The church my friend Brooke used to drag me to twice a week in an attempt to get me to not be like my mother, like I ever would be like that horrible woman! I walk around no matter how long I will be gone I will ALWAYS remember this place, where I met the guy I thought I loved and the same place he killed my only friend right over me. I look around and I see Ethan, 15 year old Ethan not the Ethan now 16 and in prision for 24 more years but the Ethan I though I loved.

       He is walking up to me with a big smile on his face but he walks right through me to,,,me? It is 14 year old me with my friend Brooke and my current boyfriend some random guy I dont even remember his name, I dont even think I ever kissed him. Ethan comes up and grabs my face and crashes his mouth into mine. Brooke backs up and full on tackles him then as she puts it "brings her ghetto girl out!" Brooke may have been from the upper class of Michigan, but she sure as hell can fight. She gets up from tackling him and says "Never touch Gracie again! You are a creep, and are obsessed!" My boyfriend, Brooke and I walk away and Ethan stands up.

        I know where this is going and I start to cry I dont want to watch this! I try to wake myself up but I cant!

      Ethan runs after us and we dont realize! He grabs Brooke from behind and puts her in a chokehold and puts his gun to her head. I scream "Let her go you rat bastard! Just because you cant have me doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!" Ethan laughs and it scares me. "Gracie, you will be mine, ONLY mine and I will have you, I love you too much to let you go you will be mine!" I realize the only way to get Brooke back and to  save her was to lie. "Ok, baby I will be with you, ju-jus-just let Brooke go." He let Brooke out of the chokehold and she drops to the ground Ethan walks over to me, but I brush past him and walk to check on Brooke.

       When I get there shes barely breathing I start to cry, the me I am watching, and the real me. I jump up and run over to Ethan he opens his arms like hes about to hug me, but instead I punch him in the face. My bofriend of the time runs out of the church, pansy, and Brooke comes up behind Ethan, and jumps on his back pulling his head back, giving me enough time to shove the butt of my hand up his nose and breaking it.

      I shouldnt have done that. Ethan flips Brooke over his body slamming her to the ground. He is infuriated! "YOU WILL BE MINE GRACIE LYNN!" He screams and as Brooke and I try to run away he grabs Brooke's ankle to hold her back. Before I could do anything his gun goes off and fires into Brooke. I was like it was in slow motion. I hear the loud pop of the gun and the sound of Brookes body hitting the floor. "NOOOOOOOO!" I scream. I lunge at Ethan and land one of my knees in his balls. I only get one punch in before someone pulls me off of him.

      I turn around and its a police officer. I start to cry into his shoulder and he shakes me. "Gracie wake up" he says but its not his voice it is Reeds.

~end dream~

     I open my eyes to find a scared Reed. "Baby its okay you had a bad dream are you ok?" I start to bawl into his chest. He doesn't ask anything or say anything he just holds me. Exactly what I needed. I should have known my past would catch up to me. I just wish Reed didnt have to see this, the boy I think I love seeing me, raw , my past is finally coming out.

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