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* I'm sorry guys but this is the end. Thanks again for reading. Love Y'all*

A little four year old boy waddles down the rose covered aisle, carrying a pillow with two gorgeous rings tied to a silk ribbon.

"Walk fastew, Jax!" you hear little Tatum yell at her twin brother, pushing him while throwing rose peddles everywhere.

Aspen and Tyler laughed as they saw their children running around like it was just another day.

The kids finally settle down and we began the ceremony.

I start to zone out, looking across from me is the most handsome man I've ever seen. Reed standing in a dark grey suit with a light ocean blue tie that matched my strapless floor length gown that Aspen and I spent hours choosing.

"Do you, Tyler Wayne Wells take Aspen Renee Thompson to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness..." As the preacher was reading I saw Reed stare into my eyes and wink. My cheeks turn crimson red as the preacher declares "I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Wells."

Everyone cheered as Tyler swooped up Aspen running down the aisle yelling "FINALLY!"

As we had rehearsed Reed walked up to me and smoothly slid his arm through mine and walked me down the aisle.

"See sooner or later you'll be in a white dress, walking the opposite way with your Uncle Ken walking towards me." Reed whispered in my ear. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"I don't know baby, that's up to you." I said winking at him. He just chuckled and kept walking.

We all headed to the reception outside. The girls all went to change into knee length deep purple dresses and cowgirl boots, while the boys changed into pearl snap shirts, pressed jeans, boots topped off with their hats.

They had a huge deck set up with beautiful lights that seemed to have been strung amongst the stars. We were dancing the night away, I couldn't imagine that I was to graduate college tomorrow night, and that Reed will finish his residency in a year!

The wedding finishes and Reed and I load up little Jax and Tatum into our car to take them back to our apartment so mommy and daddy can have their first night as a married couple in solitude.

*The Next night*

This is the first time I will ever walk across a stage and get my diploma. In high school I just got my GED which they shipped to me.

I look at my phone and see I have a picture from Reed. It's a selfie, with everyone who was there for me in the back. I laughed and the girl next to me leaned over, "who's that?!" She said eyeing Reed.

"He's my boyfriend, of 4 and 1/2 years." I said flatly. She looked at me in understanding and asked who else was there.

Pointing at each person while saying there name I went through it. "Reed, Aspen & Tyler their kids Jax and Tatum, my little sister Rebekah, my dad, Stacy... Wait my dad?!" I said zooming in on the picture, when everyone in my row stood up.

I slid my phone back into my robe and walked up to get my diploma.

"Gracie Lynn Thompson" The dean of the school shook my hand and whispered "good luck!" under his breath to me with a warm smile.

I said thank you, took my diploma, and got off the stage before I could trip in my 4 inch heels. I sat down and zoned out for the rest of the graduations wondering. Why was my dad here? Does he not understand that I hate him? So I texted Reed.

'Why on God's green earth is my father here?!'

'I invited him...duh!'


'You'll see'

Seeing this surprised me. I'll see? I'll see what? I absolutely hate not knowing everything and I will find out why my father is here.

"I give you the University of Alabama graduating class of 2014!" we all take off our tassels and throw our hats up in joy. I made it I think.

We go outside into the scorching heat to take pictures, but my dad is no where to be found, neither is Reed. I walk up to Aspen to ask where he is, and she says he's inside buying a video of the graduation. I see my dad and he says he motions me to follow him, and walks the opposite direction.

When I turn around I almost trip over Reed, on one knee, with a gorgeous ring in a little black box.

"Gracie, you are my everything my moon and my stars you're the reason I wake up every morning and the reason I never want to sleep because I can't bare to have even a few hours away from you. I love you. Will you marry me?"


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