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Sorry for the wait guys and cheer is almost over and a lot of things for me are ending soon so that means I will have a lot more time to write! I know thats not an excuse and I'm sorry!! HAPPY NOW TYLER WAYNE?!?!?!? sorry everone who is not Ty ignore that.

       Rebekah's POV 

       It's Gracie's birthday. The first one I've missed. EVER. I love Gracie even when it's her birthday she takes care of me. This year she's gone. My mom is off AGAIN, probably with some random guy or doing drugs. While I am stuck here with my 92 year old great-grandma ,GiGi, that can't hear worth a crap and doesn't like children, aka me.

       It's nine p.m. on Gracie's birthday, I grab the little prepaid cell phone she bought me before she left and dialed the only number I knew by heart, Gracie's. It rang, and rang, and rang, til I was about to end the call when a peppy girl picked up. "Hey, this is Katty...I don't know whose phone this is! It was sitting on the table and  like it like started to ring so I answered it. Do you know who it is?"

      I was shocked that it wasn't Gracie. This Katty (said like Katie) sounded like a total valley girl and she was super annoying. "Yeah it's Gracie's phone. Do you know her?" I could feel something scratch aginst the phone and then a nasily laugh.

      "Oh. My. God. I am SOOOOOO dumb I just like shook my head like you could like me me hahaha silly me! Yeah I know Gracie its that cute little girl and it's like her birthday like today I think!"

     "Yes, it is her birthday. Where is she? May I talk to her?" I say clearly annoyed with her. Her voice makes me flinch.

      "Yeah! Hold up little giiirrrlll I'll go like find her!" I sit there and roll my eyes. I am probably more intellegent than her. She sounds like one of those girls that makes it through school just by her looks. I hear my sisters name being screetched across the house or where ever they are. 

       "It's some little girl" I hear in Katty's voice say to I am guessing, and praying, is Gracie.

      "Hello? Is this Rebekah?!?!?!" I hear Gracie say. Tears of joy start to well up in my eyes. I wipe them away, siffle and reply.

       "Hey, Happy Birthday LynnLynn." I squeeze out, using the nickname I always used for Gracie when I was little because my dad used to call her Lynn before he dove off the deep end. Ever since he left she has gone by Gracie. My dad leaving my mother was the worst thing that has ever happened to us or her. After he left her for his secretary, Roberta the witch, mom started drinking. Then got into drugs, and it all went downhill from there. 

          Gracie has hated my dad ever since. Once when I was about seven, I was home alone and Gracie was going to get some groceries he called. He said he wanted to see us and to be part of our lives again. He also mentioned that him and that awful woman got married and have a child on the way. I told him to never call back and I never told Gracie. 

           "Hellllll-ooooo? Rebekah? Did you zone out again? You know you tend to do that!" I listen and giggle. She is right, I just don't want to admit it. 

          "Hey, sorry I miss you! When are you coming home? How isit there? Is it cool? Have you gone to parties? Are there any cute guys? Are you having fun?" I say super fast I want to know EVERYTHING because I want her home. GiGi is great and all but since I was 5 Gracie has raised me.

          "Chill Beka. I am having fun, I told you I will be home on May 27th and it is amazing here and fun. I have gone to a couple parties and they were fun, but I found a guy and I really like him. his name is Reed. Before you ask, Yes he his cute." She says between laughs.

        "REALLY? What is he like? Tell me EVERYTHING Gracie!" I yell into the phone.

        "Dear Lord Beka! Way to break my eardrum. ok. He is really tall like 6'4 or so and, He has deep green emerald eyes that shine everywhere he goes, especially when he smiles. Ohhh his smile, It's perfect, big and wide, with adorable dimples, but the kicker is his personality. He is super sweet and a true gentleman he opens doors and pushes in my chair. He says yes ma'am and sir and has a southern accent and I really think I am falling for him."  She said, sounding like a pre-teen girl, and then the line dropped. I called her back but she did not answer, and my stomach dropped.

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