Chapter 1

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Today was my first day of school. I walked into the doors and looked around for locker number eighty-six. When I found it, I put in the combination and opened it. I neatly placed all of my thing inside, but kept the things I would need for my classes out.

My arms were full, so I shut my locker with my foot. I was very small, just barely over five feet. It was funny, because my parents were much taller. My mom and my dad are much taller. I've been this tall for three years, I don't think I'm going to get much taller.

I awkwardly stood by my locker and waited for the bell to ring, signaling homeroom. I didn't have any friends, so I never had anything to do on the weekends, which gives me time to study and do homework. That's probably why I'm a straight A student. I sighed.

The bell rang and I went to homeroom. I had trouble finding a seat. When I found a seat beside someone that was empty, they just glared at me and said, "This seat is taken."

I ended up sitting alone in the back of the classroom. It was like this all day long. When lunchtime arrived, things weren't much better.

I looked around for an empty table. The whole high school was in this room having lunch, so it wasn't easy. I spotted a table that only had one person sitting at it. I walked over there

"Is it okay if I sit here?" I asked the dark-haired girl. I'm pretty sure this girl is a junior, so she might think a freshman who has no friends and can't find a table on the first day of school is pretty lame.

"Sure. No one else is going to sit here, so you can go right ahead," She said. She gave a kind smile. She seemed nice, so I relaxed a little bit.

We ate our lunches without really even saying anything. A few times I caught her staring at me like there was something wrong, but I just ignored it. I was used to the weird looks.

"So, what's your name?" The black haired girl asked me.

"Lily. What's yours?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Bandit. It's a weird name, I know. Hey, you look a lot like another friend of mine. I think you guys might be doppelgängers," She said.

I smiled. "Well I have heard that there are seven other people on the planet that look like you," I said.

"Yeah, I've heard that, too," Bandit said. "You're a freshman, right?"

I nodded. "I'm guessing you are either a junior or senior?"

"Junior," She said. "It's funny because my friend that looks like you is a freshman, too. She just doesn't go to this school," Bandit mentioned.

"Oh. It would be cool to meet her," I said. "What's her name?"

"Cherry," She said.

Right after she responded, the bell rang so we threw away our trash and I hurried off to my next class.

Because it was the first day, we didn't really do much except talk about the rules and what we would be learning about during the year. In a couple of classes, we did the thing where you would go around the room and give one interesting fact about yourself.

I always hated that because I got really anxious. People judge me and I hate it. I don't like sharing my personal likings with the class. It makes me self conscious.

I tried my best not to fall asleep during the next few periods. It was hard when the teachers talked about the same thing in every class. But, I needed to make a good first impression because falling asleep during my first day in high school wouldn't look too good.

Finally, the bell rang in last period, signaling everyone to leave. I got up with the rest of the class and made my way to my locker. It was hard, considering everyone acted like I wasn't there so I would basically get stomped on.

I gathered my thing and threw my backpack on. I slammed my locker shut and made my way out the door. The fresh air felt nice.

I walked down the steps of the school and onto the sidewalk. My home was only a few streets away, so I just walk home. It's easier than taking the bus because the bus takes forever. I always beat the bus when I walk home. Fifteen minutes after I get home, I'll look out the window and see it pass.

I couldn't wait to get home so I could tell my parents about my day. Well, not the whole day. Just the part about Bandit. She acted like she liked me, she was very friendly and nice to me. Is it possible I actually made a friend?

I smiled at the thought of having a friend. I've never had a friend, but maybe she isn't trying to be my friend. Maybe she just feels sorry for me and is being nice? Nah, I can tell when people do that. It's obvious. I've never had anyone act friendly and actually mean it before, so this felt great.

I reached my house and I climbed the front porch steps. I opened the door, and made my way inside. My mother greeted me and asked me how school went.

"It was good, it really was. I think I actually made a friend," I said.

"Oh yeah? Who is she?" My Mom asked.

"Her name is Bandit. She's a junior, she let me sit with her at lunch and we just kind of bonded," I said.

"Bandit? Do you know her last name?" My Mom asked. She tried to sound cheerful, but she sounded a bit concerned.

"No, I didn't get her last name. Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just happy you made a friend!" She said.

I frowned, a little confused. I just decided to ignore it, though.

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